Bible Exam Flashcards
Where did Cain get his wife
His sister
What caused genetic mutations
Why was it appropriate to marry people of close relation in the time of eve
Sin was relatively new
What book did God say it is not appropriate to marry people of close relation
How do you explain that evolution is not what is happening
Evolution is a gain of information but we are going through a loss of information
What is the name of the pigment of skin color
What is responsible for labeling of races
Skin color
What should we call these “races”
People groups
What is apologetics
Defending ones faith
What did the lamb represent in the Passover
Jesus / purity
How did the Israelites mark themselves during Passover
Blood on doorpost
What did God give the Israelites to eat in the wilderness
Mana in the morning and quail in the evening
Where did god give Moses the 10 commandments
Mt. Sinai
What commandments did the Israelites break with the golden calf
1 and 2
How many tribes were there
Who were the 2 spies who kept their eyes on the promise of God instead of the abilities of man
Joshua and Caleb
How many scouts did Moses send to explore Canaan
What were the qualifications for those who were to serve in Gods army
Not in Levi, 20 or older, able to fight
No one from Levi had to fight. Why
They were priests and kept the temple
Who were the only ones allowed to blow the trumpets in Numbers
Aaron and his descendants
How long did Israel wander the wilderness
40 Years
Who was leader after Moses
How many spies did Joshua secretly send to scout jherico
Who housed the 2 spies in Jherico
What was Rahab’s job and why is it important
Prostitute-people can be saved no matter what their background is
How many memorials were placed for crossing the Jordan
Where was the not as well known memorial at Jordan placed
In the Jordan river
All spoils from Jericho were given to who
Went to Levi then God
One man kept his spoils from Jericho what was his name
When Aaron passed away what was given to Eleazar
His garments
What does Joshua mean
The Lord saves
What did God tell moses to put in the bitter water
A branch
After Joshua’s death the Israelites asked “ which tribe should go first to attack the canaanites
The men from Judah were chosen to attack this city and won, killing all the people in the city and burning it down
Who was the first judge
Why did the angel of the Lord not drive out all the Canaanites
Israelites didn’t tear down the Canaanite altars
What is the theme for Judges
Sin and suffering
How long does judges last
From the death of the last elder to the first king of Israel
How long did Israel serve the Moabites
18 Years
Who delivered the Israelites from the moabites
Which tribe was Ehud from
How long did the Israelites serve Mesopotamia
8 Years
How long did the land rest after Othniel delivered the Israelites from Mesopotamia
40 years
Who is The mother of Israel / the female judge
Who did Gideon deliver the Israelites from
What was the meaning of Gideon’s dream
Israelites already had the victory
An Israelite given to Gods service and avoided alcohol, hair cuts, and defilement by contact with corpses
What does Samson mean and why is it ironic
Light-birth predicted by an angel
How were the Israelites punishes after the golden calf
A plague
How many men were chosen to build a memorial at the campsite near The Jordan