Bible Lesson 25~27 Flashcards
What are the 4 truths of the gospel
+ everyone is a sinner
+ sin has a penalty
+ christ died for our sin
+ we must trust christ for salvation
how was christs death Substitutionary
> It fulfilled God’s purpose
It was planned
It was prophesied
Restoration to friendship and/or harmony
“Christ’s death was an accident”
Shiw them the connections and prophecies about his death. Also if christs death was an accident christ wouldn’t of known if he would raised from death so he would of stopped it somehow and if God didn’t plan it he wouldn’t of let his one and only son get tortured
Isaiah 53 5
Why is it important to follow up with a new christian
They are like a newborn baby so you have you teach them how to walk also if you just ignore them after that wouldn’t reflect on Christianity well
5 things to tell a new christian
- focus on Jesus Christian every day
- read God’s word everyday
- pray everyday
*tell others about salvation - join and participate in a local church
What are the 3 goals of discipleship
- To aid spiritual growth
- to make more Disciples
- to train believers for ministry
” Jesus didn’t die he just was unconsious”
There are non-christian records that show that Jesus died
If Jesus didn’t die then the Bible is a lie and someone had a lot of free time and decided to make a bunch of random things that somehow connect and he somehow guessed the future.
If Jesus was just unconscious he would’ve screamed and would’ve died after that
John 19:3235
” why would I want to get saved Christians are a bunch of hypocrites”
Sanctification is a work in progress and Christians aren’t perfect and if they are hypocrites then u do better. In Roman’s 14:12 it tells us to focus on ourselves so focus on your faith and how you are doing instead of everyone else cause they are not the religio. You are trying to follow
It was prophesied that they would be like that in Mark 7 6 to 9
“I’m young and want to enjoy life I will get saved when I’m older”
Earthly pleasures are worthless Eccles 2:1-11
God gives true joy and satisfaction Matt 11:28-30
You never know when Jesus will come back to judge us
“My friends would make fun of me and I don’t want to be different and mocked”
God will give you good friends
1 cor 12:26-27
Jesus christ was also mocked
Stay strong
John 16:33
The spirit of glory and of God sets upon you during persucation
1 peter 4:14 and 16
I have sinned too much
God shows love to sinners
Rom 5:8
God never rejects those who come to him John 6:37
God saved the worst of sinners
1 Tim 1:12-17
“I’m afraid I will mess up”
We can’t clean up our own lives
New birth isn’t just about behavior John Matt 15:18-19 God helps us
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
“If God loves us why would he send us to hell
God is just ps. 37:28
God lovingly offers to save us from hell
Deut 4:29 prov 8:17
Jer 29:13 acts 17: 26-28
He was just unconscious
The Disciples stole his body and. Kaimed he was alive
His teachings just lived on not him
Jesus only rose in spirit
God will give you good friends
1 Corinthians 12 26-27
New birth isn’t just about behaviour
Matt 15 1819
God will help you
2 cor 1 9 10
Focus on yourselves
Roman’s 14 12