Believing In God Flashcards
Believing that God does not exist
When your life is changed by given your life to God
Free will
Something which seeks to real the law of science and makes you think only God could have done it
Moral evil
action done by humans which cause suffering
Natural evil
Things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans
The feeling of the presence of something greater than you
The belief that God is all-good
The belief that God is all-powerful
the belief that God knows everything that has happened
An attempt to contact God, usually through words
Name the Christian Religious upbringing
- Some Christians baptise their children at a young age
- Child is usually taught to pray and they go to church
- Families usually celebrate Christmas and Easter
- Some parents arrange for their children to attend Sunday school
Religious experiences
- Sense of the numinous
- Prayer
- Miracles
- Conversion
Describe the design argument
- Several hundred years ago William Paley put forward the design argument
- The fact that finding something so tiny with lost of mechanisms inside it had to be made by someone clever (a designer)
- it could have been made by accident
- The designer of the universe must be God- therefore God exists
Describe the causation argument
- The universe has a beginning then something could have caused it
- It did not happen by accident so something brought it into existence
- this is God, and so this proves that God exists
Arguments against Gods existence of
- Science explains how the universe began without the need for God e.g. Big Bang says how the universe began
- Evolution explains where animals and humans came from
Christians response to science
- Science is true but God controlled the process
- Science and the bible are e.g. 7 days of creation could be 7 periods of time
- Science is wrong! God made world look older - apparent age theory
- Unanswered prayers- God not answering ‘good’ prayers e.g. End poverty, cure cancer
Christians views on evil and suffering
- God created people with free will will because people are not programmed like computers, they can choose whether or not to do good or evil
- To some Christians life is a test
- Others say that God works in mysterious ways
Two ways in which Christians respond to evil and suffering (actions)
- Prayer: (asking God to help those who are suffering - this type of prayer is called intercession and is found in all different types of Christian worship)
- Service: (actively helping those who suffer) many Christians help in hospital and hospices, organise food and clothing for the homeless in the UK, raise many to help less developed countries, etc. Some set up charities such as the ‘children’s society’ to help children from broken
Two programmes that affects a persons attitude to believing in God
- Bruce almighty
What is the summary of Bruce almighty
- Bruce feels that life is not fair and bad mouths God.
- So God gives Bruce powers
- Bruce sorts out his own life but things start to go wrong
- Eventually he can no longer cope as the town falls apart due to him giving him everything they want
- In the end he realises that his life was not that bad
How does Bruce almighty support Gods existence
- Even with Gods powers Bruce mess up e.g. the town riposted as everyone wins $17
- Gods existence is never questioned. It acknowledges for the start that God is real
- Shows the problems of free will. God exists and bad things happen because humans make bad decisions and choose to do evil things
- Shows that God hears all prayers and responds to some. Shows why God does bro answer all prayers (which is a major reason for doubting his existence)
How does Bruce almighty price tags God does not exist
- Ultimately he answers Bruce’s prayer but throughout the film he is rude to God. Is he helped then why not help others
- Mocks a lot of miracles in the bible e.g. turning water into wine, walking on water
- Shows God in human form. But Christians believe that God is everywhere. Ghee is not possible if God is human
Not being sure whether God exists