Belief Flashcards
What does it mean to believe?
To have faith in something or someone, to trust someone or something
What is truth?
Something that is real
Why must we also say that the truth searches for us?
Some stories tell the truth despite the facts (the hyena and the hamburger)
What two things does it take to believe?
Conviction based on reasoning and courage
A willingness to let one’s self go & plunge into mystery
What is Mystery?
Speculation - Something that people cannot explain
What is Sacred Mystery?
A presence in our lives that reaches beyond our senses - a fascinating presence.
Why is Mystery important? - two part answer
It generates feelings of awe, fascination or fear. Our problem with mystery is that we expect scientific answers to quash Sacred Mystery. That is - we tend to believe that Sacred Mystery is merely a product of ignorance
This is simply is not true. The problem arises we in the fact that we think there is a conflict between science and religion, or science and the Bible
What do Science and the Bible disagree on? (8)
Jesus parting the Red Sea Whether or not God is real How the world was created Evolution Resurection Miracles Afterlife The Virgin Birth
What three question do science look at?
Where did life originate?
When did life originate? Factual Questions
How did life originate?
What three questions does the Bible look at?
Why are we here?
What is the purpose of life? Meaning Questions
Why do people have to die?
What is a Ritual?
A set way of doing things - not a routine eg. Communion
What are the five points of Religious Ritual - Sacrifice (in order)
An offering to the god or gods of something valuable
Destroy to show that the gift is irreversibly given
Usually burned or cooked to show the gift going up to the god or gods - through the smoke
Followed by a sacrificial meal, in which the food of the gods is shared so that the people become more united to the god or gods themselves
The purposes for the sacrifice are two fold:
To please or praise the gods
For forgiveness
What are the points for Rituals?
Ritual has always been an integral part of religion
It helps to pass on the belief and traditions of a religion
Ritual has a deep symbolic aspect, putting one in touch with the sacred
What two things do most religions concern themselves with?
The nature of the relationship between people and God
The proper conduct of man in relation to his fellow man
What is Ethics?
The study of man’s moral behaviors
Whatever form they may take, moral principles are in very society
What is a Myth?
A story that tries to explain a mystery