Bible 2 FINAL Flashcards
Why is the first beatitude, blessed are the poor in spirit?
We must recognize our spiritual need for jesus, those who aren’t poor in spirit wont recognize their need for jesus
Meekness isn’t weakness, its
Strength under control
Who on earth is righteous?
No one
All of our righteousnesness is like
Filthy rags
MB 18, how do we receive righteousness?
By receiving Christ/jesus
According to Jesus, what 2 things do you need to do to be filled with righteousness?
Hunger and thirst
How do we obtain mercy?
By giving/showing it
A new heart is a metaphor for
A new spirit - Holy Spirit
Why does god say we are the salt of the earth after tellling the crowd the beatitudes?
He wants us to be salty and the flavor the earth with the beatitudes
Salt became the root word for our English word
God has put eternity in peoples hearts. What does that have to do with us being the salt of the earth?
It causes us to draw out the desire of god out of their hearts
Saltless saints are like the
Bland leading the bland
We don’t judge others, except we
Inspect their fruit
In giving the 6 antithesis, jesus was emphasizing
Spirit of the law over the letter of the law
When jesus says pluck out your eye if it causes you to sin, what does he mean?
Don’t go there! Don’t put yourself in a situation to be tempted
How ill our righteousness ever exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees?
By keeping the spirit of the law
Jesus says ________ think their prayers will be heard because of the man words
Since jesus knows what we need before we ask, give 2 reasons why we should pray
- So we can learn to condition our will to coincide with our wills
- He wants to hear from his children
Why do we say, our father WHO ART IN HEAVEN
Big picture
What are 2 things you can take to heaven
Character Converts
What is the result of church members giving offerings?
The church will have all the money it needs
Greek word “mammon” literally means
Treasured wealth
If you worry about symptoms it shows you have
Weak faith or lack of faith
If we pray instead of worrying then we experience gods _____ which will _____ our hearts
Peace, guard
MB 125 those who are critical and judge others are really on the side of who?
The antichrist
We are not to judge motives, but we are to inspect their what?
Luke 11, the good things god wants to give us as mentioned in Luke 7, is really what?
Holy Spirit
How does jesus summarize the entire bible?
Treat others how you want to be treated
What 2 things do ou red to do to be considered a wise person?
Hear his words, and actually do his words. Hear, do
Rock = what?
Jesus teachings
Sand = what?
Societies teachings
House = what?
Our life
Water = what?
The people