Behavoral questions Flashcards


What was biggest challenges you faced at your work? How were you able to solve it?


I have faced numerous challenges throughout my career, but one significant challenge stands out from my time at Nordstrom. The project involved a complete redesign, adding new features, and enhancing overall performance by leveraging new technologies within a short period of time.

To accomplish this task, I conducted extensive research, worked overnight, and maintained constant communication with my teammates to exchange ideas. After extensive research and testing, I successfully completed the project on time.

This challenge highlighted the power of teamwork and effective communication. Completing this project not only boosted my confidence but also demonstrated my ability to overcome obstacles

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Proudest Moment


overcoming the biggest challange

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tell us about a situation when you had a conflict with a team member? what was a conflict about and how did you resolve it.


When I was working at Uber, I had a conflict with a team member regarding task prioritization. We disagreed on whether to focus on performance improvements or adding new features. To resolve it, we scheduled a meeting, listened to each other’s perspectives, and analyzed project requirements together. We decided to balance both priorities, allocating dedicated time for performance and delivering requested features. We communicated the revised priorities to stakeholders and had regular check-ins to address any emerging conflicts. This experience taught me the importance of collaboration, understanding perspectives, and aligning priorities to achieve successful outcomes.

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tell us about a time when you were not able to finish a task on time.


I usually complete my tasks on time,but During my time at Uber, I faced a significant challenge while working on a project that involved integrating a third-party API. With the project deadline approaching, we encountered an error with the API then i ask my manager to extend me more time to conduct more reserch and resolve the issue and my manager aproved it gave me more time and i completed the task by the extended time

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how many members were on your team. what were those roles?


At HEB, I was part of a development team consisting of six members, including myself. The team was structured with one project manager, two frontend developers including myself, one backend developer, one quality assurance specialist, and one business analyst.

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what was your day to day activity? (scrum)


I begin my day by attending a standup meeting where we discuss our progress towards our goals. After checking my emails and tickets from my scrum master I start working. Throughout my day, I collaborate with my team and conduct code reviews.

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how did you get requirements and what kind of things you look for in the code reviews


At Nordstrom and HEB, I got requirements from product managers and collaborated with designers to ensure the best user experience. In my code reviews, I look for best practices, maintainability, readability, and scalability.

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What is your strength


I’m quick to adapt a new technologies and I’m a good team player

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what is your weakness


I seek a continius feedback from colligues to identify which areas wher ican improve

sometimes i give too much detail

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How do you keep yourself updated


by contantly learning through youtube,udemy
by reading blogs and news like hacker news
by attending tech confrences
by contributing in opensource

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what is your favorite testing tool


my favorite wolud be jest because it is:-
-fast and efficent
- simple to use
- it work well with react eco system

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How do you balance work life


I have clear boundries when it comes to work and life this includes dedicated working hours and personal life.

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How to improve page performance


Improving page performance is crucial for providing a fast and smooth user experience. Here are some best practices to enhance page performance:

  1. Minimize HTTP Requests: Reduce the number of HTTP requests by minimizing the number of files (CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) loaded on the page. Combine and minify files to reduce their size and use CSS sprites for combining multiple images into a single file.
  2. Optimize Images: Optimize image sizes without compromising quality. Use image compression techniques, choose appropriate file formats (e.g., JPEG for photos, PNG for graphics), and consider lazy loading images to load them only when they are visible.
  3. Use Caching: Implement browser caching to store static resources (CSS, JavaScript, images) on the user’s device. This way, subsequent page loads can be faster as the browser retrieves resources from the cache instead of the server.
  4. Enable GZIP Compression: Compress text-based resources (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) using GZIP compression. This reduces file sizes and reduces the time it takes to transfer them from the server to the browser.
  5. Minify and Bundle Code: Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters like comments, whitespace, and line breaks. Additionally, bundle multiple CSS and JavaScript files into a single file to reduce the number of requests.
  6. Optimize CSS Delivery: Place CSS stylesheets at the top of the HTML document to ensure they load and render before other content. Avoid render-blocking CSS by inlining critical styles or using techniques like asynchronous loading or deferred loading.
  7. JavaScript Optimization: Optimize JavaScript code by reducing its size, avoiding unnecessary DOM manipulations, and using efficient algorithms. Load JavaScript asynchronously or defer its execution to prevent blocking the rendering of the page.
  8. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Utilize CDNs to serve static resources from servers located closer to the user, reducing latency and improving loading times.
  9. Reduce Server Response Time: Optimize server-side code, database queries, and network configurations to minimize server response time. Use caching, database indexing, and efficient algorithms to speed up data retrieval and processing.
  10. Continuous Performance Monitoring: Regularly monitor and analyze your page’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or WebPageTest. Identify performance bottlenecks, measure improvements, and make data-driven optimizations.

It’s important to note that every website is unique, and performance optimization techniques may vary depending on factors such as the site’s complexity, content, and target audience. Therefore, it’s recommended to analyze your specific use case and apply the appropriate optimizations accordingly.

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How do you debug code


Debugging code is an essential skill for developers to identify and fix issues in their code. Here’s a general approach to debugging code:

  1. Reproduce the Issue: Start by understanding and reproducing the problem. Identify the specific steps or conditions that trigger the issue. This may involve examining error messages, user reports, or specific inputs that cause unexpected behavior.
  2. Review Code and Documentation: Review the relevant code and documentation related to the problematic area. Understand the logic, dependencies, and expected behavior. This helps in gaining insights into the code flow and identifying potential problem areas.
  3. Use Debugging Tools: Debugging tools are invaluable for understanding code execution and identifying issues. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, or Xcode often have built-in debugging capabilities. Set breakpoints at strategic locations in the code to pause execution and inspect variables, stack traces, and program flow.
  4. Print Debug Statements: Insert print or log statements strategically in the code to output variable values, function calls, and other relevant information during runtime. These statements help in understanding the flow of execution and pinpointing the source of errors.
  5. Analyze Error Messages: Examine any error messages or exception traces that are generated. Understand the error details, stack traces, and error codes. This information often provides clues about the root cause of the issue.
  6. Step Through the Code: Use the debugger to step through the code line by line or through specific functions or methods. Observe variable values, check the execution flow, and compare them with expected values. This helps in identifying discrepancies or unexpected behavior.
  7. Check Inputs and Outputs: Review the input values and parameters being passed to functions or methods. Ensure that they are in the expected format and within valid ranges. Verify the output of functions or methods against expected results.
  8. Divide and Conquer: If the issue is challenging to identify, consider isolating parts of the code to narrow down the problem. Temporarily remove sections of code or test specific modules independently to determine if the issue lies within them.
  9. Consult Documentation and Online Resources: If you encounter unfamiliar errors or problems, refer to documentation, official documentation for libraries or frameworks being used, and online resources like Stack Overflow or developer forums. These resources often provide insights and solutions to common issues.
  10. Collaborate and Seek Assistance: If you’re unable to resolve the issue, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from colleagues, peers, or online developer communities. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes or expertise from others can help identify the problem more quickly.

Remember, debugging can be an iterative process. Once you identify and fix one issue, it’s essential to retest the code to ensure the problem is resolved and no new issues arise.

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What different tools have you used for developing application


Based on the resume, here are the different tools I have used for developing applications:

  1. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments): I have experience working with IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Xcode. These IDEs provide a feature-rich development environment with code editors, debugging capabilities, and various plugins/extensions to enhance productivity.
  2. Package Managers: I am proficient in using npm (Node Package Manager) for managing project dependencies and installing external libraries or frameworks. npm simplifies the process of including third-party packages into the project.
  3. Version Control Systems: I have utilized Git for version control throughout my career. Git allows me to track changes, collaborate with team members, manage branches, and ensure code integrity. I have also used Git Bash, a command-line interface for Git, to execute Git commands efficiently.
  4. Task Runners and Build Tools: I am familiar with task runners like Gulp and Grunt. These tools automate repetitive tasks such as minification, compilation, and concatenation of files, improving the development workflow. Additionally, I have worked with build tools like Webpack, which bundles and optimizes web assets for production.
  5. Project Management Tools: I have experience using project management tools like Jira. These tools help in organizing and tracking tasks, managing sprints, and facilitating collaboration within Agile development methodologies.
  6. Testing Frameworks: I have used Jest and Enzyme for writing unit tests for React components. These testing frameworks provide a robust and efficient way to ensure the stability and reliability of the application.
  7. Web Debugging Tools: During development, I have utilized browser-based developer tools such as Chrome DevTools and Firefox Developer Tools. These tools help inspect and debug HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, analyze network requests, and diagnose performance issues.
  8. Collaboration Platforms: I have worked with collaborative platforms such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket for hosting and sharing code repositories, managing version control, and facilitating team collaboration.
  9. Design and Prototyping Tools: While not explicitly mentioned in the resume, I have experience working with design and prototyping tools like Adobe XD, Figma, or Sketch. These tools help in creating UI/UX designs, wireframes, and interactive prototypes.

It’s important to note that the specific tools and technologies used may vary depending on the project requirements and team preferences. However, the above-mentioned tools showcase my familiarity and adaptability to various development tools and workflows.

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Scrum and Sprints


Scrum is an agile project management framework used to manage and deliver complex projects. It emphasizes iterative development, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Scrum promotes flexibility, transparency, and adaptability in the development process.

In Scrum, a project is divided into smaller iterations called sprints. A sprint is a time-boxed period (typically 1-4 weeks) during which a cross-functional team works on delivering a set of features or increments of the product. Each sprint follows a defined set of activities and events.

Here are the key components of Scrum and a sprint:

  1. Product Owner: The Product Owner is responsible for representing the stakeholders and ensuring that the product backlog is prioritized, well-defined, and aligned with business goals. They collaborate with the development team to create a product backlog that includes user stories, features, and other requirements.
  2. Scrum Master: The Scrum Master acts as a facilitator and coach for the Scrum team. They ensure that Scrum principles and practices are followed, help remove any impediments that hinder the team’s progress, and promote continuous improvement. The Scrum Master facilitates the various Scrum events and ensures effective collaboration.
  3. Development Team: The Development Team is a self-organizing and cross-functional group responsible for delivering the product increments. The team consists of individuals with different skills necessary to design, develop, test, and deliver the product. They collaborate closely during sprints to achieve the goals set for each iteration.
  4. Product Backlog: The product backlog is a prioritized list of user stories, features, bug fixes, and other requirements that define the scope of the project. The backlog evolves and is refined over time, with the Product Owner and the team collaborating to ensure it is up to date and well-defined.
  5. Sprint Planning: At the start of each sprint, the team conducts a sprint planning meeting. The Product Owner presents the highest-priority items from the product backlog, and the team collaborates to determine which items can be completed in the upcoming sprint. They create a sprint backlog, which is a subset of the product backlog containing the work to be completed in the sprint.
  6. Daily Scrum (Stand-up): The daily Scrum is a short, time-boxed meeting where the team members provide updates on their progress, discuss any impediments, and plan their work for the day. The focus is on improving coordination, identifying issues, and maintaining transparency within the team.
  7. Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint, a sprint review is conducted to demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders and gather feedback. The team presents the product increment, discusses the completed items, and incorporates stakeholders’ inputs to refine the product backlog.
  8. Sprint Retrospective: After the sprint review, the team holds a sprint retrospective to reflect on their processes and identify areas for improvement. The retrospective allows the team to assess what went well, what could be improved, and define action items to enhance their performance in future sprints.

The iterative nature of Scrum allows for continuous feedback, adaptation, and incremental development. The team repeats the sprint cycle, continuously delivering value until the project goals are achieved. This iterative approach fosters flexibility, collaboration, and rapid response to changes.


walk me through your resume


Certainly! Let’s walk through my resume:

I have over 4 years of experience in Front-End Web Development, and my expertise lies in creating and maintaining functional, attractive, and responsive web applications using various technologies.

In terms of technical skills, I am skilled in building responsive and visually appealing layouts using HTML, CSS, SASS, and media queries. I have proficiency in utilizing frameworks like Bootstrap and flexboxes to create flexible and adaptive designs.

I have a strong knowledge of JavaScript and ES6 and leverage their features to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Additionally, I have extensive experience with React and its core concepts, including component-based architecture and state management with Redux. I also have experience in asynchronous programming using Redux-Thunk and handling single-page application (SPA) routing with React Router.

I am skilled in working with REST APIs and integrating backend functionality using JSON data formats into React applications. I am well-versed in using Git for version control to ensure effective collaboration and code management. Additionally, I have experience working with common development tools such as NPM and Webpack to streamline the development workflow.

To ensure the stability and reliability of my work, I have experience in writing unit tests using Jest and Enzyme. I am also familiar with React Testing Library (RTL) for testing React component behavior and user interactions.

Throughout my career, I have actively collaborated within Agile development methodologies, participating in iterative processes and effectively adapting to changing requirements.

Now, let’s move on to my work experience:

  1. Web Developer at HEB Grocery (Jan 2022 – Present):
    • Actively contribute to the e-commerce website, collaborating with stakeholders, making architectural decisions, and implementing features to enhance user experience and drive business growth.
    • Responsibilities include implementing new features and functionality, optimizing website performance, ensuring cross-browser compatibility, and responsive design.
    • Work closely with UX/UI designers, back-end developers, and other stakeholders to deliver a seamless and user-centric online shopping experience.
    • Utilize RESTful APIs for efficient and secure communication between the front-end and server-side applications.
    • Employ Redux for effective state management and leverage Redux-Thunk middleware for smooth data flow and interaction within the application.
  2. Web Developer at Nordstrom (April 2020 – Dec 2021):
    • Performance Optimization Specialist role focused on ensuring front-end applications perform optimally, providing users with fast and responsive experiences.
    • Identify and address performance bottlenecks, optimize front-end code and assets for faster load times, reduced bandwidth usage, and improved user experience.
    • Implement techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, caching, and resource optimization to enhance website/application performance.
    • Stay up to date with industry best practices and emerging technologies related to front-end performance optimization.
    • Conduct testing and performance experiments, monitor and analyze performance metrics, and provide recommendations based on findings.
  3. UI Developer at Uber (Oct 2018 – Mar 2020):
    • Responsive Design Specialist role focused on creating and optimizing responsive user interfaces for Uber’s web-based applications.
    • Collaborated with designers and developers to ensure seamless and visually appealing experiences across different devices and screen sizes.
    • Conducted thorough testing and debugging to identify and resolve responsive design issues.
    • Worked closely with the front-end development team to implement and maintain responsive design frameworks, libraries, and tools.
  4. Web Developer at Ethio telecom (Mar 2017 – Sep 2018):
    • Responsible for designing and developing web-based applications for internal use at Ethio telecom, the sole telecommunications service provider in Ethiopia.
    • Developed web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to meet business requirements.
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure web applications met user needs.
    • Designed and developed responsive user interfaces using Bootstrap and CSS

webpack and npm


webpack is a module bundler that optimizes and organizes JavaScript code and assets, while npm is a package manager that allows developers to install, manage, and share JavaScript packages and libraries. Together, they play crucial roles in modern web development workflows, making it easier to build complex applications and manage dependencies efficiently.