Biases and Prejudices Flashcards
negative feelings/opinions/beliefs associated with a stereotype
the inappropriate/unjustified treatment of people as a result of prejudice
Prejudice is Formed in Two Ways:
1) Social Categorization: the process where people organize their social environment by categorizing themselves and others into groups
2) In-group Bias: showing affinity for one’s in-group over out-group
Two Basic Social Categories Are:
in-group: the group with which people identify as members
Out-group: the group with which people do not identify
In-Group Bias
an evaluation of one’s own group as better than others
bias is present even when group membership is randomly created
favoritism towards in-group and hostility toward out-group members
In-Group Variability
the belief that members of one’s own group are more diverse
Out-Group Homogeneity
the belief that outsiders are all alike (origin of stereotype)
generalizations about a group of people, same characteristics are assigned to all members of a group
people usually discount information that is inconsistent with their stereotyped beliefs
Reversing Prejudice
Propaganda and bringing groups together in non-competitive circumstances did not work
Co-operative action on shared goal (contact hypothesis) worked