Behaviour Assessment Causes of behavior Flashcards
What is a contingency?
A dependant and / or temporal rlations between operant behaviour and controlling variables.
A dependant and / or temporal rlations between operant behaviour and controlling variables.
A contingency
Define function of behaviour?
Refers to the purpose of a behaviour
Refers to the purpose of a behaviour
The function of behaviour
What does function refer to?
The stimulus that reinforces behaviour
The stimulus that reinforces behaviour
What function refers to
Waht are the categories of function?
Access to tangibles or activities
Sensory stimulation
Access to tangibles or activities
Sensory stimulation
The catergories of the function of behaviour
What are the effects of attention dependant on?
Who delviers the reinforcer
The content of the stimulus e.g. praise , reprimand
NOt all attention is equal
What is escape?
Situation in whxih a behaviour allows an individual to get away from or avaiod a particular stimulus.
Situation in whxih a behaviour allows an individual to get away from or avaiod a particular stimulus
What type of reinforcement is attention?
what of reinforcement is escape?
What type of reinforcement is tangible?
What type of reinforcement is sensory stimulation?