Bernardo’s girlfriend in “West Side Story” Anita Flashcards
Department store popularized the idea of hiding this in a Christmas tree
A pickle
It’s not clear where the custom comes from but originally in the late 1800s Woolworths beyond selling Christmas pickles and the custom took off
Wishing for something with without considering the possible consequences is called a monkeys what
The slang term monkeys paw comes from a 1902 short story written by WW Jacobs
First modern pope to resign
Pope Benedict the 16th
Became the first pope in nearly 600 years to voluntarily end his run as pope during his lifetime
The battle of New Orleans was America’s greatest land victory in this war
Also commander
War of 1812
Future President Andrew Jackson gained fame after leading the Americans to victory in the battle with the British in New Orleans
Mr. peanuts classic look accessories
top hat
This continent has the greatest number of countries
54 sovereign states and three other dependencies Africa has more countries than any other continent
During the opening ceremony of the Olympics, parade of nations this country traditionally goes first
Species of this borrowing rodent in the US include Plains pocket and northern pocket
These rodents live in towns and in extended families called coteries
Prairie dogs
Denmarks Ellen osiier foiled many of her opponents in 1924 to become the first woman to win a gold medal in this sport
This 18-year-old from Louisville won the light heavyweight boxing gold medal in 1960
Muhammad Ali
It’s name maybe from the French for sleep because it hibernates about half the year missing out on a lot of tea parties
Door mouse
A 1925 Geneva protocol forbid the use of bacterial logical weapons and this stuff in war
Poison Gas
Reminiscent of witches it’s the bowl like structure that holds the flame in the host stadium ; Torino was placed 190 feet up
Newton first law
A body at rest will remain at rest, unless acted on by an outside force
Also called the law of inertia
The first five books of the Old Testament are called simply the law or in Hebrew this
A big 19th century issue was laws protecting farmers and increasing food prices ;even when about wheat or other grains they were these laws
Corn laws
- United Nations agreement requires states to rescue and assist these people and promptly return them to their launching state.
The 2018 genocide and atrocities prevention act is named for this Holocaust Survivor and Nobel peace prize winner
Elie wuh zell
Pope Leo, the 10th, gave this monarch the title defender of the faith in 1521 for his written work against Martin Luther
King Henry VIII
A good place to pitch a tent
The name of this venue built in 1599 fit its circular shape
a wooden O someone would say
Globe theater
Embalmers messed up his body after his 1658
in 1661 folks thought putting his head on a pole was a nice finishing touch
Oliver Cromwell
The giant species of this rodent has been recorded as gliding up to 1500 feet from tree to tree
Flying squirrel