Behavorial Finance Flashcards
List all biases
Belief perseverance
1) Conservatism
2) Confirmation
3) Representativeness
4) Illusion of control
5) Hindsight
Info processing
1) Anchoring and adjustment
2) Mental accounting
3) Framing
4) Availability
1) Loss aversion
2) Overconfidence
3) Self-control
4) Status-quo
5) Endowment
6) Regret-aversion
Conservatism bias
Conservatism bias
Maintain prior views or forecasts by inadequately incorporating new info, by overweighting initial beliefs (base rate) and underweighting new info.
- fail to update with new info or slow to react (underreact)
Confirmation bias
Confirmation bias
Looking for & notice what confirms prior belief or distorting/disregarding info to support existing belief
- Underdiversified portfolios & excessive exposure to risk by holding on to losing stocks too long
- Concentrated holding of employer stock
* must state that they will disregard/ignore the other disconfirming facts in a vignette
Representativeness bias
Representativeness bias
Classify new info based on past experiences and classifications, leads to overweighting new info & small samples, viewing them as representative of the pop as a whole & of future events
- underweight base rates, overweight new info
- hold on to or buy recent winners
- excessive turnover
Illusion of control bias
Illusion of control bias
Belief you can control or influence outcomes, when in fact, you can’t
- overtrading, lower returns
- underdiversification, excessive risk
Hingsight bias
Hindsight bias
See past events as having been predictable and reasonable to expect
- overconfidence
- unfairly assess the performance of others
Anchoring and adjustment bias
Anchoring and adjustment bias
Initial view acts as an anchor, often developedd heuristically, adjustment usually insufficient
- hold too long, sell too early
Mental accounting bias
Mental accounting bias
Treat one sum of money differently to another equal-sized sum based on which mental account the money is assigned to.
- underdiversification and excessive risk
- correlations amongst assets in different accounts
- opportunities to reduce risk by combining assets with low correlations
- total return
Framing bias
Framing bias
A person responds differently depending on how a probkem is framed
- excessive risk: misidentify risk tolerances, choose suboptimal investments, focus on short term price fluctuations
Availability bias
Availability bias
Estimate probability based on how easily something comes to mind, as easily recalled outcomes are perceived as more likely
- underdiversification
- excessive risk
Loss aversion bias
Loss aversion bias
People prefer avoiding losses as opposed to achieving gains, as the losses are more emotionally powerful than the gains.
- Innapropriate risk risk by holding losers longer than justified
- Excessive trading by selling winners too quickly
Overconfidence bias
Overconfidence bias
People demonstrate unwarranted faith in their own abilities, reasoning and judgement
- underdiversified portfolios
- Innapropriate risk due to underestimation
- Overestimate returns as excessive trading will lead to underperformance
Answer - looking for a judgement, estimate, forecast of future outperformance (i’m going to outperform) that is not justified by the facts (5% < 7%) but only by belief
Self-attribution bias contributes to overconfidence bias
- takes personal credit for all successes, as a result, will see past success as a result of personal ability, and will continue (i.e. buying in a rising market)
Self-control bias
Self-control bias
People lack self-discipline and favour immediate gratification over long-term goals
- SAA imbalances due to spending using income producing assets, instead of reinvesting that income. Also lower return’s from income producing assets.
- Innapropriate risk by insufficiently saving for the future, resulting in accepting too much risk to catch up
Status-quo bias
Status-quo bias
Comfort with existing situation leads to unwillingness to make changes
- Innapropriate risk from maintaining portfolios with innapropriate risk charachteristics
- Fail to explore other opportunities
Endowment bias
Endowment bias
An asset is felt to be more special/valuable because it is already owned, with the familiarity adding to perceived value of the asset
- Innapropriate asset allocation in relation to risk tolerance and financial goals
- fail to sell assets and replace them with other assets
Regret aversion bias
Regret aversion bias
Do nothing (hold losing asset) out of fear actions could be wrong (price may rise after selling)
Act due to fear of missing out (buying in a rising market)
- too conservative in investment choises leading to long term underperformance and failure to reach goals
- engage in herding behaviour
What actions should be taken in the face of the following biases:
1) Congitive Errors
1. 1) Belief perserverence biases
1. 2) Info processing errors
2) Emotional biases
1) Cognitive Errors - moderate
1. 1) Belief perserverance biases
- Better info processing
- Structure
- Process
1. 2) Info processing errors
- Be aware
- Question
- Checklist
2) Emotional biases - adapt
- Discpline
- Rules
- Review
- Awareness
Myopic loss aversion
Myopic loss aversion
- it’s a consequence of loss aversion
- focus on short-term losses vs potential long-term gains
- the individual behaviour of loss aversion permeates through to overall markets - underown risky equity keeping stocks low - equity RP = too high