Bible Knowledge Set C Flashcards
In what book and chapter would you find
“I Am the Good Shepherd”
John 10
In what book and chapter would you find
Abraham justified by faith (NT)
Galatians 3:6
Romans 4:1-5
In what book and chapter would you find
Christ as Creator
Colossians 1:15
Hebrews 1:2
John 1:1
In what book and chapter would you find
Church discipline
Matthew 18
In what book and chapter would you find
Flesh vs. Spirit
Galatians 5:16-23
In what book and chapter would you find
New Birth by the Spirit
John 3:5
In what book and chapter would you find
Jesus temptation in the wilderness
Matthew 4
In what book and chapter would you find
Partition between Jew and Gentile torn down
Ephesians 2:14
In what book and chapter would you find
Perils of riches
1 Timothy 6:10
In what book and chapter would you find
Peter’s confession “You are the Christ”
Matthew 16
In what book and chapter would you find
Principles of Christian liberty
1 Corinthians 10
Romans 14
In what book and chapter would you find
Qualifications for elders and deacons
1 Timothy 3; Titus 1
In what book and chapter would you find
Raising of Lazarus
John 11
In what book and chapter would you find
Spiritual gifts
1 Corinthians 12
Ephesians 4
In what book and chapter would you find
Submission to the authority of the church
Ephesians 5:2
Hebrews 13:17
In what book and chapter would you find
The believer’s rest in Jesus Christ
Hebrews 3-4
Matthew 11:28
In what book and chapter would you find
The imputation of Adam?s sin to all mankind
Romans 5
In what book and chapter would you find
The Lord?s Supper (Gospel Account)
Matthew 26
In what book and chapter would you find
The Philippian jailer?s conversion
Acts 16
In what book and chapter would you find
The Upper Room Discourse
John 14-17