Bible knowledge Flashcards
Why was it necessary for Jesus to suffer so much?
Satan had questioned whether Jehovah has any human servants who would remain faithful under trail. ( )
By enduring faithfully in spite of great suffering, Jesus gave the best possible answer to Satans challenge.
Jesus proved that a perfect man possessing free will could keep perfect integrity to God no matter what circumstances occur.
(Proverbs 27:11)
What does the Bible mean when it says Adam was made in Gods image? (Genesis 1:27)
Being made in Gods image does not mean that Adam resembled God in appearance. John 4:24 says that God is a spirit. So Jehovah does not have a physical body of flesh and blood.
Being made in Gods image, meant that Adam was created with qualities like those of God, including love, wisdom, justice, power and free will.
What is the Ransom?
The ransom is Jehovah’s means to deliver, or save, mankind from sin and death.
The ransom is the price that covers, or buys something back
For example*
if a person causes an accident, he would have to pay compensation. He would have to pay a price that fully corresponds to, or equals, the value of what was damaged.. a corresponding price, or ransom.
When Adam disobeyed God, he sinned against God, and caused great damaged to mankind, and he lost the perfect human life that he had.
A price that fully corresponds to the value of what was lost.. and what was lost, was perfect, sinless human life.
How was the Ransom provided?
Since it was perfect human life that was lost, what was needed was a ransom that was equal in value to what was lost, something of corresponding value. And so Another perfect human life, was the corresponding ransom that was required.
No imperfect human life would be enough to ever buy it back.
However, there was no other perfect human alive, so Jehovah God provided the ransom for us. He sent his own Son to Earth, to be born a perfect, sinless human person.
And then, On the 14th day of the Jewish month of Nisan, in 33 CE, God allowed his perfect and sinless Son to be executed.
And so Jesus was the corresponding ransom needed:
1 Timothy 2:5,6
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.
Why does God want to be worshipped?
Why does God allow suffering?
Why does the Bible promote slavery?
Why in the Bible does God appear to kill innocent people and children?
Why did God put a tree of the knowledge of good and bad in Eden?
What are some clear examples of Gods existence; looking at nature?
What are some clear examples of Gods existence; looking at the Bible?
What are some major flaws with evolution, and life arising spontaneously?
What’s is God like?
Does God care about us?
Is it possible to get close to God?
How does God feel about our suffering?
Facts about the Bible
Written over a 1,600 years period
Composed of 66 smaller books and letters.
Published in whole or part, in more than 2,300 languages, thus available to more than 90% of the worlds population.
Written by 40 different people, from different times, cultures, and walks of life.
What are the origins of Christmas?
What are the origins of Easter?
What are the origins of ‘raising a glasses and saying cheers’?
What are the origins of Birthdays?
What are the origins of valentines day?