Benign Neoplasms Flashcards
fibroadenoma is common in which age group?
lumps are often described as what?
<30 years
‘breast mouse’ - non-tender highly mobile lump
is there an increase in risk of malignancy in fibroadenoma?
Tx of fibroadenoma?
if >3cm = surgical excision
if very large = mastectomy
difference between fibrocystic change + fibroadenoma in terms of the following:
1) age range
2) lump features?
3) pathology
4) pain?
1) fibrocystic = 30-50 (rare in extremes of age)
fibroadenoma = <30
2) fibrosis = irregular, cysts = hard, smooth, painful mobile lump
fibroadenoma = hard, smooth and highly mobile
3) fibrocystic = thickening of breast tissue +/- cysts
fibroadenoma = benign tumour
Fibroadenoma = painless lump fibrocystic = painful
painless lump with eczematous changes?
Paget’s disease of the breast - intraductal carcinoma associated with a reddening and thickening (may resemble eczematous changes) of the nipple/areola
What is duct ectasia?
most common at what age?
dilatation of the large breast ducts
menopausal women
tender lump around areola with green discharge
what is duct papilloma?
presents with?
age group?
benign - epithelial proliferation in large mammory ducts
blood stained discharge + painless mass if large
young pts
microdochectomy (surgical excision of duct)
breast abscess common in whom?
infection caused by what bacteria?
Lactating women (lactational mastitis)
Staph aureus
Abx + US guided aspiration
Overlying skin necrosis is indication for surgical debridement
Acute Bacterial Mastitis vs Periductal Mastitis
1) Pathology?
2) age range?
3) chronic painful lump w/ cellulitis w/ nipple discharge
4) acute painful lump during breastfeeding w/ no nipple discharge
1) acute bacterial: infective process (lactational or non-lactational)
periductal: inflammatory process
2) acute bacterial: 20-40
periductal: premenopausal women
3) periductal mastitis
4) acute bacterial mastitis
Tx for acute bacterial mastitis?
if left untreated?
Flucloxacillin 10-14 days
Abscess (requiring incision + drainage)
How many breastfeeding patients get mastitis?
who do you treat?
1 in 10
if systemically unwell,
if nipple fissure is present
if symptoms don’t improve after effective milk removal
in fibroadenoma when should a core biopsy be performed?
when lump measuring more than 4cm
how can you tell if a painless lump is fibroadenoma or carcinoma
fibroadenoma is mobile
A 55-year-old women presents with nipple discharge. On examination she has a slit like retraction of the nipple in the centre of this area is a small amount of cheese like material.
what is it?
duct ectasia
A 48-year-old lady presents with discomfort in the right breast. On examination she has a discrete soft fluctuant area in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast. A mammogram is performed and a ‘halo sign’ is seen by the radiologist.
what is it?
breast cyst - Lesions such as breast cysts compress the underlying fat and produce a radiolucent area (halo sign).