Benchmark III NoteCards Flashcards
Colonial Characteristics
New England- Puritans
Middle- Quakers, Diverse
Southern-Tobacco , Tar, Founded for god
Types of Governments
Representatives(VHB)-Elect own officials/voice
Manifest Destiny
Inspired many to see western settlement as sacred duty. Rail Roads helped with faster transportation. God giving rule to to move West
Monroe Doctrine
Stated that the us would not tolerate European intervention in the affairs of any ind. nation in America.
American Revolutionary War-Declaration of Ind. Thomas Jefferson
Concludes with a list of complaints the king and asserts the colonies’ right to declare indep.
Self-Salutary Neglect
England neglected US,and we had to self rule ourselves.
Types of Government-Limited(Magna Carta)
prohibited the taking of a person’s life, liberty and property, unless their peer’s deem it necessary. Separate from England.
Shared Powerd
Taxation W/O Representation
Reason for creating dec. of independence
Acts…Purpose/why (Nav. Act)
Required the British colonies to sell certain goods only to England.
Articles of confederation-Strengths VS weaknesses
nations first set of laws. not enough power to lead
Battle of Yorktown
Surrendered last Battle. of Amer. Rev.
Progressive Reformers vs Robber Barrons
Time of political, social and economic change in the US
Social Darwinism
Bushing ideas on theories of Charles Darwin “Survival of the fittest” Gov’t shouldn’t interfere
Rebuild the South
Poll Tax & Literacy Test
Blacks test to vote
Jim Crow Laws
Laws for blacks
Solid South
Southerns remained distrustful for Rep. party and ‘Solidly” supported Democratic Candidates