beowulf Flashcards
Epic of Beowulf
a story that takes place smack dab in the Viking Age. Written sometime between 700-900 AD, it is the 1st work of English literature. Only 1 manuscript has ever been found
The people living in the area of Britain between Rome and the Norman conquest (400-1066). They are a mix between Celts (rulers before Rome, destroyers of Rome) and Scandinavians (Vikings). Their culture is more Celtic than modern British. They also are responsible for making Beowulf Christian.
Old English
NOT SHAKESPEARE. The Anglo Saxon language. Beowulf language. Mix of Germanic languages, Latin and Celtic.
Middle English
French + Old English (resulting from French people having power)
Phorn, Thorn, the TH sound
Eath/eth think fEATHer or THEy
The slur for a polytheistic person
Norse Mythology
Pre-Christian belief system of northern Europe and VIKINGS
The end of the world in Norse Mythos
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
the Universe’s tendency to move from order to chaos
the sky god and all-father of Norse Mythology. he is wise.
True Norse Heroism
to resist evil as long as possible and laugh at the face of death. die undefeated.
the shapeshifting trickster god of chaos and fun. He’s friends with Odin for unexplained reasons.
The afterlife for those who fall in battle and will fight in Ragnarok
Cool women who take hero souls to Valhala and give you food. they are the 9 daughters of Odin
the supernatural bad guys who eventually destroy the gods. Loki’s mom is a giant
Norse magic. (Christians hate this) this is generally female, as magic is not as masculine as muscles and swords
the tree of the universe with 9 dimensions/worlds
Midgard/middle earth
the realm of humans, this is the only place we can be when we live. Beowulf is here
the merging of different religions
an anglo saxon poetic device that involves short weird metaphors ie “whale road” = ocean “foot fingers” = toes
“Ring Giver”
a kenning for a king who distributes his loot
a lord/knight and a “Ring Getter”
Beowulf’s tribe in south Sweeden