Beliefs In Society (religion) Flashcards
Belief system
Framework of ideas through which a person makes sense of the world
Is a set of beliefs or principles
Differences between belief system and ideology
Belief systems extend beyond ideologies including philosophies such as phenomenology existentialism and religions. Belief system is umbrella term for any organised set of ideas and principles. Belief system usually associated with ideas of religious basis. Ideology is regarded as secular term
Belief and ideology
Religions claim to explain world around us and also seek to provide us with norms and moral guidelines.
Karl popper (1945)
Describes ideologies as secular religions for they too contain both descriptive and normative elements. E.g Marxism is an ideology and believes capitalism is morally wrong. Ideology commonly taken to mean a set of political and economic beliefs. Marx would argue his views are in no way religious
Difference between belief systems and ideologies
Based on values. Belief system doesn’t carry judgement but ideology isn’t used in neutral way and claims to have a monopoly on the truth
Theorists perceptions
Feminists wouldn’t use ideology to describe their ideas. Neither would Marx who saw his explanation of society as scientific fact. Reserving ideology for what he saw as false distorted views eg mystifying the masses
Characteristics of belief system
Framework of belief
Version of truth
Provides perspective and answers
Collection of ideas eg religion
Characteristics of ideology
Negative descriptor Monopolises the truth Bias - reflects a particular viewpoint Nazi ideology Subjective
Ideology has taken on a number of related meanings.
Includes negative aspects such as;
Distorted false mistaken ideas about the world
Conceal the interests of particular groups
Prevents change by misleading people
Irrational and closed to criticism
Marxism - victim blaming ideas about poverty
Bowles and Gintis (1976) poor is dumb theory. Everyone has same chance in life so the poor must be poor because they are stupid or lazy- not capitalism
Marxism and ideology
Racist ideas about inferiority divides workers making them easier to rule
Nationalist ideas that workers and capitalists of one nation have more in common than do the workers of the world
Neo-Marxist gramsci (1971)
Ruling class hegemony. WC can develop ideas that challenge RC hegemony as workers have dual consciousness. Possible go WC to overthrow capitalism but needs organic intellectuals.
Critic Abercrombie et al (1980)
Fear of unemployment and economic problems keep workers from rebelling
Neo-Marxist - ideology and utopia Mannheim
Work on ideology done 1918-1939 - a time of intense political and social conflict. Which influenced his views. Mannheim sees all belief systems as a particular or one-sided worldview. Their one-sidedness results from being the viewpoint of one particular group or class and its interests
Mannheim distinguishes between two types of belief system or world view
Ideological thought
Utopian thought
Ideological thought
Justifies keeping things as they are. It reflects the position and interests of privileged groups who benefit from the maintenance of the status quo. Their belief system therefore tends to be conservative and favours hierarchy
Utopian thought
Justifies social change. It reflects the position and interests of the underprivileged and offers a vision of how society could be organised differently. Mannheim sees Marxism as an example of utopian thought
Mannheim sees these world views as creations of groups of intellectuals who attach themselves to particular classes or social groups.
However because these intellectuals represent the interests of particular groups and not society as a whole they only produce partial views of reality. The belief system of each class or group only gives us a partial truth of the world.
For Mannheim this is a source of conflict in society.
Different intellectuals linked to different groups and classes produce opposed and antagonistic ideas that justify the interests and claims of their group as against others
For Mannheim the solution is to detach the intellectuals from social groups they represent and create a non-aligned or free-floating intelligentsia standing above the conflict.
Freed from representing the interests of groups they would be able to synthesise elements of the different partial ideologies and utopias so as to arrive at a total world view that represented the interests of society as a whole.
However that many of the elements of different ideologies are diametrically opposed to one another and it is therefore very hard to imagine how these could be synthesised.
Feminism- Marks (1979) describes how ideas from science have been used to justify excluding women from education.
Quotes (19th doctors scientists and educationalists expressing the view that educating women lead lead to the creation of puny and unfeminine women. Higher education would prevent mothers from feeding.
Patriarchal ideas are also found in religious beliefs and practices
Critique of feminism on ideology
Not all elements of religious belief systems subordinate women. Eg evidence in Middle East history and monotheistic religions matriarchal religions with female deities were widespread with female priests. In Hinduism goddesses are mothers of the universe
Impacts of science
Many sociologists see modern science as a product of the process of rationalisation that began with the Protestant reformation.
Many believe it had undermined religion by changing the way we think and how we see the world
Science has undoubtedly had an enormous impact on society over the last few centuries
Widespread faith in science to deliver the goods
Distinguishing science for other belief systems or knowledge
Claims its cognitive power
In other it enables us to explain predict and control the world in a way that non-scientific or pre-scientific belief systems cannot
Science part of an open belief system
The means that scientific knowledge is provisional it is open to challenge and potentially disprovable
Therefore scientific knowledge can change - it is not relative not fixed
A single comprehensive explanation of the world.