Benign disorders of the female reproductive tract Flashcards
Pelvic floor disorders: pelvic floor prolapse (POP)
-Herniation of pelvic organs, protrude in/out of vaginal canal
-Highly associated w/ obesity
Pelvic floor disorders
-Group of muscles that form a sling or hammock across pelvis
-Hold uterus, bladder, and bowel in place
Pelvic floor disorders: POP types
-Cystocele: bladder drops
-Rectocele: rectum drops
-Enterocele: small intestine drops
-Uterine prolapse: uterus drops (especially in multiparous women)
Pelvic floor disorders: POP stages
-0: no descent
-1: prolapsed organ is > 1 cm above hymenal ring
-2: prolapsed organs is 1 cm below hymenal ring
-3: prolapsed organ is 2-3 cm below hymenal ring
-4: prolapsed organ is > 3 cm below hymenal ring
Pelvic floor disorders: POP mgmy
-Kegel exercises: strengthen pelvic floor muscles and treats urinary incontinence
-HRT: improves tone and vascularity, given at lowest dose for shortest duration d/t risk for PE, breast cancer, stroke
-Diet and lifestyle
-Pessaries: support device inserted into vagina (long-term use can cause pressure necrosis or fistulas)
-Colporrhaphy and vaginal hysterectomy (tx of choice)
Pelvic floor disorders: POP physical exam
-Woman is asked to perform valsalva manuever while examiner notes organ prolapse
-Any urine leakage during exam should be noted
-2 fingers inserted to assess strength (during contraction of pubococcygeal muscles)
-If > 100 mL of retained urine –> referral
Pelvic floor disorders: POP how to perform pelvic floor exercises
-Squeeze muscles in rectum
-Stop and start urinary flow to identify pubococcygeus muscle
-Tighten pubococcygeus muscle for 3 counts, then relax
-Contract and relax pubococcygeus muscle rapidly 10x
-Try to bring up entire pelvic floor and bear down 10x
-Repeated these exercises at least 5x/day
Pelvic floor disorders: POP diet and lifestyle changes
-High fiber (>25 g/day)
-Wear girdle or abdominal support
-Avoid lifting heavy
-Avoid high-impact activity
-Avoid smoker’s cough
Pelvic floor disorders: POP pessary teaching
-Odors reduced by douching w/ dilute vinegar or hydrogen peroxide
-Use estrogen cream for postmenopausal women w/ thin vaginal mucosa
Pelvic floor disorders: urinary incontinence (UI)
-Involuntary loss of urine
-Not normal part of aging
-Mgmt: bladder training (q3-5h), pelvic floor exercises, pessary, anticholinergics (oxybutynin, tolterodine, oxybutynin), avoid drinking too much water (1.5 L total daily limit), reduce bladder irritant drinks, control blood glucose, treat chronic cough
-Mgmt for stress incontinence: weighted vaginal cones, periurethral injection, meds (cymbalta, yentreve), ERT, surgery to correct genital prolapse
-Dx: cough stress test, rectal exam, urinalysis
Benign growths: polyps
-Small growths that are cherry red if endocervical or grayish white if cerical
-Endocervical polyps more common in multiparous women ages 40-60
-Rarely returned after removal
-Although not cancerous, should still be tested
-Dx: regular pap smear
-Mgmt: forceps removal, removal during hysteroscopy, D&C, laser vaporization, abx
Benign growths: uterine fibroids
-Myoma or leiomyomas
-Subserosal: grow outside of uterus, attached by stalk
-Intramural: grow within wall of uterus, most common
-Submucosal: grow below inner uterine surface into uterine cavity
-Grow quickly during childbearing years
-Most common indication for hysterectomy
-Mgmt: birth control pills, GnRH agonists(leuprolide, nafarelin, goserelin), UAE (polyvinyl alc pellets injected into vessels), MRGFUS (coagulative necrosis)
-Surgery tx: myomectomy (removes fibroid alone), laser surgery (destroys fibroids, preserves uterus, may cause scarring and infertility), hysterectomy (removal of uterus, most effective)
Benign growths: genital fistulas
-Opening btwn genital organ and another organ
-D/t pregnancy trauma and female genital cutting
-Vesicovaginal: btwn bladder and genital tract
-Urethrovaginal: btwn urethra and vagina
-Rectovaginal: btwn rectum or sigmoid colon and vagina
-Mgmt: small ones heal w/o tx, large ones need surgery
Benign growths: bartholin cysts
-Swollen, fluid-filled, sac-like structures when ducts of bartholin gland (secrete vaginal mucus) become blocked
-Abscess forms when cystic fluid becomes infected, ruptures after 2-3 days
-Rule out STIs
-Mgmt: small cysts don’t need tx, large cysts needs word catheter or surgery
-As/s if cyst < 5 cm and not infected
Benign growths: ovarian cysts
-Fluid-filled sac that forms on ovary
-Follicular cysts: found on ovaries, resolve on own, < 5 cm, vaginal ultrasound
-Corpus luteum cysts: Corpus luteum fails to degenerate after 14 days, cause pain and delay period, appear after ovulation, resolve on own, pelvic ultrasound
-Theca-lutein cysts: high levels of hCG, rare