BIASES - anchoring , norms, loss aversion , herding Flashcards
what id price anchoring
value is imporinted in our minds asa a refernence point to compare other prices to
give example of price anchoring in rela life
shops having recoommended retailed prices on price labelling
creates ancoring in our minds
we compare actual price which is often lower to the recommenede retail priece
the fact the real price is lowe rhan RRP makes us think we get good deal which isnt necessarily the case
what are social norms
when desicison are indleunced by rules society has dictated
give example of social norm
tipping in a restaurant because we like he experince but not tipping if we go to diner party even if we like the eperienece equally - insead give box of chocolates
the way we judge those caught drink driving
availaibilty bias
when we make desciosn based on how easy it is for use to ocnjure up examples even if those examples inflate the probaility of the real thing happening
give example of availabity bias
smoking - may ahve olderly relatieve smoking entire life and is very healthy at the old age of 85
this comes to mind very easily when mkaing descison to smoke or not
which diregards the evidence and higher liekly probailty smkinking leads to premmie death and hwalth problems
what is frmaing
idea we are infleunced by teh way information is rpesented to ys
give example of frimang
e.g low fat low sugar adv means mroe liekly to consume it as we infleunced by the way info is presented
+ questions
what is loss aversion
idea we dont liek to give things up and lose thingd we have value towads #
give example of loss aversion
we have reall attahment to money
instead of investing it into something tht gives us more money and utilityy we dont wanna take the risk as e dont liek teh idea of loosing moeny
even if the chance of loising it is low and gain is higher
what does loss aversion lead to
endownemnt effect
what is endownement effect
attahcing to much monetary value to something you have , compared to something else you could gain
even if whatever you could gain is not risky and yand worth the same as what you have , youre less willing to engage
what is herd behaviour
phenoment where individuals act collectivley as part of a group, often making D as a group that they wouldnt as an individual
give example of her d behaviour
in a restaurant making an order based on waht friends are ordering
financial mkts , many popel invest in a certian stock or commodity another investor makes d to buy sticj cause everyone else is doing it - can lead to a bubble lead to a huge crash
what is choice archietecture
environent individual is in has been carefully designed to try to infleunce theri descisons
give example of choice architecture
locatin of salad bars in restaurant if at the front were more likely to consume salad
covid - placing hand sanistisers in more obvious locatinos make us more liekly to consume hand sansitiser
location of strairs at front , inr elation to escalators / lifts
behavioural eocn can allows us to understand pther situations where traditional economics can get it
what is alturism
idea of kindness and selflessness wehre consumers / individuals dont expect anything back in return for the activity
e.g charity
why does tradidtional eocn thought find it hard somwone whould give up huge amoints of moeny for charity – how would they try to justofyt his
givign to charity increases utility for that individual which is why charitable activity occurs
what does behaviorual econ say about giving to charity
consumers not utility maxing robot all time
got moral and feelings and emotions which mayinfleunce DM
so charity giving is a result of morals
when firms are making employent desciison traditinal economic thorugh says
firsm only employ workers if ther is a need for workers - and can bring in revenue and help achieve profit
as firms are profit maximisers
thye wouldnt just do it for fun
how would behavioural econ explain a firm employing peple when ther is not a need for them
firms may have other consideratinos e.g csr obj ior
dont want peole to live on streets
concerned about lvl of unemp in society and wann ado their bit ot reduce unemp rate