behaviorist Flashcards
Classical condition
Learning from repeated pairing of a
1) neutral or conditioned stimulus with an
2) unconditioned stimulus: one that evokes a response;
Uncondition Stimuli (UCS) uncondition response (UCR)
unlearned process
salivating with meat
Condition Stimuli (CS) condition response (CR)
learned process
salivating with bell
acquisition phase
time between UCS to CS
stimuli generalization
similar sounding stimuli generate the behavior
stimuli discrimination
ability to differentiate between two similar stimuli
spontaneous recovery/remission
the behavior may comeback when presented with the stimuli
stop responding to the stimuli
Operant conditioning
most likely to repeat a behavior that got you something positive (+ reinforcement)
not repeat something that give you a negative consequence (- reinforcement)
Ratio reinforcement schedule
reinforce by the action, times something is performed
interval reinforcement schedule
reinforce by the amount of TIME
Continuous reinforcement schedule
1:1 action and consequence; learn most quickly
Fixed reinforcement schedule
1:1, 2:1, 3:1….maintained
Variable reinforcement schedule
1:1, 3:1,2:1….keep the behavior the longest,