Behaviour Offences Flashcards
Fighting in Public Place
[In a Public Place]
*This is a consent based offence.
Two persons, or more must agree upon a fight and engage in fighting in a public place. If one person is not consenting, it is assault and they are using self defence if they fight back.
*If a person withdraws consent and the other continues, it is also assault.
Disorderly Behaviour Likely to Cause Violence
[In a public place, or within view of] \+ [Behaves or incites others to behave in] \+ [A riotous manner] (force, or violence likely to alarm0 or [An Offensive manner] (arouses feelings of anger, resent, or disgust) or [A threatening manner] (Displays intent to hurt, or punish) or [An insulting manner] (Insulting or seriously annoying behaviour) or [A disorderly manner] (Seriously Disruptive, or disturbs public order) \+ [Is likely in the circumstances to create an instance of violence to a person or property]
Offensive or Disorderly Behaviour
[In a Public Place, or within view of]
[Behaves in an offensive manner, or behaves in a disorderly manner]
Disorderly Assembly
[Assembly of 3 or more people] \+ [In a public place] \+ [Assembly or conduct of the persons causes public to fear on resonable grounds] \+ {Assembly will either] \+ [Use violence, or commit an offence]
s32 - excreates in public place
[Urinates, or Defecates]
[In any public place]
*s39 SOA K9 Power:
This offence is arrestable if witnessed by an officer and the person fails to give details, or provides false details, persons expectation of reasonable privacy should be taken into account.
Resisting Police
[Resists, or Incites others to resist]
[Any constable or authorised officer, or person acting in execution of lawful duties]
[Intentionally Obstructs, or Incites other to Obstruct]
[Any constable, or authorised officer, or person acting in the execution of lawful duties]
Types of Obstruction
Physical - Deliberate use of body to block, or hinder access to suspect/offender
Delaying - Deliberate delaying tactics to aid in escape of suspect/offender
Warning - Warning someone in the act of an offence that law enforcement are approaching, to allow avoidance of arrest.
Refusing to obey - Refusing to carry out lawful instruction, or allow statutory search
Telling Untruths - Deliberate untruths to an enquiring constable to allow and offender to evade the constable
A Public Place is:
[A place that at any designated time] \+ [Is open to, or being used by public] \+ [Either free, or for payment] \+ [Whether owner is lawfully entitled to exclude persons] \+ [Includes any mode of transport] \+ [That is carrying, or available to carry for reward] \+ [Includes the interior of any transport in a public place]
Assault Offence
Assaults (Act of intentionally applying, or attempting to apply force to another person, directly, indirectly) \+ Another Person (Another person as victim)
Assault Factor: Intent
Was the applied force intended
Assault Factor: Weapons, or Degree of force used
Was the assault a slap, or was a knife or weapon used. Was the person intentionally kicked in the head, or concussed?
Assault Factor: Injury Received
Was the victim injured, wounded, or killed
Peeping or Peering into Dwelling
Found (Discovered, seen entering, leaving, or seen) \+ By Night (Between 1st hour after sunset and 1st hour before sunrise) \+ Without Reasonable Excuse (no lawful, resoable, genuine excuse) \+ Peeping or Peering Into a dwelling house (A lived in residence)
Loitering on land of dwelling house
Found \+ By Night \+ Without reasonable excuse \+ Loitering on any land \+ On land with dwelling house situated
Found on Property without reasonable excuse
Found \+ Without Resonable Excuse \+ In, or On \+ Any Building, or Any powered vehicle
Found in enclosed yard or area, without reasonable excuse
Found \+ Without Reasonable Excuse \+ In \+ Any enclosed yard, or similar area
Trespass Offence
Trespasses \+ On any place \+ After being warned to leave that place by any lawful occupier \+ Neglects, or refuses to leave
Trespass after previous warning Offence
Being a person previously served trespass notice \+ Wilfully trespasses onto that place \+ Within TWO years
Trespass address no longer occupied by owner = Offence, Y/N?
Not an offence anymore, person who trespassed is not in lawful control of property