Behavioral Therapy Flashcards
The behavioral model is grounded in the principles of _______ and is known as a _______ analysis.
operant conditioning,
S - \_\_\_\_ O - \_\_\_\_ R - \_\_\_\_ C - \_\_\_\_ K - \_\_\_\_
S - Stimulus O - Organism R - Response C - Consequence K - Contingency
In SORCK analysis, the response column contains
the specific behaviors that make up the presenting problem. Examples include: verbally abusing mom, jabbing a corkscrew at mom and swearing, etc..
The easiest place to start in looking at a SORCK analysis is the _____ column.
(SORCK analysis) The stimulus column
Triggers for the problematic responses or behaviors.
What are the three sub-headings in the SORCK stimulus column
- Historical (have a bearing on the likelihood of whether or noth the behavior is going to occur, but don’t directly elicit the behavior.
- Contextual (stimuli that are occurring concurrently with the problematic response, increasing the likelihood of its occurrence but not directly eliciting the response( exposure to violent films)).
- Immediate (stimuli that occur immediately before the problem behavior).
(SORCK analysis) The organism column
Variables that influence the relationship between the antecedent (preceding) stimuli and the response; and that are characteristic of the current state of the individual. Organismic variables may include cognitive functioning, drug use, emotions, and physical health problems.
(SORCK analysis) The consequence column
What happens after the problem behavior or response. It is important to think about this question from the perspective of each person involved in the interaction. Consider immediate and delayed consequences.
(SORCK analysis) The contingency column
Where we do our thinking in terms of the principles of operant conditioning, about how the behavior or response and its consequences are related to each other. Where we try to understand what function the behaviors are serving.
The course recommendation for order in which to carry out SORCK analysis
1 - Response 2 - Stimulus 3 - Organism 4 - Consequence 5 - Contingency
Cognitive behavioral therapy differs from behavioral therapy in its emphasis on the importance of an individual’s _______.
cognition or thoughts.
The key strategies involved in cognitive behavioral therapy are:
- Explain the rationale for the importance of thoughts - their relationship with feelings and behaviors;
- Identify unhelpful thoughts;
- Challenge unhelpful thoughts;
- Cognitive restructuring – where appropriate, replace unhelpful thoughts with more realistic thoughts.
The model that underpins the cognitive element of cognitive behavioral therapy is the _____ model.
A - ______
B - ______
C - ______
A - activating event
B - belief or thoughts
C - consequences (emotional, physiological and behavioral consequences).
It’s not so much what happens to us in our lives that is important, but how we make sense of, or think about, the things that happen to us in our lives.
Providing good and clear rationale about the importance of ______ is the linchpin of cognitive behavioral therapy. Once we’ve done this, we ask clients to start keeping track of the thoughts that they have when their mood is low, anxious, angry, or whatever negative emotion they are feeling, so they can identify their unhelpful thoughts. Then we teach them about ______.
cognitive restructuring
Cognitive restructuring
Involves having people look at the evidence for and against the thoughts that are causing them to feel distressed. It is not about “thinking postively” per se, but rather about learning to realistically evaluate the likelihood that unhelpful thoughts are accurate.
In order for an intervention to be evidence-based, there need to have been at least ______ – otherwise known as RCTs, that indicate that the intervention is useful in treating a particular presenting problem.
two independent randomized controlled trials
Three criterion for evaluating the efficacy of different therapies
- Two independent RCTs
- Better than placebo or alternative
- Competently carried out
Randomized controlled trial (RCT)
a type of scientific (often medical) experiment which aims to reduce bias when testing a new treatment. The people participating in the trial are randomly allocated to either the group receiving the treatment under investigation or to a group receiving standard treatment (or placebo treatment) as the control.
For Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) the diagnostic criteria state that a person needs to have demonstrated
-5 or more symptoms during the same 2-week period for most of the day nearly every day;
that the person’s presentation needs to represent a significant change compared to their previous functioning;
and that one of the 5 symptoms needs to be either persistent sad mood most of the day and on most days– or avolition/anhedonia.
In children and adolescents, persistent sad mood may also manifest as ______ mood.
Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Anhedonia; Significant change in weight or appetite (not dieting); Fatigue; Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide; Difficulty concentrating or indecisiveness; Psychomotor agitation or retardation; Persistent sad mood; Change in sleep patterns; Thoughts of worthlessness or guilt.
Persistent depressive disorder is also called
Persistent depressive disorder (Dysthymia)
like a much more chronic, but lower grade in intensity version of major depressive disorder. However, the impact can be as great or greater than that of MDD.
Criteria for Dysthymia
a person needs to demonstrate depressed mood for most of the day, more days than not, for at least two years (for children it is one year). They must also display two symptoms from this list: poor appetite or overeating; insomnia or hypersomnia; low energy or fatigue; low self-esteem; poor concentration or problems making decisions; sense of hopelessness.
It’s possible to meet criteria for two depressive disorders simultaneously.
This is referred to as double depression.
A person may have an underlying predisposition, this may be a genetic, physiological or psychological vulnerability to develop depression, which is then triggered by exposure to stressful life events for example – causing the predisposition to convert into a disorder.
In terms of psychological interventions, ______ has the strongest evidence base, with ______ also showing good outcomes.
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Two of the key strategies within CBT for the treatment of depression are
behavioral activation and cognitive restructuring.
Behavioral activation, also known as Pleasant Events Scheduling, targets depressive symptom of
loss of pleasure or interest in previously enjoyed activities. With this strategy, we work with our client to figure out what activities they used to enjoy before they became depressed. Then, we essentially set homework tasks in which the client has to engage in activities they previously enjoyed, Exercise will often be included in behavioral activation homework.