Berlin Blockade Flashcards
What zone of Germany was Berlin located in?
The Soviet Zone (to become East Germany)
What happened to Berlin at the end of the Second World War?
Divided into 4 zones (USA, British, French, Soviet)
What did the USA want from Germany?
A strong Germany to secure peace (and stop communism)
What did the USSR want from Germany?
A weak Germany so they could never invade the USSR again
What was the ‘Trizona’?
In 1948 the British, French and Us zones merged into one zone and began to prosper under Marshall Aid
What was the Deutsche Mark?
A new currency introduced to the Western Germany
When did the the Berlin air lift begin?
June 1948
How long did the Berlin air lift last?
Planes supplied West Berlin for 10 months
In May 1949 Stalin reopened negotiations
What were the effects of the Berlin Blockade?
The West stopped a communist takeover of Berlin
In May 1947 the British, French and us zones became the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
In October 1947 the Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic (GDR)
What is NATO?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Set up in 1949 by the USA, Canada and countries of Western Europe to help defend each other against communism
What was the Wasaw Pact?
A communist version of NATO set up in 1955