Beliefs about worry Flashcards
If I don’t worry, something bad will happen
If this were true, the lives of people who didn’t worry would be full of catastrophe (which they are not).
Worry helps me get things done on time
Worry takes time and headspace, which leaves less time to focus on the task at hand. Research shows that it interferes with task performance by impairing concentration. It might be the case that you’re getting things done despite worry.
Worry helps me prepare for the worst
The worst-case scenario is rarely what actually happens, and so at best you’re preparing for something unlikely. And if it did happen, your worry would probably not have been useful. Also, you can prepare for something without worrying about it.
Worry helps me plan for the future
Worry is passive whereas planning is active and involves doing something – not just thinking/fretting about it. Because only worry focuses on negative scenarios, it can actually stop you coming up with a plan you’re willing to follow.
Worrying helps me problem-solve important situations
Worrying helps me problem-solve important situations
Worrying and problem solving are not the same. Problem solving focuses on what you can do about a situation, worrying is just repetitively thinking about negative outcomes.
Worrying helps me cope and function at a high level
Worrying is accompanied by anxiety, a negative emotion, which interferes with the ability to concentrate and make decisions. It is worry and anxiety that often need to be coped with.
Worry motivates me
Worry usually involves mentally scrolling through a series of negative outcomes, which creates a sense of feeling overwhelmed or “flooded.” When people feel overwhelmed, they often avoid tasks. Thus worry can actually be unmotivating, as any course of action seems fraught with danger. This can lead to avoidance behaviour.
Worry helps me deal with uncertainty
For this to be the case, worry would have to make life more certain and predictable. However, while worry might give you the illusion that you’re in control, it does not change any actual outcomes. Life remains as uncertain and unpredictable as it ever was.