Bhs Flashcards
What was the Anglo saxon settlement reguarded as?
1.The origin of England and English people:
The coming of the English
Who did the English descend from?
The Anglo saxons
Where does the word England come from?
Angle land
What are the available sources of info about the Anglo-saxons
The eccleslastical history of the English people written by the Venerable Bede a monk from 731. A principle source of angle saxon history and religion (Anglo-saxon Christianity)
What two groups of people lived in England up until the mid 5th century?
The Celtics and Roman
What is the sub roman period?
The period between the roman withdrawal around 410 and the rise of Anglo-saxon kingdoms there is little written evidence
What happened to the Angols in the late 8th century
The were constantly invaded by the vikings or the sea raiding scandanavians
The danes attacked Eng the norwegians attacked ireland and scotland
Sea raiders tactics 3 phases:
Phase 1: (end of 8th) smash and grab single ship or small groups of ships
Noteworthy* Lindisfarne monastry attack
Phase 2: (beg mid 9th) larger groups bigger projects
Noteworthy*350ships arrived on Thames river permanant bases small kingdoms
Phase 3 Invasion of kings lasted until the 11 century in England the 15 century scotland
which sea invaders attacked the british in the 4th century
the irish, picts and saxons
When was the official end of Roman rule?
When did thr anglo saxon settle?
A: 410
The Anglo saxons:
A: Less civilised than the Romans B: Entirely displaced Roman Culture C: had a warrior culture D: were pagans E valued family
Cynn =
Cyning =
A: Tribe / Community of the lord/ his followers
B: King / guardian of the tribe
Augustine Gregorian Mission
A: conversion of the english to christianity (and literacy) launched by the Pope gregory (the great) and headed but augustine of canterbury. church still headed by the archbishop of canturbury to this day
not the church was more of a hinderance to the unity of the country.
At the beginning of the 7th cenutry the anglosaxon tribal kingdoms united into a heparchy:
Wes: Wessex, Essex, Sussex
Men: Mercia, East Anglia, Northumbria
K: Kent
7th Century Politics
A:Possible to gain power but hard to keep it long
B: The Kings follower were expected to accompany, live with and fight for him
The Scandinavian Era
A: First recorded in 790 Sea raiders
B: they came to plunder rob and rape
C: Sacked and temporarily ruled London and Canterbury
D: resisited conversion to cristianity
E: successful shipbuilders farmers merchants and fighters
Alfred The great
A: King of Wessex 871-899
B: united much of southern and western England to fight the vikings Called the Kingdom of England under Wessex rule
C: the only monach to be given Great
D: reorganized Army, built a navy and fended the territories
E: Revival of literacy and learning
F: granted economic privelges to towns
When did the Norman and Planatagenet dynasty ( the medevil period) take place?
Edward the confessor
A: 1042-1066 ( no children)
B: The battle of hastings ( william claimed edward recognised him.
C: battle: Duke or Normandy (norman/french) vs
Anglo saxon King Harold Godwinsson (popular gifted soldier
D: William won 1066 changed the course of british history
The battle of hastings
1066 a stuggle for power
Duke or Normandy (norman/french) vs
Anglo saxon King Harold Godwinsson (popular soldier
William II won
Willian II=William 1 1066-1087 william the conquereor = Duke of Normandy
King + Duke of normandy
As a French noble he should obey the French King
As English king he was a independent ruler
* took(confiscated) all the land a redistrubuted it to his followers for taxes/horses etc..
Normanization: changed the course of history
A. rejected by th English
B. english recieve a new ruler/ruling class +culture and language
C.Normans Built Castle strong points and tower of london
D.10,000 normans lived among 2 million hostile Englishmen
languages English/French/Latin
What is the The Bayeux tapestry cultural treasure?
cartoon like depiction of the story of Edward the confessor, harold, Duke William; battle scenes
- currently displayed in france.
- cultural treasure
What is The Domesday book cultural treasure?
a door stop survey: and invetory of assests to collect taxes on 13,400 places commisioned by william the 1st 1086 *cultural treasure
Who was The Plantagenet king Henry The II
Henry The II
a. Potentially the most powerful ruler in Europe
b.ruled England and parts of France (Normandy,AnjounAquitaine) more than the french king
c. developed law(common law)and judicial procedures
(6 districts 3 judges each)/ (Royal judges traveled to hear cases and fine people)
d .westminister became the capital of the kingdom + (treasurers office exchequer)
Who was The Plantagenet King John Lackland Magna 1199-1216
a. Lost Normandy, Anjou and much of England
b. quaralled with the church (was excommunicated)
c. determined to win back lost territories
d. ruthless tax collector (cause discontent with the rulling class -rebles barons)
e. Rebels/Barons forced to accept the terms of the Magna Carter in 1215
What is the Magna carter? ( the great charter) 1215 -
a. Most important legal document in british history
b. king john promised to treat people better and not abuse his power.
c. he promised to have a committee of 25 barons to whom people could complain if promises weren’t kept
d. john did not keep his promises
e. 63 clauses only (3 remain today)
f. everyone including the king is subject to the law
Which dynasties were prevelant in The midieval period: high or late middle ages
Lancasters and Yorks 1399-1485
Who was Edward III 1327-1377
a. reign marked by the disater of the black death
b. the beginnings of the hundred year war
c. the rise pf parlimant as a governing institution
d. 1327-1377
What was The Hundred years war?
a. a disjointed series of conflicts rather than 1 constant war
b. 1337- 1453
c. Caused by two factors:
1. Gascony wine province was part of French crown but used by English. The English wanted to own it.
2. Charles the IV died in 1328 childless leaving only Edwards mother His(charle’s) sister, so the English King edward claimed the crown. (the french chose philip a cousin to take the crown and tried to take Edwards aquitaine the event that precipitated the hundred year war) Edward III declared war on Philip
How did the 100 years war end?
The french won the battle of Castillon in 1453 ending the war. England lost all territories in the south west except Calais.
Taxation was the main consequence of the war felt by the people
How many English people were killed by The Black Death 1348?
1st wave killed 35-45 percent of the English popultation
* came back with less effect until 17th century
What was the Wars of the roses?
a.House of Lancaster red rose badge
b.House of York white rose badge
c.both house fought for the English throne (30 years) and claimed it through decsent of sons from Edward III
the victory went to Henry tudor who defeated the last Yorkist and married the daughter of Edward the IV Elizabeth of York
Who were The Tudors? 1485-1603
Henry VII 1485-1509 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Edward VI 1547-1553 Mary I 1553- 1558 Elizabth I 1558- 1603
Henry VII 1485-1509
A. The first tudor King
B. Married Elizabeth of York
C. York family remained a threat
D.determined not to lose the thrown
E. problems with powerful barons and their private armies reduced power: banned armies, raised taxes established a biased court (star chamber
F.there was a demand for someone to restore the thrown to power to king and emperor rather than first of equals
g: married his elsdest son to the spanish princess catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII 1509-1547
a. 3 children: mary(catherine of aragon) elizabeth (ann boleyn) edward(jane seymour)
b. the kings great matter: not true marriage because chatherine was brother’s wife
1. ordered archbishop to grant him a divorce after popes refusal
2. England broke away from the roman catholic church(rome)
3. placed himself as head of the church
4. country still catholic but pope’s power ended
5. dissolution: sold land took wealth
c: English reformation not fully protestant
changes: prayer in english/bible in english
Edward VI 1547- 1553 6 years
a. brought up protestant
b. remembered form changes made to religion
chirch more plain and in english
c. the first book of common prayer
Marry I (bloody Mary (1553-1558) 5 years daughter of Henry VIII
a. determined to bring back catholic faith
b.reversal of the religious changes of edward
c. 1554 protestants hunted down/burned/emigrated
d. married philip heir to spanish throne(disaster)
e. died childless didnt want sister to be heir
england was dragged into war between spain and (france lost calais)
Elizabeth I 1558- 1603
age of culture and literacy
a.Brought up Protestant
b. rejected supremacy of the pope
c. introduced a mix of protestant and catholic religions
(the church of england}
d. The act of supremacy 1559 replaced the act of 1534 making her the supreme governer of the church of England
e. issued the 39 articles of religion/ the book of common prayer
f. she defeated the spanish armada created to overthrow her and re-establish roman catholicism
Who were The Stuarts (1603-1714)
James I: also Scott king James VI
Wanted to unit kingdoms
Charles I-Civil war/beheading dismissed parliment/temp ended monarchy
Charles II-Restoration of the Monarchy
James II Glorious revolution - the bill of rights/ deposed
James I (1603-1625)
a. was also the Scottish King James VI
b. widely welcomes
c. showered money and gifts on his favorite (mostly the scottish)
d. wanted to unite Scottish and English kingdoms
e. continued Queen elizabeths religious peace
f. listened to puritans revised bible King james Bible
Charles I (1625-1649) (unpopular beheaded)
a. more English than scottish like his father
b. ongoing tension with parliment over money
c dismissed parliment twice
d. raise taxes(ship momey)
e. conflicts wit parliment led to civil war
Charles reign phases
- 1640-1642 - Parliment struggles with king
2.1642-1648 civil war 1645 king defeated 1649 king tried/beheaded
3.1649-1653- Republic(commonwealth of england) - 1653 cromwells protectorate =military dictatorship
Cromwell becomes lord protector of Eng, Scott and Ireland
king vs cromwell ( military leader of parliment)
king supported by: north, west, catholics 3 quarters of nobles
parliment supported by: london, south, east parliamentarians
Charles II (1660- 1685 popular )
a.restored the monarchy in 1660
b also restored the institutions house of lords church of england
c. restoration was popular among the people
d. royal society founded boyle and newton
Who was James II 1685-1688?
a. main political goal legal equality for catholics
b. build toleration for catholic among the other faiths
c the dissatifaction let to the bloodless revolution 1688-89
1. the deposition of Jame II
2. the accession of his daughter and her husband Mary II and William III who ruled together
d. the bill of rights 1689 (abolished the crowns power to to suspend laws.)
What was the bill of rights?
a. limited royal power
b. established the supremacy of parliment
c. 1.the king could not create/suspend laws without parliamnet consent
2. the king can not raise taxes by perogative or parliament consent
3. people can petitiom the king without prosecution
* also words about freedom of speech and right to bear arms
hanovian period
A. 1714-1901
b. anne died childish, thrown goes to George I [1714-27] the first hanovian king the great grandson of James I (had to go to a protestant)
George I was also the protestant ruler of the german state of hanover
(after the deposition of James II) 1689-1714
b. 1689-1702 parliment agreed that William III and Mary II (daughter of jamesII) should rule together as joint equal monarchs.
c. paliment set limits to royal power bill of rights 1689
d. Queen Anne( mary’s sister) 1702-1714 last of the stuarts
e. realtionship between britain and france getting worse: War of spanish succession 1701-1714
f. Acts of union 1707 England + Scotland Kingdoms become Great britain. ended scott parliment eng parliment added scotts scott religion and legal system untouched
What was the English enlightenment era in the late 17th century
a. european enlightenment
b. intellection movement 17th 18th
c. movement and state of mind
d. reason, rational thinking important, understanding the universe improves condition
e. goals of the modern man knowledge freedom happiness
f. newtonian physics, john locks ideas, limited monarchy, political core: unreformed monarchy
what was the industrial revolution?
a.the second half of the 18th
b. Great britian first country to idustrialize because:
had coal and iron, capital for investments, developed market system, colonies exploited for cheap raw (nth usa/Afri/Ind) material, had mechanics and engineers, large workforce
c indutrialism emerged first in the production/trade of textiles (cotton)
d. textile boom after inventions such as: the power loom/ steam engine; led to social changes, urbanisation , new types of labour
e. factory owners iron rule: long hours/low wages/children employed/ new cities overcrowded poor hygiene/ used state to prevent striking
hanovian period 2 (first british empire)
a. Queen victoria 1837-1901
b. Empire at its zenith: the legacy of british victories in the war against france. in the 18 and early 19th
c. the second hunfdred year war
d. British empire the largest formal empire/power and influence stretched all over the world/ included britain +all colonies, countires ruled by and from Britain
e. started founding colonies overseas in the 16th century. by 1783 britain colonies in usa/ west indies/(seperating the caribbean sea from the atlantic ocean)the first british empire came to an end after the American revolution
the second british empire
a. built in 19th centruy
b. based on sea power, india and huge conquest in africa
c. Queens title empress of india 1877 britaind possesesions and protectoratesin india incorporated into british empire.
d. scramble for africa 1880-1900 all of africa except ethiopia and liberia devided among european colonial powers. britain had the most territories including nigeria and most of east africa domination of egypt
e. was not aquired or mantianed peacefully
The british empire fist half of 19th century
a. by 1921 the empire ruled about 458 mil people( mil in 1937) about 1/4th of the world. it covered about one fourth of the worlds population. 1/4 of the world
b. world leading industrial economy
c. policy splendid isolation 9avoided aliances
d. powerful navy
e. germany a threat instead of france
f. society dominated by church of england and scotland
g. more secular ( increasing interlectual scepticism) darwin era
nationalism trouble
a.stable political order challenged by irish nationalism
late 19th century
b. 18th centurey irish nationalism rising, movement to self govern dissolve british gov started (home rule)
c.welsh nationlism religious reasons church of england minority didnt want to pay tithes a diestablishment bill passed in 1914
working demands
a. very diverse worker
b. 1851 2 largest gorups agriculture domestic service
c. trade unions more powerful and legit in late 19th
d. harsh conditions of industrial revolution improved
e: prosperity and leisure
women: changing positions
a.19 century mid and upper class women had a lot of disavantage: 1.Worse education than men
2.not recognized as professional workers
3.not recognized as polititions despite being politically active
b.english common law: no property, impossible to get divorce, or child custody
c.middle class who did not marry poor prospects/embarrasment (poor relation)
d.womens movement started in the mid 19th cenury
teaching jobs available, last third of 19century some victories
e.the married womesn separatio act 1870 gave married women with proprety or income protection women started receiving medical degrees
britain after 1918: political change
a. profound political change to become deomcratic
1918: 1.woman above 30 can vote
2. suffrage to all men over 21 (6month residence)
1928 woman granted the same suffrage as men
1920: Welsh church separation act
1922: Ireish granted self government
Am pres, woodrow (1913-21) created league of nations britain dominand power with france
1926: General strike lasted 9 days; tried to force the british gov. to try to prevent wage reduction and worsening conditions for coal miners.
britain after 1918: the great depression
a. worldwided crisis that lasted 10 years
b. britain effected less than germany and united states
c. fascist and comminist parties fared better
PM S. Baldwin democracy always two years behind the dictator
britain after 1918: the abdication crisis
Edward VIII 1894-1972 r. 1936
fell in love with Wallis warfield simpson a twice divorce Am. woman
the issue split politics
complicated his role as the gov of the church of England and king of Commonwealth
edward abdicated in favour of his brother George duke of York who became George the VI 1936-52