Benthos Flashcards
Two types of benthic animals
Epifauna and infauna
Living on top of the seafloor
Living inside the seafloor
Supralittoral/supertidal: above the tides
Smallest benthic zone, mostly dry only immersed during storms
Littoral/intertidal: between the tides
Immersed at high tides and exposed at low tides, lies within am euphotic zone
Sublittoral/subtidal: below the tide
From low tide mark to about 200 M, part of it lies in the photic zone
3 parts of aphotic zone
Bathyal, abyssal, and hadal
Characteristics of benthic algae
Multicellular, simple tissue, takes up nutrients from its body not roots, do not produce flowers/seeds
Sea grasses are not
Algae, they operate like land plants
Two types of zoobenthos
Sessile benthic and motile benthic
Sessile benthic
Attached to the seafloor, need to wait for food to pass by
Motile benthic
Live on seafloor, pursue their prey, graze, scavenge over the bottom
Classification according to size
Macrofauna (>1mm), meiofauna(0.1-1mm), microfauna(<0.1mm)
Feeding strategies
Carnivores, herbivores, detritus feeders, and decomposers
Three types of detritus feeders
Scavengers (consume already dead animals and plants), filter feeders (eat suspended detritus including fecal matter), and deposit feeders (ingest sediments directly to extract the organic component)
Mixes sediment layers