Behavioural Theories of Anxiety and Depression Flashcards
What bits of the nervous system are activated in anxiety?
- Anxiety is normal: it helps us to perform better
- Increased adrenaline, cortisol
- Sympathetic, autonomic nervous system
- In the brain you have activation of 5-HT and NA
What are the physical symptoms of anxiety?
- Muscle tension: headaches, pain, fatigue
- Hyperventilation: dizziness, tingling fingers, toes (decrease PCO2 = Ca2+ changes)
- Sympathetic overactivity: increase HR + BP, ectopic beats, sweating, pale skin, dry mouth etc, frequent urination).
What are the psychological symptoms of anxiety?
CNS: poor concentration, memory, feeling unreal
Mood: fear, panic, worry, on edge, irritable
Thoughts: future danger ‘fear of dying, losing control, worrying about worry’
What are unhelpful behaviours in anxiety?
- Pacing room - wringing of hands, sighing
- Attempts at coping - caffeine, smoking, alcohol, drugs
3. Avoiding - fear provoking situations
- Asking for reassurance - visiting GP, increase in somatic complaints, checking body
What are the 5 key things to consider in anxiety?
1. Is it a normal reaction to stress? (if so, educate)
2. Is it secondary to a physical illness (e.g. hyperthyroidism) or mental illness (e.g. depression): treat 1st.
3. Lifelong personality trait or state
4. Triggered by a specific object e.g. spider (a phobia) or free floating?
5. If free floating, present from time to time (panic) or all of the time (generalised anxiety)?
What is the neuronal basis of learning theory?
- Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience
- It enables a person/organism to adapt to its environment.
Neuronal Basis
- Amygdala - almond structure in tempral lobes involved in learning and expressing fear
- More axonal connections between neurons?
- Increased efficiency of neurotransmitter release between neurons across synaptic cleft
What are the types of learning?
Associative: learning that certain events go together e.g. classical & operant conditioning
Vicarious: learning by direct observation
Factual transmission: this is an example
Complex: e.g. social learning, emotional intelligence (EQ)
What are the two main models of learning by association?
Classical Conditioning
Operant Coniditoning
What is classical conditioning?
What is operant conditioning?
Give an overview of the pavlolv dog model of classical conditioning
Give some real-life examples of classical conditioning:
- Food cues: salivation to pictures of chocolate
- Music in films e.g horror - enhances emotions
- Meeting an old friend: memories return
- Conditioned emotions (albert the rat): origin of phobias?
- Visit to dentist/doctors surgery: pain/anxiety linked to white coats, disinfectant smell, equipment
- Chemotherapy: anticipatory nausea entering room
- Treatment of bed-wetting: (pad and bell)
In operant conditioning, what is positive reinforcement?
- Involves presenting a pleasant stimuli after a desired behaviour has occured.
- Increases likelihood of desired behaviour
E.g. praise for a good exam result
Reinforcers can be primary (food, water, escape from pain/cold) and secondary (money, praise, attention, success)
- Reinforcer must be immediate/linked to act (explains lack of willpower in those trying to lose weight, stop smoking, cut down alcohol etc)
What are the types of positive reinforcement?
- Continuous reinforcement = every response is reinforced (rare in real life)
- Partial reinforcement = reinforcement occurs, but not after every response e.g.
- Ratio schedules = depend on the number of responses e.g. factory workers get paid for every 3 shirts made.
- Interval schedules = depend on the time intervals e.g. nurse only gives paracetemol every 4 hours if patient asks
3. May be fiexed (predictable) or variable (unpredictable e.g. slot machines)
What are some important rules to remember with positive reinforcement?
- People work harder under partial than continuous reinforcement
- Effort increases with time or ratio (more work, less pay) to a point.
- Extinction of a response much slower with partial vs continuous reinforcement and also much slower with unpredictable v predictable schedules.