starting sentence for this paragraph
one assumption of the behaviourist approach is behaviour is learned through conditioning.
what is classical conditioning -explain
Classical conditioning suggests behaviour is learnt through association we learn to associate a stimulus with a response. We call this stimulus response associations.
what is operant conditioning -explain
operant conditioning suggests that behaviour is a result of
reinforcement and consequences from the environment.
what is positive and negative reinforcement -explain
Positive and negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of behaviour being repeated by either adding a pleasant stimulus or removing an unpleasant stimulus Punishment decreases the likelihood of a
behaviour being repeated.
what is an example in psychology
An example in psychology is how fear can be classically conditioned as
demonstrated by Watson & Rayner (1920).
explain little Albert research - example
Little Albert showed no fear of items like a white rat, rabbit, or cotton. To condition fear, researchers struck a steel bar with a hammer behind his head, startling him. They repeated this while giving him the white rat, causing him to associate the rat with the frightening sound. Eventually, Albert cried at the sight of the rat alone, having learned the association.