behavioural approach to treating phobias Flashcards
systematic Desensitisation
Systematic desensitization is a type of behavioral therapy based on the principle of classical conditioning. This therapy aims to remove the fear response of a phobia, and substitute a relaxation response to the conditional stimulus gradually using counter conditioning. This will lead to extinction of the fear response. There are three phases to the treatment
systematic Desensitisation step 1
First, the patient is taught a deep muscle relaxation technique and breathing exercises. E.g. control over breathing, muscle detensioning or meditation. This step is very important because of reciprocal inhibition, where once response is inhibited because it is incompatible with another. In the case of phobias, fears involves tension and tension is incompatible with relaxation.
systematic Desensitisation step 2
the patient creates a fear hierarchy starting at stimuli that create the least anxiety (fear) and building up in stages to the most fear provoking images. The list is crucial as it provides a structure for the therapy.
systematic Desensitisation step 3
the patient works their way up the fear hierarchy, starting at the least unpleasant stimuli and practising their relaxation technique as they go. When they feel comfortable with this (they are no longer afraid) they move on to the next stage in the hierarchy. If the client becomes upset they can return to an earlier stage and regain their relaxed state
not effective for all phobias:
- evolutionary phobias eg dark
- more effective for personal experience phobias eg bitten by a dog
flooding involves bombarding the phobic patient with the phobic object without a gradual object
without the option of avoidance behaviour , the patient quickly learns that the phobic objectt is harmless through the exhaustion of their fear response.known as extinctiom
ethical safeguards
flooding is not unethical but it is an unpleasant experience so it is important that patients give informed consent.must be fully prepared