Biases Flashcards
Act with end in mind, overkill on this one, show picture of before and after.
The power that incentives and disincentives have on the actions of others cannot be overstated
- Reward and Punishment Super-response Tendency
We ignore the faults and flaws of other people products if we like/love them
Oprah vs. Hitler, use direct marketing keywords - sounds cheesy but it is aimed at the subconscious
- Liking/Loving Tendency
We ignore the virtues and views no matter how good or right if we don’t like the person who’s presenting them
We dislike and distort the facts and put blinders to those people’s options and opinions
- Disliking/Hating Tendency
A confused mind doesn’t buy. You have to know about your product and be convinced about it.
If we are unsure about something, we make an ill informed, quick decisions
- Doubt Avoidance Tendency
Congruency - if you’re a Ferrari car salesmen you’ll wear a suit not a jeans and T-shirt and you’ll have a distinguished vocabulary. Warren Buffets website - low cost and ugly because he doesn’t care about technology(not wasting $$$ on www)
People are reluctant to change!
- Inconsistency-Avoidance Tendency
Mystery - if they heard it before, cut it! Ads with just a teaser and an URL link to the product. Always leave them hanging little bit.
Thing that attracts people romantically the most!
- Curiosity Tendency
Suggest to split the cost of a meal BEFORE you go to lunch, give 3 to get 1 of something, little bit unfairness is ok if it means great fairness for all
- Kantian Fairness Tendency
Donald Trump showing off his fortune, it occurs when a resource is seen in a possession of another member of the same species
LIKE SALT - treat lightly
- Envy/Jealousy Tendency
Free samples at the stores, I give you $60 value and expect you to buy from me something for $20. We tend to want to return the favor when someone helps us.
- Reciprocation Tendency
People like to be associated with athletes, celebrities, good looking individuals etc…
It can also be quality products or high-end brands
You can use pictures and quotes of famous people
- Influence-From-Mere Association Tendency
Lying - McDonald’s showing pictures of athletes in their commercials.
We have a habit of distorting the facts until they become bearable for our own views.
- Simple, Pain-Avoiding Psychological Denial
We all think we are above average and are overconfident.
70% of people think they are better drivers…
Stroke people’s ego, but USE LIKE A SALT - TREAT LIGTLY
- Excessive Self-Regard Tendency
Promising that you’ll loose 20 pound in 7 days or make 10k in 30 days.
This bias shows that excess of optimism is the normal human condition
- Over-Optimism Tendency
“Going once, going twice, sold”, check out timer on a website where you get a discount if you buy right away, first 100 buyers gets a free gift
It creates urgency - buy now!
LOSS AVERSION - losses are 2X more powerful than gains!!!
- Deprival-Superreaction Tendency
Testimonials - other people reactions
It’s a tendency to think and act as others around think and act!
- Social-Proof Tendency
Car costs 25k, just adding $30/month sounds doesn’t seem so bad. Alienware - add $100, get 2x HDD size
It is better to evaluate objects and people by itself not by their contrast.
Vendor will create high artificial price and then advertise the standard price as a big reduction!
- Contrast-Misreaction Tendency
Weight loss - my friend didn’t buy this product and had a heart attack.
Car salesman let’s you wait for 30 min.
Adrenaline produces faster and more extreme reaction. Some stress can improve performance but heavy stress often leads to dysfunction.
- Stress-Influence Tendency
Brain bouncer - what’s not simple to understand won’t be allowed in because it uses up too much glucose.
Buy button that’s easily located. Make your product and everything around it simple to understand.
Mind overweights what’s easily available and goes with it
- Availability-Misweighing Tendency
Skills will disappear with disuse. When a skill is raised to fluency it will be (1) lost more slowly and (2) will come back faster when refreshed with new learning.
- Use-It-Or-Lose-It Tendency
Very strong tendency that costs lives. It can only be supplemented by Simple Pain-Avoiding Denial
- Drug-Misinfluence Tendency
As we age there is a natural loss of certain skills and abilities. Continuous thinking and learning helps to slow the decay.
- Senescence-Misinfluence Tendency
Standing on a higher ground - priest in church, auctioneer at the auction. Somebody in dominant position has a bigger influence on our decisions.
Following orders just because someone says so.
- Authority-Misinfluence Tendency
People like the content - articles and videos of product - the more the better.
Basically spending too much time on the nonsense.
- Twaddle Tendency
Give any reason! Copy machine example - use word BECAUSE. Address weakness of your product if it’s obvious but then say why they should buy from you!
Some people just want any answers, they don’t care about the reason.
- Reason-Respecting Tendency
The tendency to get extreme confluences of psychological tendencies acting in favor of particular outcome.
Combination of cognitive biases to persuade or manipulate somebody
- Lollapooza Tendency