Bethany is awesome words Flashcards
A little laugh to yourself
A big laugh so everybody can hear
Outburst or great big boo hoo
A whining sniffling cry
Cry like a cat
Describes something that is too late
Describes something that is on time
Late or behind time
Top of something e.g. The top of a Mountain
To give permission
Slightly open e.g. A door
You have no interest in something.
Putting up with something .
Polite with good manners.
Very little, barely enough.
Shabby and dirty looking.
Rude, insulting and cheeky
Happy or satisfied
To be sad
Happy or in a good mood
Ecstatic (very happy)
Sad, gloomy, down beat
Jubilant (a)
In a mood to celebrate
Plain (not anything living there) also so upset that nothing anyone says will help.
Initial (a)
Describes the first thing
Penalty (n)
Punishment for breaking a law or rule
Taut (a)
Tight or stretched
Innocuous (a)
Consult (v)
To discuss something with someone or a group.
Arduous (a)
Describes something that is hard or hard work.
Departure (n)
Leaving or going away.
To wish for or aim for something.
Advise (v)
To give someone advice or help with something.
Apprehensive (a)
Describes the feeling of being worried or nervous.
Initial (a)
Describes the first thing
Penalty (n)
Punishment for breaking a law or rule
Taut (a)
Tight or stretched
Innocuous (a)
Consult (v)
To discuss something with someone or a group.
Arduous (a)
Describes something that is hard or hard work.
Departure (n)
Leaving or going away.
To wish for or aim for something.
Advise (v)
To give someone advice or help with something.
Apprehensive (a)
Describes the feeling of being worried or nervous.
Initial (a)
Describes the first thing
Penalty (n)
Punishment for breaking a law or rule
Taut (a)
Tight or stretched
Innocuous (a)
Consult (v)
To discuss something with someone or a group.
Arduous (a)
Describes something that is hard or hard work.
Departure (n)
Leaving or going away.
To wish for or aim for something.
Advise (v)
To give someone advice or help with something.
Apprehensive (a)
Describes the feeling of being worried or nervous.
Initial (a)
Describes the first thing
Penalty (n)
Punishment for breaking a law or rule
Taut (a)
Tight or stretched
Innocuous (a)
Consult (v)
To discuss something with someone or a group.
Arduous (a)
Describes something that is hard or hard work.
Departure (n)
Leaving or going away.
To wish for or aim for something.
Advise (v)
To give someone advice or help with something.
Apprehensive (a)
Describes the feeling of being worried or nervous.
Numerous (a)
Lots or lots of something
Trifle (a or n)
Little or small amount ( or a custard and jelly pudding)
Scanty (a)
Small or insufficient amount
Myriad (a)
Lots of, or a range of things or people
Negligible (a)
Something that is so small or unimportant
Sparse (a)
Thinly spread or scattered
Copious (a)
Lots or plenty of something.
Amend (v)
To change or alter
Assured (a)
Something that is certain or guaranteed
Warp (v)
To twist or bend out of shape
Soiled (a)
Something that is dirty
Conclude (v)
To end or finish
To officially cancel something
Adequate (a)
Suitable, sufficient, satisfactory, enough and ample
Fickle (a)
Changeable, capricious, erratic, whimsical
Humility (n)
Modesty, humbleness
Loathe (v)
Hate, detest, scorn or disdain
Flamboyant (a)
Showy, flashy, ostentatious
Versatile (a)
Resourceful, ingenious and talented
Torrid (a)
Hot, scorching, burning or broiling
Vicious (a)👍
Cruel, ferocious, fierce and violent
Opponent (n) 👍
Adversary, foe, antagonist or competitor
Serene (a)
Tranquil, pleasant, peaceful and composed
Folly (n)
Foolishness or a foolish act
Dopey (a)
Half asleep, slow reacting or tired
Shrewd and astute (a)
Quick to see how to get an advantage
Witless (a)
Foolish or not clever
Inane (a)
Silly or lacking sense
Ludicrous (a)
Ridiculous or laughable
Sage (a)
Extremely wise from experience
Novel (a)
Interestingly new or unusual
Baffled (a)
Confused or don’t now of something or someone
Wary (a)
Written or spoken agreement
Easy persuaded to believe something
Brittle (a)
Hard but will break easily
Still and stale, not flowing
Locomotive (a)
Moving and powerful
Barb (n)
Backward point of fishhook or arrowhead. A pointed remark.
Despair (n)
Complete loss or lack of hope, desperate.
Anguish (n)
Extreme physical or mental pain.
Subsequent (a)
Describes something that comes after.
Boring or lacking interest
Showing courage when facing dïffïcülty
Lacking courage or not brave
Lazy, lacking ënergy, sluggish
Too large and too small when compared with something else. Not equivalent!
Contradict (v)
Disagree, challenge or oppose
Static (a)
Still or not moving
Dynamic (a)
Constant change or expressing action
Competent (a)
Efficient and capable
Inept (a)
Showing no skill or clumsy
Exceptional (a)
Outstanding or unusually good
Mediocre (a)
Ordinary not very good
Indelible (a)
Permanent, can not be rubbed out
Esteemed (a)
Admired or respected
Intellectual (a)
Intelligent, brainy or clever
Synonymous (a)
Known for or similar to
Perplexed (v)
To be Completely baffled or confused
Optimistic (a)
Positive attitude and will see the good in things
Pessimistic (a)
Negative attitude and will see the bad in things
Coherent (a)
Logical and ordered
Optional (a)
Describes something that can be chosen
Compulsory (a)
Describes something that has to be done
Eager (a)
Strongly wanting to do something
Dexterous (a)
Skilful with the hands
Lenient (a)
Caring or kind. More merciful or tolerant
Obscure (a)
Not known about or easily understood
Precise (a)
Exact, accurate or correct
Ambiguous (a)
Not having an obvious meaning or not clear
Dubious (a)
Doubtful, uncertain or unsure
Nebulous (a)
Vague, blurred or unclear
Contradict (v)
Say or do the opposite, dispute
Hue (n)
Colour or shade of something
Meander (v)
Flow in a winding manner or course, like a river
Heritage (n)
Traditions or history
Folklore (n)
Mythical stories or legends
Perilous (a)
Dangerous or hazardous
Famine (n)
An extreme shortage of food or lack of food
Prospects (n)
A good or bad future. Expectation or hope.
Discreet (a)
Careful, cautious, wary
Berate/chastise (v)
Tell off or give someone an earful
Deplete (v)
Use up or spend
Defy (v)
Refuse to obey or go against others wishes
Glut or surplus (n)
Too much of something or more than you need
Permeate (v)
To spread or pass through something
Sufficient (a)
Just enough of something
Elated (a)
Happy and satisfied
Heavy or weighted
Fretful (a)
Constantly worrying
Momentary (a)
Something that only lasts a moment
Provisional (a)
Something that is temporarily agreed
Abolish (v)
Cancel or stop doing something
Sane (a)
Not mad, opposite to insane
Refute (v)
To prove something is wrong
Forbearing (a)
Patient or easy going
Novice (n)
A person who is learning or new to something
Financial (a)
To do with money
Consequence (n)
An effect of something that you or someone else does
Implication (n)
A suggestion that something came out of
Neglect (v)
Leave something on its own or not take care of someone or something
Accommodate (v)
Provide a house or home or space for something or someone
Gauge (v)
To measure or show how much you have of something
Invaluable (a)
Irreplaceable or extremely useful
Pertinent (a) or relevant (a)
Closely connected to a subject or activity
Commodity (n)
A raw material or object that is sold or traded
Contaminate (v)
Spoiled by germs
Grimy (a)
Grubby, dirty or soiled
Raucous (a)
Crazy, noisy and out of control
Indolent (a)
Shun (v)
Ignore, reject or keep away
Favourable (a)
Expressing approval or complimentary
Forgo or abstain (v)
To go without something
Deteriorate or decline (v)
Get worse or go down hill
Turbulent (a)
Rough, stormy, unstable or unsettled
Inquire (v)
Ask something
Conflict (n)
Disagreement or long argument
Implore (v)
Pleed or beg desperately
Favourable (a)
Complimentary or expressing approval
Felicitous (a)
Well chosen or chosen
Prosper (v)
Grow strong and flourish
Fortuitous (a)
Lucky or happening by chance
Inconsistent (a)
Not staying the same or not stable
Erratic (a)
All over the place, not consistent
Lethargic (a)
Without much energy
Audacious (a)
Daring, doing things that other people wouldn’t do
Fundamental (a)
Describes something that is basic or necessary