Beliefs and Teachings Keywords - Buddhism Flashcards
Belief that there is no fixed soul; one of the three marks of existence.
Impermanence - Belief that nothing is permanent.
A perfected person. In Theravada Buddhism this the term for someone who becomes enlightened.
A life free from worldly pleasures, and involves the giving up of material possessions.
In Mahayana Buddhism this is a being destined for enlightenment, who postpones their final escape from samsara in order to help living beings.
Historically the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)
An awakened or enlightened person.
Reaching enlightenment
Buddha - nature
In Mahayana Buddhism this refers to the fundamental nature of all beings, which means that all beings can become enlightened.
Compassion (Karuna)
Sympathy and concern for the suffering of others; a key part of Buddhist ethics.
The fifth of the Five Aggregates; the state of being aware of something/ your surroundings before or without perception.
Craving (tahna)
The ongoing state of desire which causes suffering; grasping at things we enjoy/want.
Dependent arising
The belief that overthinking exists because other things do.
The teachings of the Buddha; these are the ultimate truth. Can also refer to following the Buddhist path.
A source of wisdom and authority; part of the Pali Canon that includes some of the most famous teachings of the Buddha, including the Eightfold Path.
Suffering. Belief that all life includes suffering and unsatisfactoriness; one of the Three Marks of Existence.
The Eightfold Path (magga)
The fourth Noble Truth. Known as the ‘Middle Way’, it includes the way to wisdom; mental training and the way of mortality. Eight stages to be practiced simultaneously.
One of the Mahayanan six perfections; making a courageous effert to attain enlightenment.
A state of wisdom that enables total clarity and understanding of the truths of existence; achieving Enlightenment allows a being to be freed from the cycle of rebirth.
Ethics (sila)
Moral principals that inform behavior and attitudes; part of the Eightfold Path.
The Five Aggregates (skandhas)
The belief that human beings are composed of five factors - form, sensation, perception, mental formation and consciousness.
Five Moral Precepts
An important part of Buddhist ethics; part of the Eightfold Path (right action). These include: not taking life, not taking things which aren’t freely given, not misusing the sense, not speaking falsehoods, not clouding the mind with intoxicants.
The first of the Five Aggregates; matter, physical experiences through the sense organs.
The Four Noble Truths
An important part of the Buddha’s teachings found in the Pali Canon, explaining the truth about existence. These include: suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering, the path to the end of suffering.
One of the Mahayanan six perfections.
Three Poisons
Causes of Dukkha
Greed - attachment to material things and the ongoing selfish desire for more.
Hate - a feeling of intense dislike, anger, wishing others harm.
Ignorance- inability to see things as they really are.
Kamma (Karma)
Literally ‘action’. The belief in cause and effect, intentions and actions will affect the future.
Literally ‘Greater Vehicle’; this school of Buddhism focuses on achieving enlightenment for the sake of all beings. It is the main school of Buddhism in China, Tibet and Japan.
A spiritual experience that opens a person up to the highest state of consciousness; one of the six perfections, and part of the Eightfold Path.
Principles or beliefs about what is right and wrong. One of the six perfections; includes following the Five Moral Precepts.
The belief individuals can achieve a state of perfect peace where they experience liberation from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
Pure Land
Dominant form of Buddhism in Japan and focuses on chanting the name of the Amitabha Buddha.
Six Perfections
Ethical principles in Mahayana Buddhism that lead to enlinghtenment.
The school of Buddhism mainly found in Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Threefold Way
Three divisions of the Eightfold Path: ethics, meditation and wisdom.
A Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism. Focus on the value of meditation and intuition.