behavorial health 1 Flashcards
Axiom #1
mental and medical conditions often co exist
-Co occurrence of disorders is called comorbidity. Successfully addressing one requires addressing both disorders.
Axiom #2
many mental disorders present with chronic and disabling physical sx.
-physical sx obscure psychological sx
-pts will talk about what hurts and the more severe, chronic and disabling the physical sx–> more likely there is an associated mental disorder
-psychological sx become apparent when providers have a suspicion of them
Axiom #3a
mental disorder paired with a chronic medical dx.
severe physical sx become a red flag for associated mental disorder
Axiom #3b
chronic MUS that have little to non identifiable disease or pathoph. basis
patients dont express their psychological and physical sx at the same bc?
-the stigma of mental disorders
-providers not interested
-not aware of their disorder
chronic dx leads to
mental disorder
mental disorder leads to
chronic dx
what dx tx leads to the mental disorder of depression and anxiety
what dx tx leads to the mental disorder of depression
what dx tx leads to the mental disorder of anxiety?
SSRI causes
-Sex dys
-sex dys
-lower seizure threshold
-night sweats
-thyroid dys.
-ECG changes