Bias, confounding, and chance Flashcards
Measures the degree to which our study is free from bias, confounding, and chance (random error)
Good protocol
Considers bias, confounding and random error and describes steps taken to tackle these in design and analysis.
Internal validity
The results are correct for the particular group of subjects who are being studied. Happens by minimising the role of bias, confounding, and chance.
External validity
Generalisable to the target population (internal validity does not mean external validity)
Trade off between internal and external validity
The more you control for internal validity (bias, confounding, chance) the less generalisable to the entire population (external validity)
Systematic variation from the truth
Leads to a mistaken (under/over)estimation of the true effect of the exposure and the outcome
Random error/imprecision
Random (unpredictable) deviations from the truth
Largest sources of bias
- selecting target population
- measuring exposures and outcomes in our study
Selection bias
- the study population does not represent the target population
- the result is different to that obtained if you had enrolled the entire target population
- may result from procedures used to select subjects, and from factors that influences participation or likelihood of remaining in the study
- may occur while recruiting participants and/or while retaining them in the study
How to minimise selection bias
- Select participants independent to their affiliation to a medical centre
- Use incentives to increase participation
- Use data to compare those who did and those who didn’t volunteer to take part in your study (compare age and sex distribution of individuals in your study to those in your target population)
- If goal is to extrapolate findings of the study to the entire UK -> External validity -> could use multiple UK regions
Selection bias
- even if recruitment of patients was unbiased, might still still use participants to the study
- e.g. in RCT, cohort studies
- if loss to follow-up occurs randomly, that is similarly between control and exposure group, then it won’t lead to bias
- but if loss to follow-up is differential between groups and also associated to the outcome -> bias
- most applicable bias to longitudinal studies, often leads to loss of significance, might not able to detect the true effect of an intervention on an outcome
How to minimise loss to follow up?
- Collect info to facilitate tracking of participants
- Recruit subjects that are easier to track (doctors, nurses, or living in places where people don’t tend to emigrate, (consider implications on external validity)
- Maintain regular contact, use tracking resources
- Send newsletters, multiple requests, etc. to non-responders
Information (measurement) bias
If gather information (e.g. about exposure or outcome) differently in one group to another (e.g. among cases compared to controls), then bias may result
-occurs during data collection
Misclassification bias
- commonest type of information bias
- individuals are wrongly classified into a category they do not belong to
- e.g. exposed is wrongly categorised as unexposed or disease
Non-differential misclassification
Misclassified systematically differently to the true value, but the error rate or probability of being misclassified is the same in each study group
Estimates biased towards the null, which means that whatever association we observe we could actually argue that the true association is more extreme
Differential Misclassification
Error rate or probability of misclassification differs across the study groups
Recall bias
- type of information/ measurement bias
- all subjects might recall past exposures inaccurately, especially those that happened a long time ago
When might recall bias be introduced?
Differential recall between groups is possible
May introduce bias, if recall depends on outcome or exposure of interest
How to reduce recall bias?
- look at records instead of interviews
- if for instance comparing steroid use in cleft lip development, look at other disease instead of no cleft lip develpoment
Reverse causality (protopathic) bias
- information bias
- x and y are associated, but not in the way you would expect
- Instead of x causing y it is really the other way around, Y is causing x
- in epidemiology, it is when the exposure-disease process is reversed, in other words the exposure causes the risk factor
Observer bias
-type of misclassification bias
-knowledge of exposure status might lead to a search for the outcome
e.g. consider
Exposure: IV drug use
Outcome: HIV infection
-knowledge of IV drug use may lead for more intense search for HIV infection
Control of bias - methods of data collection - When designing your study, consider and discuss the following (1/2)
- What other factors may explain your findings
- How can you capture information on these factors
- What, how, when and who will collect it
- How frequently will it be collected
- How these methods will prevent or minimise potential bias
Control of bias (2/2)
Objective questions (interviews) and objective measurements and biological samples
Standardised techniques
Use validated tools or validate yours
Blinding of investigator to treatment/exposure/outcome status
Blinding participants and data analysts
Use of existing records
Uses of multiple sources of data for exposure and outcome and compare
Memory aids (photographs)
Self-administered questionnaire for socially sensitive topics
- Occurs when the effect of an exposure on an outcome is mixed together with the effect of a third variable
- Is associated with the exposure and the disease but is not a consequence of either of them
- the distribution of the confounder differs between groups being compared or is unbalanced
How to deal with confounding? (1/2) At the design stage
Ensures that the distribution of both known and unknown confounding factors will be similar in the groups to be compared
Limit participation to subjects who are similar in relation to the confounding factor, e.g. only include smokers or non-smokers (limitations of external validity)
Subjects without the outcome of interest are selected so that the distribution of potential confounders is similar to those with the outcome
How to deal with confounding? (2/2)
At the analysis stage
- One or two categorical confounders
- Combines or pools to get an adjusted measure of effect
Statistical modelling
- continuous confounders or more than 2 categorical confounders -> multivariate models is the best result
Confounding in observational studies
Residual confounding by known and unknown factors is always possible
A patient variable (e.g. age, sec, etc.) that may or may not be related to the outcome.
If the covariate is related to both the exposure/risk factor and the outcome, then covariate becomes as confounder.
A confounder is a covariate that is related to both the outcome and the exposure/risk factor. A confounder may either increase or decrease the likelihood of the outcome.
Not all covariates are confounders, one also needs to consider:
1) Effect modifiers
2) Prognostic variables or alternative predictors of outcome
3) Intermediate variables in the pathway
Effect modifiers
Exposure has different effects among subgroups
Effect modification is associated with outcomes but not exposure
Prognostic variables (alternative predictors) of outcome
Prognostic variables or prognostic markers are baseline characteristics known to be associated with the outcome of a health condition in the absence of treatment.
Intermediate variables in the pathway
An intermediate variable serves as a causal link between other variables. It is acted on by the independent variable and then acts itself on the dependent variable to create change.
For example, suppose you wanted to look at the relationship between higher income and longer lifespans. A high income does not act directly on someone’s lifespan in a positive way, but it may allow access to better nutrition and health care. This better nutrition and health care, in turn, affect the life span of the person, and so these are intermediate variables.
The intermediate variable is sometimes also called the intervening variable, the mediating variable, or the intermediary variable.
Use of sample to make inference about the underlying population
If we sampled again and again, purely by Play of chance may always affect results observed simply because of random variation from sample to sample
Major determinant of the degree to which chance affects findings in any particular study is sample size
Chance (2)
larger sample -> reduce imprecision ->more valid inference
Use statistics to quantify the degree to which chance variability may account for the results observed in any individual study
p value
confidence interval