Beliefs and teachings Flashcards
The belief in one God (as shown in Shema and Isaiah 45 “I am the Lord and there is no one else.”, ten commandments first : “Do not worship false idols” )
Jewish prayer affirming the belief in one God, “The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”
Jewish written law, The five books of Moses, form first part of the Tenakah
A commentary by the Rabbis on the torah, consists of the Mishnah and Gemara together in one collection
All powerful
All knowing
Jewish holy day of the week, day of spiritual renewal starting sunset on Friday continuing until sunset on Saturday.
613 laws of guidance on how Jews should use their free will, 365 bad and 248 good
The divine presence of God
How is God a judge?
Twice: after death(to decide after life) and Rosh Hashanah (every year, gives chance to reflect on wrong doings of the previous year, chance for prayers for happiness for next year and family)
How is God shown as a creator and creating evil?
Genesis 1 “When God began to create heaven and earth”, by creating everything he made free will which as a consequence produced evil. Hard for Jews to believe with persecution like the Holocaust. Isaiah 45 “I from light and I create darkness”.
How is God a lawgiver?
Gave mitzvot and ten commandments, to better relationship between him and his people.
What do Jews believe about death?
It’s Gods plan, inevitable. Family should not allow to die alone and should close dead persons eyes. Intense morning when awaiting burial, seven days after burial and then 30 days of lesser morning. Shows respect to person and acceptance of God’s will.
What do Jews believe about the afterlife?
There is Gan Eden (heaven/paradise, eternal happiness with God) and sheol (waiting place where souls are cleansed). Some Jews think you get judged as soon as you die and some believe in resurrection (like Daniel) overall not sure, a lot think present is better. Rabbi Benji Blech “Sorry we do not accept cheques, only receipts”