Behavioural Flashcards
Q. Example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
Recently I became a Certified Business Analysis Professional. I had been thinking about the CBAP certification for some time, but did not have the time to think and analysis what I will learn by completing this certification, how much effort involves, what value it will add to my career etc.
In January this year, I had some spear time to learn more about CBAP and its governing body IIBA as well as What involves to become one. I learned that it is the highest level of certification for BAs, require fair amount of study, and in entire Australia there are only 265 CBAP certified BAs. I felt challenge, after initial discussion with my wife and manger, I created a project in a free online project management system called ACE project. I identified activates, setup milestone and created a task list for each activities. I sticked with the project plan and deadline, adjusted the project plan only when I had no other option, stayed motivated when time was difficult due to personal and work related commitment. And that would be an example of how I planned and achieved a goal.
Give an example of a goal you didn’t meet and how you handled it.
During my time at IT magnet, I was assigned to design an estimation and project management system for a small construction company called JCG Constructions. At our first meeting the owner of that company said to me “Iqbal you’re the expert so I will leave this to your capable hand”. I banked on that word and design the system what I thought the best without proper process or elicitation. Once the system was implemented it had no use, awful would be the right word to describe it. There were serious arguments went on between both parties, I felt tribal wanted to resign but I did not. I learned two lessons from that mistake, first one is, I am not the expert, and my users are I am just a facilitator. Never underestimate intelligent of tradesmen in this country just because they swear a lot.
Q. Describe a stressful situation at work and how you handled it
Working under pressure or stressful situations is quite common in my line of work. Most cases these are related to a getting consensus from all levels of stakeholders within a given time, or coming up with a simple but innovative solution for a complex problem.
I enjoy working under pressure because I feel challenged and consequently I react to respond that challenge. Often I would motivate myself by saying Iqbal you have done this and been there before so this time will be no different.
When I am under pressure or stressful situations I plan what I have to do ease the condition. Often I would break down my entire day’s work into smaller segments and set target what I will be producing in each segment. Often I work longer hours or communicate extensively according to my plan to bring the situation under control.
q. How do you handle a challenge?
First I break down the situation into different parts to look at the facts, understand the fact and what I know, etc. Then I analyse and plan, what needs to be done, what I need to find out, learn, etc. Often I would refer to company policy for guidance how I should address the problem. If policy does not exist to cover the challenge, I address the challenge using my best judgment, and appropriate strategies. I do what I can with what I know, if don’t know I learn or seek advice from trustworthy mentor or colleague. If I fail I ask myself what I have learned from the failure.
Q. Have you been in a situation where you didn’t have enough work to do?
This type of situation will be very rare for me but nevertheless it happened to me. In situation like this I voluntarily look for items or internal business processes I feel require improvement and I have the capability to contribute. Also I can learn new tools or techniques to perform my job more efficiently. During last xmas period I had four days to spar, I used those days to analyse and recommend document management system called Documentom for XYZ.
Q. Have you ever made a mistake? How did you handle it?
Offcourse I made mistakes. Matter of fact I made many mistakes in my professional career. When I make mistake I practice same things that I preach my children. I become honest accept the truth and I am never in hesitate to say sorry or apologise. I look for a solution instead of pointing fingers at others. I attempt to do everything I can within my control to rectify the mistake. I also analysis the mistake and practice preventive actions to eliminate the same mistake.
Recently I documented a solution for a client which was rejected by the client. Requirement for the solution came in two separate documents in two separate emails. My solution was based on the first document, I over looked the second document because the email subject was somehow different.
When my manager informed me the news, I immediately contacted with the client, organised a face to face meeting in their office, explained the reason, apologised to the client, worked entire weekend to update the document. Later the client praised my effort to my manager also apologised for not giving a meaning full subject to the email that I missed.
Q. Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled implementing it?
Once I joined E-tivity, I noticed both the development and QA teams often miss the organisation standard for development, particularly standards related to user interfaces. These were causing inconstant looks and behaver within the system. I realised that the reason behind this issue is, some don’t have the full understanding of the standard as it is a rather large document, and other simply don’t take the standard seriously.
I also realised that if somehow the developers and Quality assurance personals are obliged to go through with the standard document frequently then the problem could be reduced if not eliminated. As such, I designed a web based checklist which includes 28 items to summarise the current development standard for the development and QA team to complete and submit each time they update their task status completed in project management system.
I put the proposal and checklist to the product manager and some key stakeholders. Soon both team became critical of my approach and raised number of concerns. I documented their concerns and responded appropriately to address their concerns.
After three months of negotiation the proposal was implemented just for the QA team and a matrix has been setup to monitor improvement of development team in this regards. Outcome that matrix will decide whether the development team will also require to submit the checklist or not.
Q8. Did you ever make a risky decision? Why? How did you handle it?
Risks are associated with almost every solution or proposal I prepare. I go through organisation guide line to manage risks. These involve, identifying how much risk organisation willing to accept in return for desired benefit. Identifying risks, categorising risks in different level, high, low, etc. Analysing and recommending risks mitigation actions.
Q9. Did you ever postpone making a decision? Why?
I try to not to postpone a decision as much as possible. I did it number of occasions when I felt that I don’t have enough facts to analysis and provide a sound decision. Also when I feel that there are elements of risk that need verify before making a decision.
I recalled a time when I delayed a contract with a client for three months because I was not certain about the 4 to 5 clauses that the client’s lawyer included in the SLA. Sales team raised their concern in highest level but I did not budge. I waited and managed to obtain a favourable outcome for my company.
Q10. Have you ever dealt with company policy you weren’t in agreement with? How?
I can think of two such policies in my current company XYZ that I do not agree with. It promulgates that it is a 100% customer focused organisation but so far it has not setup rules or guidelines how it will measure and distinguish good customer service. I felt formal definitions and some tangible examples are required distinguish the variance. I propose some points but haven’t heard anything in return yet.
The second policy is related to superannuation payment. Company pays employees super every 9 months interval due to some loophole in super law which I relay dislike. I informed my dislike to management but I don’t think I can’t do much about this.
Q11. Have you gone above and beyond the call of duty? If so, how?
Yes offcourse, often I put extra effort for my company and my manager that don’t fall within my job description. If I fell something need to be done for the good of my company, I fell encourage to be engaged with that initiative. For instance, I am an experienced technical writer, but technical writing does not fall into my responsibility. However, often I volunteer to document user guide, particular for modules that I have designed. Also, I recently convinced a client to extend its SLA with XYZ in number of items by showing the client benefits it will have by having those items in its SLA. Consequently my effort XYZ’s revenue. I also take imitative to improve existing process where I feel improvements are needed.
Q. Did you ever not meet your goals? Why?
I have a goal that I haven’t met yet. I was an oversees student in Australia and due to financial constrain I had to settle with a two years diploma from TAFE. I always wanted to achieve the bachelor degree in computer science. Occasionally I speak to my wife about my dream or goal, we are waiting for my 3 years old boy to be bit more mature, currently he is a handful.
Q. What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? Give an example of how you handle it.
First, I will think how I will be affected by this interruption and what benefit it will bring to my team or organisation. If I feel the benefit will offset my inconvenient, I will accept that interruption. Offcourse I will inform my manager and team about the situation
Q. Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren’t thrilled about? How did you do it?
When I was with IT Magnet, we had a development project for a not for profit organisation. The project required extracting data from a obscure database and display analytical information in MS XLS using graphs and chart. When I spoke to the development team for initial ideas and solutions, I felt that they were not encouraged by the prospect of coding for XLS as it require VBA coding which was fairly outdated.
Once both parties signed the contract for the development, I had to give a speech to the development team to remind them about our social responsibilities and how we will be helping a not for profit organisation to deliver its services to people in need. Why personal references should be kept aside for client such as this.
The development team got the message instantly and apologised to me for their earlier attitude about the client and project.
Q. Give an example of how you worked on team
Teamwork is an important aspect of Business Analysis work in general. At my current I work require teaming up with internal staffs as well as externals. I would be part of a team which will include other BAs including external to come up with innovative solutions to problems. Also, often I would be involved with Sales team to prepare RFI, RFP and estimation.
I work together with team member to plan, schedule, and distribution of responsibilities, transition and implementation. Effective team work helps me produce high quality deliverables, meeting the deadline. The end results are better customer service.
To be a good team member, I always greet others saying, good morning, good afternoon, how are you, etc. I use appropriate language when I speak, completely avoid making any smart comments. Always try to be helpful, if I can’t help someone, I give that person my reason. I acknowledge other work and praise them. If I have done something significant I inform team members so they feel motivated. I promote the team and team members’ work to upper management every opportunity I get. I am willing to listen to any team member’s work or personal problem and help them anyway I can.
Q. Have you handled a difficult situation with a co-worker? How?
The difficult situations or conflicts that I would be engaged with my colleagues primarily would be related to solutions. We both may have alternative solutions to a problem where both have strong opinions.
I deal with this type of situations as I deal with difficult stakeholders. I practice active listening, try to put myself into the other person shoes, and never feel hesitate to say sorry. I engage with constructive discussion and avoid blaming; I talk with respect, logics, examples, and avoid provocation. To establish my points often I prepare UI, prototype, perform research, and worst case scenario third party may get involve such as my manger or product manager. If handle well the outcome could be good for both of us as well as for the organisation.
Q. What do you do if you disagree with your boss?
Whenever I had disagreements with my managers, I left the decision making to my manager. However, I articulated my disagreements with some points and in a respectful manner of course including acknowledging their point of views. Preferably email rather than verbal.
The recent disagreement I had with my manager when he agreed with the Client Service manager in regards to stopping the system’s screens to open in popup, as this may cause excessive amount of support calls according to the Client Service manager.
Although their concern is valid, but to me benefit of having pop up option offset their concern much greater way. I conducted some researches and emailed them about my finding and my concerns.
Q18. What challenges are you looking for in this position?
My challenge would be meeting my stakeholders and managers expectations constantly and consistently. By being most competent business analyst who has the capability to deliver the most efficient information systems to the end users and value added information system to the organisation.
Q. When was the last time you were angry and what happened?
Be honest with John I can’t recall the last time when I showed my anger to someone at work. To me, getting angry with someone at work simply means I lost control of the situation. As a business analyst I cannot afford to do that. When I am angry with something or someone or even at home, I keep it myself, I take a deep breath, try to relax and say to myself tomorrow will be a better day. I try to think rationally if possible, I plan for my next course of action and move on.
Q. Give me proof of your persuasiveness
After joining E-tivity in 2010, I noticed that the organisation doesn’t have a document management system. Documents are kept in different servers in different folder structure and fairly unorganised manner. So I took initiative and prepared a business case for a document management system and managed to convince by manager to submit the business case to the board for funding approval. However, the board did not approve the funding due to their doubt about the cost benefit analysis that I included in the proposal.
After that I lobbied my case with few other colleagues to assure the board that my cost benefit analysis is accurate and managed to approve funding for the project in eight months later. As a new employee, it was a risky approach to approach others to get involved in this matter. Nevertheless I did and managed to achieve results.
Q. How do you evaluate success?
The feedbacks and praises I receive from my manager and clients. I also compare my work with other BAs and previously performed business analysis work. I actively seek feedbacks from stakeholders. Internally we have KPI and performance review process; also often we conduct lesson learned process.
Q. What are the major reasons for your success?
John, I move fast, you probably notice that I talk fast too. I take my time when I plan after that I don’t muck around with my work. I grebe things by the neck and don’t let it go until I am satisfied. I don’t look for reasons, I look for credibility. I am willing to work longer hours and even weekend if the job requires to.
Q. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss? How was it resolved?
Whenever I had disagreements with my managers, I left the decision making to my manager. However, I articulated my disagreements with some points and in a respectful manner of course including acknowledging their point of views. Preferably email rather than verbal.
The recent disagreement I had with my manager when he agreed with the Client Service manager in regards to stopping the system’s screens to open in popup, as this may cause excessive amount of support calls according to the Client Service manager.
Although their concern is valid, but to me benefit of having pop up option offset their concern much greater way. I conducted some researches and emailed them about my finding and my concerns.
Q24. What drives you to achieve your objectives?
Challenge, when I encounter a complex and large imitative, inside me I feel challenged and I response. I don’t look for reasons, I drive for credibility. This is how I achieve the desired outcome.
Q. What would you do if one of our competitors offered you a position?
I think this will depend on if I am not needed by your company and whether or not my employment contract will allow me to join another company. As you can see in my CV, I am not the type person who changes job just for few dollars more.
Q26. Can you work under pressure?”
Working under pressure or stressful situations is quite common in my line of work. Most cases these are related to a getting consensus from all levels of stakeholders within a given time, or coming up with a simple but innovative solution for a complex problem.
I enjoy working under pressure because I feel challenged and consequently I react to respond that challenge. Often I would motivate myself by saying Iqbal you have done this and been there before so this time will be no different.
When I am under pressure or stressful situations I plan what I have to do ease the condition. Often I would break down my entire day’s work into smaller segments and set target what I will be producing in each segment. Often I work longer hours or communicate extensively according to my plan to bring the situation under control.
Q. What environments allow you to be especially effective?
I prefer an environment where I can practice Business Analysis skills that I have learned over the years, also gives me the opportunity to learn new skills and enhance existing skills. I prefer environment where decisions makings are consistent with organisation policy and operation rules. I prefer environment which clearly explains what would be expected from me in term of my role and responsibilities. How my success will be assessed and informed.
Q28. What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
Not sure about the term the most difficult decision at work. Probably the decision to quite XYZ Corporation was the hardest. In relation to work, often I face dilemma when I see multiple good alternative solutions to a problem. This type of situations I use raking to select the best solution or I look beyond the current need from those solutions.
Other difficult area is requirements prioritisation for release or project phases. For requirement prioritisation, I use business need, risk, size, value added, and suitable resources to make my decision. Another BA area I can think of difficult is cost benefit analysis for business case. Often cost benefit analysis would be subject to interpretation, there for vulnerable to criticisms. To avoid interpretation and criticisms I conduct research, give examples of past experiences.
Q. Tell me about a special contribution you have made to your employer.
February this year I became involved in a project to replace E-tivity’s then helpdesk system called Gemini. Initially the Infrastructure department selected a system called Ramadi to replace Gemini with the estimated cost of 90K once off and 12k annual fees. However they were told to come up with a business case to justify the cost, that’s when I got assigned to the task to prepare the business case for the project. To stat, I meet Infrastructure department head Danijel Plazonic and asked him two questions why have we decided to replace Gemini, and whey did Infrastructure select Ramadi. I immutably notice that Danijel is not happy that management asked for a business case, he thinks whole exercise is a waste of his and my time. Nevertheless he informed me that we need to replace Gamini because E-tivity has decided to expand its operation in US, UK and India, therefore Infrastructure needs a system that can support its global operation in 24\*7. And Danijel selected Ramidi because he used that system at his previous work and fully aware of its capabilities. I then spent couple of days to identify and documenting features in Ramidi and spoke to couple of friends who use Ramid in their organisation. I documented Ramidi features in a spreadsheet where I used a worksheet for each module and a column to describe functions, another column to select whether the function is essential, Desirae or not needed and a column to comment on if the function is essential or desirable. I sent the spreadsheet to Danijel with request to select an item from the second column and type comment in third column where he feels necessary. After three follow-ups and three weeks later I received the updated version. In my business case I included Ramid and other two products, one of the product was Kayaoko, which has all the functions Danijel requires cost of $3K once of and $500 annual subscription fees. If needed the vendor will do any developments require integrating with our internal system at $60 an hour. Their system is used by Toshibal, GE finance and even NASA. In May we all received an email from Infrastructure that project to replace Gemini with Kayako will start soon. I saved E-tivity $87K and $7.5k each year.
Q. What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
I don’t know about the term most difficult situation. Currently I can think of two situations where my knowledge and experience was challenged and I had to respond.
When I was with itm, one of its project with University of New South Wales went pear shaped. Project managers from both ends were each other throat. There were lots of blame; both parties were heading towards to legal proceedings.
That time my project was near completion, I had some spare time to get involve with that mass. I approached the business owner and requested him to assign the project to me so I can have a go. He asked me are you sure Iqbal? I replied yes, and from then on I had no option but to succussed.
To start, I listened the same stories from both project managers and realised there were three main problems with the project. The first issue was, both project managers behaved poorly by trying to outsmart one another, rather than working together. The second issue was, UNSW BA did a poor job in terms of defining the underlying needs. The final one was, ITM sales team did a doggy job singing up the contract before properly investigating the scope of the project.
To move forward, I documented all issues, possible causes of those issues and recommend solutions for those issues in a spread sheet. And then I organised a session with UNSW project manager and her boss where we went with them each issue one by one, I was honest about the mistakes made from our end, I informed them about mistakes made from their end. Informed them about my commitment to the project, at the same time I firmly reminded them their responsibilities to the project. I outlined a plan to complete the project, which included how both parties will communicate, in terms of frequency, location. Deliverable milestones, how deliverables with be assessed and accepted. The Change management plan, deployment etc.
I negotiate with them in some areas of my plan, for other areas I stuck to my gun. I obtained a written consensus from them and managed to finish the project according to my plan. That year I received $20K bonus just for that project.
Q. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an irate customer. How did you handle the situation?
XYZ enterprise deals with employees Pay and entitlements. As you know any variation of employees payment would require immediate answer with reasonable expiation. Therefor I regularly face irritated and often angry clients. These clients could be our internal or external clients.
I deal with irritated clients using the same methods I follow to deal with difficult Stakeholder. I practice active listening, try to put myself into the other person shoes, and never feel hesitate to say sorry. I engage with constructive discussion; I talk with respect, logics, examples, and avoid provocation.
As early as last month I was verbally abused by a client who automatically assumed that a solution should have a capability that was outside the scope of approved requirement. For this instance. I had the clear answer for but I remained calm and I knew, no amount of explanations will not make Mark happy at that very moment as he was angry. I knew tomorrow will be different day for Mark, if I engage discussion with Mark next day the outcome would be lot better.
I said to mark “I clearly understand what you are saying but I need to look into my email and documents to give you an accurate answer”. He instated for the answer but in a farm voice I told Mark that it will be unfear for me if I have to give him rash answer since he thinks the matter is serious. I told him that I will get back to him first thing in tomorrow morning.
Once I hanged up with Mark, I dig the email that our project manager sent Mark informing him that particular capability he is asking for will not be included in this release, she may consider for the next release. As Mark did not replay or CC to me his respond to that email, I automatically assumed he had no issue with that arrangement. On that day, just before leaving the office I sent him an email referring that email and explaining the reason why we could not include that requirement on current release. I also assured him that I will try my best to include the requirement for next release.
Q.How do you take criticisms?
Generally I face criticisms about the solutions that I have prepared or idea that may have come up with. Be honest with you John.. Early stage of my career I would react and try to defend myself. But that are past. These days I welcome criticism wholeheartedly. I see a criticism simply a second opinion or another opinion. I see criticism as some is helping me to identify where the room for improvements are. Often I thank people for positive and constructive criticism.
Q. How do you take direction?
You know John.. I am an experience BA and I require very little management. Quite often I don’t see my manager for entire week. He will log my tasks sometime with lots of detail, sometime very little detail. Of course I prefer details but I am not fuss about fewer details either. Whatever format directions come, I get on to my work. Also quite often requests will come from product manager, solution architect or implementation consultants. I analyse the requests base on their merit rather than who requested. No job is too big for me; no job is too small for me either. If my manager or organisation needs me to do the job I just do.
Q. What colour is your brain?
That would be water colour. That is why I am calm, cool and collective.
Q. Do you prefer working in a team or on your own?
It depends on time of the day and type of work. I prefer to work alone early in the morning because that’s when I prepare my plan form the day. Also when I am working on task that cannot be broken down any more. For example, I am designing a specific user interface. Apart from these two scenarios I enjoy teamwork.
Q. What will you do if you don’t get this position?
I will perform a lesson learn process to contemplate why I did not get the job. Then I will think of whether it is within my capability to overcome the identified limitation. If it is, I will plan and work hard to address that limitation.
Q. How do you manage your team?
- I clearly explain what I expect from my team and individual team member
- Try to be consistence with my decision making
- Decision that will have adverse effect on the team, I clearly explain the rotational behind the decision
- Setup matric and KPI to measure team member success
- Show empathy when a team member face personal problem
- Recognise their hard work and give credit every opportunity I get
- Make them feel important and acknowledge their contribution to the company
- Lead from the front when team encounter technical or non-technical chainages
- Try to practice what you preach
- To point something I use word such as I fear, I gather, I assume
- Prefer to request them rather than telling them
- Often I give tam a name.
- Encourage team bonding activities, such as Friday afternoon out, barbeque etc.
Q. How do you ensure quality of your work?
By adhering the organisation standard for business analysis work, methodology, policy and existing process. The quality of business analysis work can be measured against the business analysis activities performed in past projects, also by KIP such as number of change requests, time taken to approve a requirement.
Q. What action do you take when one of your proposals is rejected?
I immediately try to identify the reasons why the proposal was rejected. I will amend my proposal to address those reasons. If I strongly believe actual benefit will be much greater than the concern shown, then I will lobby with my colleagues, wait for another opportunity to resubmit the proposal, wait for an incident that can use to support my case. Perform research to validate my claim. Or accept the fact and move on.
Q. How do you interact with contractor and supplier?
To effectively interact with external vendor there are three essential competencies a I need to have. The first thing is interaction skill; this will establish me to them that I am approachable and willing to listen to their concerns or ideas. Second thing is that I am knowledgeable about the product or business domain so whatever concerns and idea they may have I have the ability to contribute and validate. Third thing is I must have strong work ethic by which I will earn their respect and consequently they will take be seriously.
Q. How do you build up relationship with external and internal stakeholders?
To build effective relationship with stakeholder the BA must have in depth knowledge in business domain to establish him or herself a credible person. It also requires good verbal and communication skill to demonstrate others that that the BA has good business and technical knowledge. It also require strong work ethic to earn respect from all level of stakeholders the person is capable of delivering.
To me the fundamental of building good relationship with stockholder is behaving ethically in order to earn trust and respect of stakeholders. This will enable me to establish that I deserve their confidence and concern with their best interest. This involve engaging with the stakeholders’ needs not their desires, it also require honesty address the issues when they occur.
Q. What action will you take if you are assigned to a task unexpectedly when you middle of competing an important task
I encounter this type of situation quite often, and I follow the same process I generally follow to prioritise my tasks or requirements for release.
I will compare the competing tasks by asking three questions:
- Which task is currently causing the most adverse impacts and quantify those impacts. Such as loss of revenue, loss of working hours, customer desertification.
- Completion of which task will bring the most benefit to the organisation
- How much time will take to complete the newly assigned task compare to my existing task
Based on these assessments, will decide whether to start the newly assigned task or to inform the assignee why I think the task should wait.