Behaviour Analysis (BCBA exam prep) Flashcards
An experiment is designed to discover the differential effects of a range of values of an independent variable
Parametric Analysis
Frequency, Latency, Duration or amplitude of a response is altered by the presence or absence of an antecedent stimulus
Stimulus Control
The occurrence of a previously punished class of response
Recovery From Punishment
Arrange a reinforcer for a response that is preceded by some minimum time without responding (spaced responding)
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates of Behaviour (DRL)
Verbal Behaviour under the control of a non-verbal discriminative stimulus which produces generalised conditioned reinforcement
Prompts that involve the behaviour of another person to evoke a particular response
Response Prompt
A stimulus in the presence of which some responses have been reinforced and in the absence of which those responses have not been reinforced
Discriminative Stimulus
An operant class that occurs more frequently under some antecedent conditions then under others
Discriminated Operant
Increase in the rate of responding in one setting as a result of a decrease in reinforcement (or an increase in punishment) in another setting
Positive Contrast
Contingency in which reinforcement is not available for a specialised period of time after switching to another alternative (in a concurrent schedule arrangement)
Change Over Delay (COD)
Change in one component of a multiple schedule that increases or decreases the rate of responding on that comment is accompanied by a change in the response rate in the opposite direction on the other, unaltered component of the schedule
Behavioural Contrast
X schedule of reinforcement, in which X refers to the number of previous responses from which the current response must differ in order for reinforcement to occur
Lag Schedule
Measure of the relative change in the rate of responding per unit of time
Three ways in which a listener is able to reinforce responses to private events
Public Accompaniment, Collateral Responses and Common properties
Verbal Behaviour controlled by a verbal discriminative stimulus which DOES NOT HAVE point to point correspondence with the response
Verbal Behaviour which is controlled by verbal discriminative stimuli and have point to point correspondence and formal similarity with the response
A neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a conditioned response through pairing with an unconditioned stimulus (US)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Very weak intensities of a stimulus will not elicit a response but as intensity increases there is a point at which the response is elicited
The Law of Threshold
The extent to which the target behaviours are appropriate, intervention procedures are acceptable, and important and significant changes in target and collateral behaviours are produced
Social Validity
The effects of a participants behaviour in a given condition that are the result of the subjects experience with a prior condition
Sequence Effects
A schedule that requires a number of responses before reinforcement is produced
Ratio Schedule
Decrease in the rate of responding in one setting as a result of an increase in reinforcement in another setting
Negative Contrast
Time-sampling procedure where you record whether the behaviour is occurring only at the end of the interval
Momentary Time Sampling
Recording tangible items or environmental effects that result from a behaviour (outcome recording)
Permanent Recording
The extent to which the observed and measured data matches the true value of that event in nature
As the intensity of the Unconditioned stimulus increases so does the magnitude of the elicited Unconditioned response
The Law of Intensity
Presents two or more basic schedules of reinforcement in an altering, usually random sequence; schedules operate successively and independently; correlated with SDs
Multiple Schedule of Reinforcement (Mult)
Facts about observed events that can be quantified, classified and examine for possible relations with other known facts
Operational definition of a response that includes responses that includes responses at meeting the definition based on their common effect on the environment
Function-Based Definition
Verbal Behaviour that occurs as a result of the state of deprivation for the speaker and reinforcer is specified in the response
When a specified change in the dependent variable can reliably be produced by specific manipulation of the independent variable and is unlikely to be due to other, extraneous factors
Functional Relation
Following training with if A then B. and if B then C the derived relations of B - A and C - B exemplify
Following training with if A then B, and if B then C, the derived relation of C - A exemplifies
Combined Transitivity and Symmetry (sometimes termed an equivalence test)
A stimulus in the presence of which a response has a lower probability of occurrence than in its absence
Discriminative Stimulus for Punishment
Arranges a reinforcer for a response that occurs within some period of time since the last response (space-responding)
Differential Reinforcement of High Rates of Behaviour (DRH)
Refers to only observable characteristics of behaviour and translates unobservable events into observable ones
Objective (in terms of operational Definition)
Predictable change in dependent variable can be reliably produced by manipulation of the independent variable and is unlikely as a result of uncontrolled or confounding variable
Experimental Control
Behaviour under the control of contingency specifying stimuli
Rule-Governed Behaviour
The reinforcement of responses lower than a predetermined criterion (number of responses) that is gradually decreased over successive sessions
Differential Reinforcement of Diminishing Rates of Behaviour (DRD)
Verbal Behaviour controlled by a verbal discriminative stimulus which has point to point correspondence, but NOT formal similarity
Textual Behaviour
When a UR is repeatedly elicited, responding occurs with smaller magnitude and longer latency. It may eventually fail to occur
A negative punishment procedure involving the loss of access to positive reinforcement for a period of time
Time-out From Positive Reinforcement
Reinforcement provided whenever the requirement of either the ratio or interval is met regardless of which is met first
Alternative Schedule (ALT)
The tendency for an operant to occur in one situation, such as the presence of a red light, but not in other situations, such as the presence of a blue or green light
Stimulus Discrimination
Effects of observation and measurement systems on the behaviour being observed
Allows Functional relations to be derived by demonstrating a specific change in one variable is reliably produced by manipulation of another variable and the change is unlikely to be a result of confounding variables (extraneous factors)
Captures only a sample of a behaviour during an observation
Discontinuous Measurement
Form of discontinuous measurement because not all instances of the responses are measured/detected. Observation is divided into equal sized intervals and you record if behaviour occurred during each interval according to the specific rules for each time-sampling procedure
Continuous questioning of truthfulness and validity of scientific theory and knowledge
Philosophical Doubt
Following training with if A then B, and if B then C he derived relations of A - A, B - B and C - C exemplify
Rule-governed behaviour occurs not as a result of the contingency specified in the rule but as a result of a….
History of Rule Following
Behaviour which occurs due to reinforcement mediated by a listener
Verbal Behaviour
SD’s that have been altered in some way to make them more likely to prompt a correct response
Within-stimulus prompts
As the intensity if the US increases, the latency of the appearance of the elicited UR decreases
The Law of Latency
Responses that share a common form
Topographical Response Class
An assumption of science that states that conclusions are tentative and should be continually questioned
Philosophical Doubt
A reinforcer that is effective due to its relation to some reinforcer
Conditioned (secondary) Reinforcer
Detectable interaction of a person and an aspect of the environment
Stimuli which share common functions
Functional Stimulus Class
Explanations that place the course of behaviour in unobservable mental processes
Group of stimuli share common (functional or formal) elements
Stimulus Class
If a study is applied it must…..
have social significance and importance to the participants
An assumption of science that states the simple explanations should be ruled out before more complex ones considered
A consequence that increases probability of future response is called a ….
Behaviours that produce reinforcement independent of the mediation of others
Automatic Reinforcement
Collection of responses with common source of influence from environment
Response Class
If a study is Analytic, then it must …..
Demonstrate a functional relationship between events and behaviour
If a study is behavioural it must …..
Involve a behaviour which is in need of intervention and is measurable (not a hypothetical entity)
Dependent relationship between response class and one or more stimulus classes
If a study is conceptually systematic it must …..
involve procedures that are described in terms of basic principles of behaviour
If a study is effective it must ……
Improve the behaviour to a practical degree
If a study is technological it must …..
Describe procedures in sufficient detail to permit replication
If a study is general it must …..
Show effects that last over time, across environments or across behaviours
Measure of the number of response opportunities needed to achieve a predetermined level of performance
Trials to Criterion
A direct measure of social validity where participants are provided with a choice between two or more initial link responses (e.g., touching a coloured card or pressing a button) After completing an initial link response, participants are exposed to the intervention associated with that initial link in the terminal link
Concurrent chains procedure
A stimulus change that has been paired with numerous unconditioned and conditioned punishers
Generalised Conditioned Punisher
Stimulus that elicits a behaviour without any history
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
Procedures for detecting and recording the number of times a behaviour is observed (e.g., count, rate)
Event Recording
Punishment that occurs independent of the social mediation of others
Automatic Punishment
Four methods of pairing US and CS
Simultaneous, Trace, Backwards and Delayed
Arrangement of conditions to evaluate experimental control
Experimental Design
Definition describes what is included and excluded so there is little room for interpretation
Complete (in terms of operational definition
Defining features of Relational Frames
Mutual Entailment, Combinational Entailment and Transformation of Function
Behaviour that has been shaped by direct acting contingencies
Contingency-shaped Behaviour
Have the same effects that motivating operations have, but are due to a conditioning history
Conditioned Motivating Operations (CMO)
Following training with if A then B, and if B then C the derived relation of A - C exemplifies
Aims to capture every possible behavioural occurrence
Continuous Measurement
The demonstration of Reflexivity, Symmetry, Transitivity, and Combined symmetry and transitivity
An Equivalence Class
Increase in reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus (value altering effect of MO)
Establishing Operation (EO)
Two or more contingencies of reinforcement operating independently and simultaneously for two or more behaviours
Concurrent Schedule of Reinforcement (Conc)
Same as multi schedule BUT schedules in operation are NOT correlated with Discriminated Stimulus (SD)
Mixed Schedule (Mix)
Stimulus generalisation within a class of stimuli and stimulus discrimination between classes of stimuli
Concept Formation
Pairing an existing CS with an NS to create CS(2)
Higher-order Conditioning (respondent)
A schedule effect produced by both fixed interval and fixed ratio schedule
Post-reinforcement Pause
Arrangements that specify which responses within an operant class will be reinforced
Schedules of Reinforcement
A schedule that require a passing of a period of time before the next response produces reinforcement
Interval Schedule
The extent to which the data obtained from measurement are directly relevant to the target behaviour of interest and the reasons for obtaining it
Response lacking clear beginning and end and extend across time
Continuous Response
When data consistently over- or under-estimate behaviour; may occur if participants are aware of experimental conditions
Definable and measurable variable characteristic, dimension, property of value
Something that appears to exist because of the way it is measured
Measurement Artifact