Belief in God Flashcards
what is religious upbringing?-
- Babies baptised-promise to bring children up to believe in God
- Teach to pray-direct relationship with God
- Take to worship-worshipping as a community shows other people who believe
- Church school or Sunday school-teaching children in a Christian environment
How religious upbringing leads to belief in God
- children will believe what parents have told them about God because their parents have authority
- because parents pray children will believe it is not a waste of time and the normal thing to do
- seeing so many people worship in church will make children believe God must exist
- at school or children’s liturgy teachers will tell children God exists and teach them bible stories
Religious experience
- Numinous feelings-the feeling of the presence of something greater than yourself
- Conversion-when your life is changed by giving yourself to God
- Miracles-something which breaks the laws of science making you think God must have done it
- Prayer-an attempt to contact God, usually through words
How religious experiences leads to belief in God
- Numinous feeling-if you sense a presence greater than yourself you will believe this is God
- Conversion-sensing that God wants you to change
- Miracles-if there is no scientific explanation the only possible explanation is God so he must exist (evidence of miracles in the bible)
- Prayer-answered prayers will lead to belief in God
The design argument
- There is lots of evidence of complex things in the world which appear designed e.g the eye
- Anything that has been designed needs a designer
- The only thing powerful enough to design earth is God
- The earth is so beautiful is cannot be an accident, this must be God
- The world is perfect for humans, a loving God must have designed it
Criticisms of the design argument
- No designer would have created natural evil like volcanos and earthquakes
- Science can explain the appearance of design without needing God through evolution and natural evil
- The argument does not explain how things like dinosaurs could have been part of a design plan for the world
- Even if the argument worked, it would only prove that the world have a designer this may not be God
The causation argument
- everything in the world needs a cause. anything caused to exist must have something that caused it; nothing can cause itself
- if you keep working backwards you will eventually get to the cause of the universe-the first cause
- the only thing powerful enough to have caused the universe is God
Criticisms of the causation argument
- if everything needs a cause then who caused God
- if matter is eternal (cannot be created or destroyed) then the progress goes on forever
- even if there was a first cause it would not have to be God
- if you can argue that God does not need a cause, you can also argue that the universe did not need a cause
Scientific explanations for the universe
- about 15 million years ago the Big Bang happened and formed our solar system
- gases on the earths surface produced primitive life forms. these primitive life forms lead to the evolution of new life forms and about 2.5 million years ago, humans evolved
Scientific explanations lead to atheism/agnosticism
- science can explain where the world came from without God
- people become agnostic because there is no need for God as an explanation anymore
- atheists believe that science proves God does not exist because if he did there would be no other explanation for the world except God but there is (Big Bang)
- atheists argue that proof of dinosaurs shows God does not exist because why would God create and destroy them
How Christians respond to science
- the 6 days of creation in the biblical Genesis story of creation can fit with the scientific understanding of evolution because one of Gods ‘days’ could be reference to 6 time periods including million of years of revolution
- creationists believe the earth was created exactly as it says in the bible; they reject evolution as truth
- creationists believe that fossils may have been put in the ground by God or humans to trick people
Evil and suffering
- Moral evil is evil which is caused by humans misusing free will. An example of moral evil is war, war causes massive suffering and is started by humans
- Natural evil is suffering which humans have not caused. An example is earthquakes
How evil and suffering causes people to reject belief in God
- If God was omnipotent he would be able to stop all suffering
- If God was omniscient he would know about all suffering
- If God was benevolent he would want to stop suffering
- If God existed evil and suffering wouldn’t but as it does exist, God mustn’t
Christian explanations of evil and suffering
- Christians believe God wants them to have the opportunity to help those suffering as Jesus taught
- Christians believe suffering is caused by misusing free will and so is a human problem, not Gods
- Christians believe that evil and suffering are a test to prepare us for heaven or hell
- Christians believe that God has a reason for not removing suffering but that we cannot possibly understand it
Unanswered prayers lead to atheism/agnosticism
When people pray they are attempting to contact God, many people claim to feel God when praying
- other people may say prayers and never feel Gods presence. This makes them think they are doing something wrong or that he does not exist
- if someone prays for something and it doesn’t happen they may feel their prayers are not being answered
- if they do not feel Gods presence when they less they may lead to agnosticism or atheism
Christians responses to unanswered prayers
- if you pray for something selfish God will not answer your prayer
- God may have different plans for you that go against your prayer e.g God may want a sick person to enter heaven despite prayers for good health
- God will answer our prayers when it is the best thing for us this might not be when we want
- Sometimes when God answers prayers the answer is ‘no’ or is different to how we would expect