Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Radioactive Materials Flashcards
How did scientists
Becquerel discovered that radiation could ionise gases. He then burned his skin when exposed to the radium, but didn’t make the connection that the radium was ionising his skin cells.
The curies also burnt their hands when exposed to radioactive materials, discovering that some were much more dangerous than others. Marie Curie and her daughter also died of leukaemia probably caused by the radioactive materials they handled.
What are the dangers of using radioactive materials?
Large amounts of ionising radiation can cause tissue damage, like radiation burns and other effects which cannot be seen. Smaller does over a long period of time can cause damage to the DNA, mutation. These mutations can cause the cell to malfunction, leading to cancer.
How do we handle radioactive materials so that they do not cause us harm?
Sources are always handled with tongs. Sources are also kept in lead containers and are not pointed directly at people.
What are the three types of radioactive waste?
High level waste- procures large amounts of ionising radiation for about 50 years.
Intermediate level waste- these are usually sources that were contaminated by the radioactive fuel like control rods.
Low level waste- slightly radioactive, but will remain so for tens of thousands of years. Things like clothes and hospitals.
How do you store HLW?
HLW is transported inside thick concrete and steel containers which absorb the radiation. It is then stored in sealed has containers to stop radioactive materials escaping and stored in canisters until it becomes ILW
How is ILW stored?
It is currently stored in concrete and steel containers, none has been disposed of yet.
How is LLW stored?
It is compacted and buried in special landfill sites because of the possibility of radioactive material leaking into soil in water.
What are the long term options for the disposal of radioactive waste?
Firing into space- launch vehicles could fall back to earth, spreading radioactive material over a wide area.
Dumping barrels at sea- barrels can corrode and realise radioactive materials into the sea and food chain
Storage underground- sites need to be geographically stable ie. Very low risk of earthquakes.
What are the advantages of nuclear power?
- Nuclear power stations don’t produce carbon dioxide.
- Produces a LOT of energy.
What are the disadvantage of nuclear power?
- Processes used to make fuel rods produce carbon dioxide.
- Waste has to be stored for thousands of years and cannot leak.
- Chernobyl and other reactor accidents make the public view them as negative and dangerous.
What is half life?
Half life is the time it takes for half of the radioactive nuclei to decay. It is measure in becquerels.
What measures radioactivity?
A Geiger muller tube measures radioactive count.
What is background radiation?
The low level of radiation which we are constantly exposed to.
What’s re the spruces of background radiation?
- Radon gas is produced when uranium decays. It is found in rocks and some building materials. The amount of radon a person is exposed to depends on where they live.
- medical sources.
- Space
- Food and drink
How does radioactivity help to diagnose cancer?
Area er solution containing gamma rays is injected into the body. The tracer collects where there are areas of abnormal cell activity. A gamma camera then detects the gamma rays. Gamma rays are safe to sue because they just pass straight through the body.
How did Becquerel discover radioactivity?
He investigated how uranium gives out light after being exposed submitted to sunlight. He also observed invisible rays which darkened photographic plates. He discovered that the plates still became exposed when the uranium wasn’t exposed to sun light, it emitted energy by itself. He’d discovered radioactivity.