Bernada Quotes Flashcards
What is Bernarda’s first and last word in the play?
Symbolizes her oppressive control over her household and the silencing of dissent or emotion.
What does the phrase ‘Hilo y aguja para las hembras. Látigo y mula para el varón.’ signify?
Reflects Bernarda’s strict adherence to traditional gender roles.
Translates to ‘Needle and thread for women. Whip and mule for men.’
What does Bernarda mean when she says ‘Los pobres son como los animales. Parece como si estuvieran hechos de otras sustancias.’?
Highlights Bernarda’s classism and disdain for the poor.
Translates to ‘The poor are like animals. It’s as if they were made of different matter.’
What does ‘Aquí se hace lo que yo mando.’ indicate about Bernarda’s character?
Represents her authoritarian rule over her household.
Translates to ‘Here, you do as I say.’
What does Bernarda mean by ‘Quiero buena fachada y armonía familiar.’?
Shows her obsession with maintaining the family’s reputation.
Translates to ‘I want a good appearance and family harmony.’
What does Bernada say at the end of the play showing both her internalised misogyny and obsession with social norms?
“Mi hija ha muerto virgen”
Symbol of Bernada authority
El bastón que Adela rompe al fin de la obra