Behaviourist perspective Flashcards
What is a perspective?
- A perspective is a viewpoint
- Viewpoints have developed as the subject has grown and they show how different groups of psychologists have gone about studying human behaviour
- Perspectives are more ‘schools of thought’ or ‘movements’ than simply different approaches in psychology. Each perspective is characteristically different and has its own assumptions, S + W
What is the behaviourist perspective?
- The behaviourist perspective can be known as ‘learning theory’
- It is the study of how we learn behaviour
- Behaviourists claim that everything we do can, and should be regarded as behaviours that can be studied and explained through observable events, without the need to consider mental processes.
- Goes against Psychodynamic movement, which is unscientific and too subjective.
How did the Behaviourist perspective come about?
• It emerged in the early 19th century, through the work of Ivan Pavlov, John Watson and B.F Skinner
What are some assumptions of the behaviourist perspective?
- All behaviour is learned from our experiences and interactions with our environment
- Everything we do (acting, thinking, feel + more) can, and should be regarded as behaviours that can be explained through observable events.
- The mind is irrelevant
- Behaviour can be shaped (changed) through reinforcement strategies (e.g, rewards)
What was the most significant contribution of behavioursm?
- Learning theory
- In particular, the concept of conditioning (learning through association) There are 2 types:
- Classical conditioning
- Operant conditioning
What is classical conditioning?
- Classical conditioning is learning through association
* Two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response in a human or an animal
Who discovered classical conditioning?
• Pavlov, a Russian Psychologist
What was the most famous example of classical conditioning?
- Pavlov’s experiment with dogs, who salivated in response to a bell tone
- Pavlov showed that when a bell was sounded each time the dog was fed, the dog learned to associate the sound with the presentation of the food.
What did John Watson propose/believe?
- John Watson proposed that the process of classical conditioning (based on Pavlov’s observations) was able to explain all aspects of human psychology
- Everything from speech to emotional responses was simply patterns of stimulus and response.
- Watson denied completely, the existence of the mind or consciousness. Watson believed that all individual differences in behaviour were due to experiences of learning
What was the aim of the Little Albert study? (Watson + Rayner, 1928)
To find out if classical conditioning works on humans.
Specifically, to find out if a fear response can be conditioned into a 9 month old baby boy.
Also, to see if the fear response will be generalised to other animals and objects and how long the conditioning lasts
What was the IV of the Little Albert study? (Watson + Rayner, 1928)
1) before-conditioning compared to after-conditioning
2) being presented with the white rat compared to being presented with other white, fluffy animals or objects.
What was the DV of the Little Albert study? (Watson + Rayner, 1928)
The DV was the number of fearful behaviours Albert shows when presented with the stimuli
What experimental design was used in the Little Albert study? ( W + R, 1928)
Repeated measures design
- Studies baby Albert before and after his conditioning
- Studies Albert with rat and other stimuli. Albert experiences every condition
Describe the sample from the Little Albert Study
- One baby boy, Albert B
- 9 months at the start of the study
- 11 months when the conditioning began
Describe the procedure from the Little Albert study (9 months)
- At 9 months - Albert was tested with a white rat, rabbit, cotton wool and other stimuli to see if he had a fearful reaction. He didn’t so they were NEUTRAL STIMULI (NS)
- Researchers checked his fear response by banging an iron bar. Albert cried at the loud noise. noise was an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) and the crying was an unconditioned response (UCR)