Beliefs in Society Flashcards
What do functionalists see society as like?
An organism, with basic needs that it must meet to survive. Each institution performs certain functions to maintain the social system by meeting a need.
What is societies most basic need?
For social order and solidarity.
What makes order possible in the view of a functionalist?
Value consensus, meaning a set of shared norms and values for people to follow.
What does Durkheim argue that religious institution play a part in?
Creating and maintaining value consensus, order and solidarity.
What is meant by the sacred?
Things that are set apart and forbidden, inspiring feelings of awe, fear and wonder, with taboo and prohibitions.
What is meant by the profane?
Things that are ordinary and have no special significance.
Explain rituals in relation to religions
Religions have sacred rituals or practices and these rituals are collective, meaning performed by social groups.
What’s Durkheim’s view on sacred things?
He argues that sacred things create powerful feelings in believers because they are symbols representing something of greater power, and this thing can only be society.
What does Durkheim say that sacred symbols perform?
The essential functions of uniting believers into a single, moral community.
What is a totem?
The clan’s emblem.
What do the totemic rituals reinforce?
The groups solidarity and sense of belonging.
What does Durkheim says happens when a clan member worships their totem?
They are in reality worshiping society, as the totem inspires awe in the clan’s members precisely because it represents the power of the group.
Define collective conscience
The shared norms, values and beliefs that make cooperation between individuals possible as without these, society would disintegrate.
How does religion perform functions for individuals?
By making us feel part of something greater than ourselves, it strengthens us to face life’s problems.
Define cognitive capabilities
Our ability to reason and think conceptually.
What does Durkheim think religion was?
The origin of human thought, reason and science.
What does Malinowski see religion as promoting?
Solidarity, by performing psychological functions for individuals, helping them cope with emotional stress that would undermine social solidarity.
What is meant by the psychological function ‘where the outcome is important but uncontrollable and uncertain’?
Whereby, when people gain a sense of control, it eases tension and gives them confidence to undertake hazardous tasks and reinforces group solidarity.
What is meant by the psychological function ‘at times of life crises’?
Events are sometimes seen as potentially disruptive changes, so Malinowski argues that death is the main reason for the existence of religious beliefs.
What two functions does Parsons identify in relation to religion in modern society?
- Creating and legitimating societies basic norms and values.
- Providing a source of meaning, answering ‘ultimate’ questions.
Define civil religion
A belief system that attaches sacred qualities to society itself. Civil religion is a faith in ‘the American way of life’ .
What does Bellah argues unifies society?
Religio, especially in a multi-faith society like America, and what unifies the American society is civil religion.
Does functionalism emphasise positive or negative functions that religion performs?
The positive functions.
What creates class conflict?
As Marxists see society as divided into two classes, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, with one exploiting the other, with the belief that the working class would become aware of the exploitation and overthrow capitalism.
What is the end result of class conflict?
A classless society and an end to exploitation.
What are Marxists views on ideology?
A belief system that distorts peoples perception of reality in the interests of the ruling class.
Why do Marxists see religion as an ideological weapon?
It’s used by the ruling class to legitimate (justify) the suffering of the poor as something inevitable and god-given.
What does religion mislead the poor into believing?
That they will be rewarded in the afterlife.
Define false consciousness
A distorted view of reality that prevents the poor from acting to change their situation.
Define ‘spiritual gin’
A term used by Lenin, describing religion in the sense that it confuses the working class and keeps them in their place.
Define ‘mystical fog’
The idea that the ruling class use religion to manipulate the masses and keep them from attempting to overthrow capitalism by creating this and will obscure reality.
How does religion legitimate the power and privilege of the dominant class?
By making their position appear divinely ordained.
Define alienation
Becoming separated from or losing control over something that one has produced or created.
What does Marx see religion as the product of?
How are workers alienated under capitalism?
As they don’t own what what produce, have no control over the production process and are in the factory based division of labour, meaning the workers endlessly repeat the same monotonous task.
What is the phrase used to explain how religion is a form of consolation?
‘The opium of the people. It is the sign of the oppressed creature’.
How does religion act as an opiate to dull the pain of exploitation?
It promises an afterlife to distract the attention from the true source of the suffering, in this case, capitalism.
Why does Althusser reject the concept of alienation?
As unscientific, meaning it would make an inadequate basis for a theory of religion.
Define patriarchal
Based on male domination.
How are religious institutions patriarchal?
They reflect and perpetuate gender inequality.
How are religious beliefs patriarchal?
They have patriarchal ideologies that legitimate women’s subordination.
Explain how religious organisations are patriarchal
They are mainly male dominated and Armstrong sees women’s exclusion as evidence of their marginalisation.
Explain how places of worship are patriarchal
They often segregate between the sexes and marginalise women in acts of worship.
Explain how sacred texts are patriarchal
They largely feature the doings of male gods and prophets and often reflect anti female stereotypes.
Explain how religious laws and customs are patriarchal
They often give women fewer rights than men.
Define ‘religious forms of feminism’
The ways women use religion to gain greater freedom and respect.
Does Woodhead think that all religions are patriarchal?
No because there are ‘religious forms of feminism’.
Where might a women use religion to gain status and respect?
Within the home and family.
How can religion be seen as a conservative force?
- In the sense of it being traditional.
- As it functions to conserve or preserve things as they are, maintaining the status quo.
What conservative beliefs do some religions have?
About moral issues and oppose changes that allow individuals more freedom.
What ‘family values’ do religions uphold?
Those supporting a traditional patriarchal domestic division of labour.
What do religions conservative functions contribute to?
Social stability.
What do functionalists see religion as?
A conservative force, maintaining social solidarity and preventing disintegration.
What do Marxists and feminists see religion as?
An ideology that supports the existing social structure and as a means of social control in the interests of the powerful.
Explain the link between religion and capitalism
Marx sees religion as a conservative ideology preventing social change. by legitimating or disguising inequality, it creates a false consciousness in the working class and prevents revolution.