Beliefs and Teachings Flashcards
What are the 3 main branches of Christianity? (3 marks)
What type of religion is Christianity? (1 mark)
Monotheistic religion
What does a monotheistic religion mean to Christians? (2 marks)
It means they believe there is only one God, who they believe creates and sustains all life
How do Christians maintain a relationship with God? (1 mark)
They communicate with God through prayer
What is God believed to have done throughout history? (2 marks)
Guide and inspire people to do God’s will for the good of all people
What is the first of the Ten Commandments that Christians should believe in? (1 mark)
“You shall have no other gods before me” - Exodus 20:2-3
Is God a male? (3 marks)
Although referred to as ‘he’ and ‘father’, God is thought to exist without the restrictions of gender, sharing both traditional ideas of male and female characteristics
What are the female characteristics? (3 marks)
What are the male characteristics? (2 marks)
What do Christians consider God to be? (2 marks)
Holy, which means something set apart from everything else for a special purpose, and worthy of worship
What does the Bible state God’s state is? (2 marks)
A spirit (John 4:24), and in Luke 24:39 it is written that a spirit does not have flesh and bones.
Why does God exist as a spiritual being that defies description? (1 mark)
As God has no restrictions caused by physicality
Why do Christians believe God is perfect? Can humans achieve them too? (3 marks)
His various qualities and attributes are proof of God’s perfection. Some of these qualities are not within human capability, but others are, and provide examples that Christians should look up to.
Why is God omnipotent? (2 marks)
As there is nothing that God cannot do or achieve, he is all powerful with unlimited authority
What else does omnipotence show that God possesses? (2 marks)
Power and authority - unlike traditional images that just focus on physical strength
What is some evidence for God’s omnipotence? (3 marks)
In the Bible, the angel Gabriel answered Mary when she questioned her forthcoming pregnancy: “Nothing is impossible with God” - Luke 1:37
What type of love do Christians believe God has for humans? (1 mark)
Agape - unconditional love
What is the scripture that states Christians believe in one God? (2 marks)
Nicene Creed - “We believe in one God”
How are Christians encouraged to love each other in their daily lives and why? (3 marks)
By treating others with care and respect. Christians believe God created humans because he is all loving and desired to bestow his love upon creatures.
What evidence is there for God’s omnibenevolence? (4 marks)
“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” - Luke 3:16
God sacrificed his own son for humanity, which shows how much he loves all human beings without exception and therefore wants the best for them.
What is the Bible’s definition of love and what does it mean for Christians? (3 marks)
“Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not delight with evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
This description of love suggests some qualities Christians should aspire to have.
What does it mean for God to be the perfect giver of justice? (3 marks)
God will never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression. Therefore Christians should do all to prevent these wrongs if they were to encounter them.
What else does God judge besides right and wrong? (1 mark)
Human character
What does omnibenevolence mean for God? (1 mark)
God is all-loving
What does omniscient mean for God? (1 mark)
God is all-knowing
Why do Christians believe they can trust God even when things appear to be going wrong? (2 mark)
God treats all people fairly and is incapable of making a wrong judgement
Why does the problem of evil occur if God really is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving? (4 marks)
God gave free will
Experiencing bad things could be a test of faith - For example, in the Holy Bible, Job is tested on many occasions but still keeps his faith in God and ultimately receives a reward.
God is beyond human understanding, but God is fair so the good will be rewarded in Heaven.
Augustine stated that the definition of evil is the ‘privation of good.’ - The Enchiridion (3:11) - which means evil is the absence of good. Therefore, God is not responsible for creating evil as evil itself does not exist as an entity. Hence he can be omnibenevolent.
What does the Trinity describe? (3 marks)
There is only one God
Each person of the Trinity is fully God
The persons of the Trinity are not the same
What is the Trinity? (3 marks)
The belief there is 3 persons in one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - that are separate but also one being
What do Christians believe God the Father is? (3 marks)
Creator of everything
The sustainer of all
Transcendent (omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipresent)
What do Christians believe God the Son (Jesus) to be? (5 marks)
Both fully divine and fully human immanent personal and so understands human suffering a model for Christian behaviour the Saviour
What do Christians believe the Holy Spirit to be? (3 marks)
A presence of God in the world today, as stated in the Gospel of John: “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you for ever - the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16-17)
the immanent part of God guiding the Church
a source of strength, courage and wisdom
Do Christians believe in the creation story? (4 marks)
Although it may not be scientifically accurate, this account contains religious truth, explaining the process of creation was God’s choice and that God designed and caused it to happen.
What evidence is there that God created the Earth and all living things on it? (1 mark)
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” - Genesis 1:1
What does the “Spirit of God” reinforce? (4 marks)
The oneness of God, rather than the 3 personas of the Trinity. As it could be argued that even though God the Father is referred to as the creator, the Holy Spirit was already active in what has become the world - as it is the power of God at work on the Earth.
How does John show that all aspects of the Trinity were present during creation? (2 mark)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” - John 1:1-3
The Word is Jesus.
How does the Holy Trinity influence Christians? (4 marks)
One way is as God the Father. God father is believed to be omnibenevolent and have agape for all. Influences Christians to spread love and follow his example.
Because the Holy Spirit lives within Christians, they should look after their bodies and not indulge in anything which may harm them, ie drugs. This influences Christians to follow the correct path in life.
What is stated about Jesus’ birth? (5 marks)
According to the Bible, the Virgin Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel, who told her that she was to have a son and that he would be named Jesus. He would be a divine baby.
“The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.” - Luke 1:35
How did God show himself as a human being? (3 marks)
Through incarnation. God was made flesh in human form as Jesus, which meant he was fully God and fully human and thus God the Son as part of the Trinity.
What evidence is that God the Son came into the world as Jesus? (1 mark)
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” - John 1:14
How did the belief that Jesus was God’s incarnate make it easier for Christians to accept as truth his actions and resurrection? (3 marks)
It give his words, deeds and promises great authority as they were the words of God, delivered by a man who was fully God aswell as fully human.
What do Christians believe Jesus is? (2 marks)
The Messiah - a spiritual one rather than a political one
What evidence is there that Jesus is the Son? (1 mark)
“When Jesus was baptised, a voice from Heaven said “You are my Son”” - Mark 1:11
What is the impact of crucifixion on Christians today? (4 marks)
It gives Christians the confidence that if they accept Jesus’ sacrifice, sin can no longer destroy their lives as God forgives those who faithfully ask for forgiveness. The price of salvation was paid by Jesus’ death so that those who put their faith and trust in him might be forgiven and have eternal life in heaven.
Christians believe suffering is a part of life, just as it was a part of Jesus’ life. Therefore having also experienced a physical human death, God understands what the sufferer is going through.
Why was Jesus not spared the pain and horror of his crucifixion? (3 marks)
The price of salvation was paid by Jesus’ death so that those who put their faith and trust in him might be forgiven and have eternal life in heaven. Not only was he fully God, he was also fully human, and had the same feelings as everybody else.
What happened at the moment Jesus died? (2 marks)
The temple curtain ripped in two, which Christians understand to be a sign from God to show that Jesus’ death had atoned for the sins of humanity.
What was Jesus’ burial after he died? (4 marks)
A man called Joseph from Arimathea asked for Jesus’ body
Joseph was a member of the Council - they wanted Jesus crucified, he didn’t
The Sabbath day of rest and religious observance was approaching
Jesus’ body was laid in a cave-like tomb and a large stone was rolled to block the entrance
What does Jesus’ resurrection show Christians about God? (2 marks)
The power of God but also teaches them not to be afraid of dying - as Jesus’ death teaches Christians that God is with humans even when they die
Why is the resurrection significant? (1 mark)
It is significant evidence for the divine nature of Jesus
What is the resurrection? (1 mark)
The belief that Jesus rose from the dead
What do the angels tell Jesus’ female followers? (2 marks)
“Why do you look for the living amongst the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” - Luke 24:4-6
What happened during the resurrection? (4 marks)
Female followers, including Mary Magdalene, visit the tomb on Sunday to anoint body in preparation for proper burial
Body not found
Two men met women (angels) - told them Jesus had risen and to pass on the word to Jesus’ followers (including disciples)
Jesus met disciples over the next 40 days - told them he had risen from the dead as he had predicted when alive
What does the ascension mean? (3 marks)
If Jesus had the special power of God to rise from the dead, it is equally possible that the same power means he was able to leave the earth physically and return to heaven.
What is the significance of the resurrection? (4 marks)
the resurrection shows the power of good over evil
by accepting Jesus, Christians can also be resurrected in some way - therefore they have no need to fear death
assures Christians that God will forgive their sins if they follow the teachings of Christianity - by doing so they will become closer to God in this life and beyond
Without resurrection, there would be no Christian faith
Why is the ascension significant? (2 marks)
Shows that Jesus is with God - it paves the way for the coming of the Holy Spirit to provide comfort and guidance
What does the Catholic and Orthodox Church believe will happen during resurrection? (3 marks)
The resurrection will be a bodily one
people will once again receive their old body but transformed into a glorified state in which suffering will not exist
How will trusting in God affect a Christians’ life after death? (2 marks)
Many Christians believe that by trusting in God, their life after death will remain in the presence of God.
What is a belief in the afterlife dependent on? (2 marks)
A belief in the afterlife is dependent on a belief in God as Christians believe that human beings receive eternal life as a gift from God.
When does the afterlife begin? (2 marks)
Either upon death or the Day of Judgement where the Apostle Creed states “and he will come to judge the living and the dead:” (he being Jesus)
Who decides the fate of those who die? (1 mark)
Who decides the fate of those who die? (2 marks)
God - he will take into account the life of the person and the extent to which they have tried to get close to him
What does Jesus make clear about serving other people? (2 marks)
Christians are serving him
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” - John 14:6
What do Christians believe can guarantee a good afterlife? (4 marks)
Believing that Jesus is the Son of God and following his teachings. - Salvation through Grace
Also simply treating other people well and in accordance with Christian morality. - Salvation through good works
What is evidence of salvation through good works? (1 mark)
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” - Mark 25:35
What is sin? (2 marks)
Any action or thought that separates humans from God.
It is an action or thought against God’s laws and wishes or against the principles of morality that God requires his people to follow.
Where did the original sin come from? (4 marks)
Comes from the disobedience of Adam and Eve, who despite living in a paradise, sinned against God by breaking his instruction to not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They then became aware of their sinful actions, an awareness shared by descendants
What is grace? (3 marks)
A quality of God which God shows to humans by providing love and support which they do not need to earn
What is salvation? (2 marks)
To be saved from sin and the consequences of it and be granted eternal life with God
What allows Christians to use their free will wisely without committing sinful acts? (2 marks)
The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-19) The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)
How does sin affect the relationship between humans and God? (3 marks)
God is holy and the relationship between himself and his people is broken by sin. To overcome this, God sent Jesus to die on a cross to conquer sin and death
Why was the price of salvation paid by Jesus’ death? (2 marks)
So that those who put their faith and trust in him might be forgiven and have eternal life in heaven
What are the methods of achieving salvation? (4 marks)
Salvation through good works - this is by following God’s teachings and carrying out good deeds that will please God. For example, caring for those who are less fortunate or giving to charity.
Salvation through grace - this is by having faith in Jesus and following his teachings
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith not by works” Ephesians 2:8-9
salvation is not earned or deserved but a gift for the faithful
What does atonement do? (2 marks)
It removes the effects of sin and allows people to restore their relationship with God - which is only possible because Jesus atoned for the sin of mankind when he died and rose again
What evidence is there for atonement? (1 mark)
“If anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father - Jesus Christ” - 1 John 2:1
What does the Catholic Church believe happens life after death? (3 marks)
The Catholic Church believe in purgatory, where souls undergo purification in order to reach the necessary holiness to approach God and enter heaven.
What is heaven like? (2 marks)
Christians believe heaven is indescribably wonderful and is the place where God resides. Revelation 21:4 says “God will wipe every tear from their eyes”.
What are the 2 Christian beliefs on who will be with God eternally? (2 marks)
Some Christians believe it is those who believe in Jesus who will be with God in heaven.
Some Christians believe heaven is reserved for Christians and perhaps followers of other faiths who have lived good, principled lives and have pleased God in doing so
Some Christians believe heaven is for those who call themselves Christians regardless of how they have lived their lives, and simply the act of being baptised is a guaranteed entree into heaven
Is heaven important? (3 marks)
Christians believe seeking eternity in heaven is more important than any other ambition.
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” Mark 8:36
All Christians believe that God will forgive sins and this will enable people to approach God’s presence.
What is heaven a reward for? (2 marks)
The Parables of the Sheep and Goats indicates that heaven is a reward for both faith and actions - only one is insufficient
What is a modern and less literal view of what heaven is? (2 marks)
heaven is a spiritual existence of peace and happiness in the eternal presence of God
What is hell? (1 mark)
Christians understand hell to be a state of existence without God
What is hell described is? (4 marks)
Hell is described as a place of punishment for the unrighteous
“Throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” - Mark 13:50
Hell is often depicted in paintings as a place of eternal suffering, torment, fire and terror. This is perhaps a believer’s image of what it would be like to be permanently without God.
Do non-Christians go to hell if heaven is reserved for Christians? (3 marks)
This would appear to be unfair, and Christians believe God treats all people fairly and is incapable of making a wrong judgement.
Instead many believe all who believe in God and try to follow him will be accepted by God and welcomed eternally in his presence.
What awaits a person who throughout their life did not acknowledge God or follow his teachings? (2 marks)
A hell, that is an internal state of mind of being cut off from the possibility of God. As would a loving God condemn people to eternal torment and pain.