Behavioral Sciences Flashcards
Correspondent Inference Theory
A theory that states that people pay closer attention to intentional behavior than accidental behavior when making attributions, especially if the behavior is unexpected.
Alter- Casting
In impression management strategy in which one imposes an identity onto another person.
Perceptions about a situation that may or may not be supported by available evidence but are nonetheless perceived as information that may be used to make a decision.
Social Construction Model of Emotion
A theory of emotional expression that assumes there are no biologically wired emotions; rather, they are based on experiences and situational context alone.
Dissociative Disorders
Disorders that involve a perceived separation from identity or the environment.
Any energy pattern that is sensed in some way by the body; includes visual, auditory, and physical sensations, among others.
In classical conditioning, the decrease in response resulting from repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus without the presence of the unconditioned stimulus.
Subliminal Perception
Perception of a stimulus below a threshold (usually the threshold of conscious perception).
Selective Attention
The ability to focus on a single stimulus even while other stimuli are occurring simultaneously.
Symbolic Interactionism
The theoretical framework that studies the ways individuals interact through a shared understanding of words, gestures, and other symbols.
The process of receiving information and preparing it for storage; can be automatic or effortful.
Demographic Transition
The transition from high birth and mortality rates to lower birth and mortality rates, seen as a country develops from a preindustrial to an industrialized economic system.
The extreme disapproval or dislike of a person or group based on perceived differences in social characteristics from the rest of society.
Broca’s area
A brain region located in the inferior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe (usually in the left hemisphere); largely responsible for the motor function of speech. Damage causes Broca’s aphasia, loss of the motor function of speech, resulting in intact understanding with an inability to correctly produce spoken language.
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep
Sleep stage in which the eyes move rapidly back and forth and physiological arousal levels are more similar to wakefulness and sleep; dreaming occurs during this stage.
In a Freudian psychoanalysis, the result of overindulgence or frustration during the psychosexual stage; causes a neurotic pattern of personality based on that stage.
Conflict theory
A theoretical framework that emphasizes the role of power differentials in producing social order.
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
Theory that distinguishes between two groups: communities (Gemeinschaften), which share beliefs, ancestry or geography; and society (Gesellschaften), which work together toward a common goal.
A change of behavior of an individual at the request of another.
A term used to describe the observable patterns of social relationships among individual units of analysis.
The sense of “touch,” which contains multiple modalities: pressure, vibration, pain, and temperature.
Associative learning
The process by which a connection is made between two stimuli or a stimulus and a response; examples include classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
Maintenance rehearsal
Repetition of a piece of information to either keep it within working memory or store it.
Disconfirmation principle
Idea that states that if evidence obtained during testing does not confirm a hypothesis, then the hypothesis is discarded or revised.
Explicit memory
Memory that requires conscious recall, divided into facts (semantic memory) and experiences (episodic memory); also known as declarative memory.
Primacy effect
The phenomenon of first impressions of the person being more important than subsequent impressions.
Symbolic culture
The nonmaterial culture that represents a group of people; expressed through ideas and concepts.
Self-serving bias
The idea that individuals will view their own success as being based on internal factors, while viewing failures as being based on external factors.
Master status
A status with which a person is most identified.
Cerebral cortex
The outermost layer of the cerebrum, responsible for complex perceptual, behavioral, in cognitive processes.
Social perception
Understanding the thoughts and motives of other people present in the social world; also referred to as social cognition.
The number of new cases of a disease per population at risk in a given period of time; usually, new cases per 1000 a-risk people per year.
A psychotic disorder characterized by gross distortions of reality disturbances in the content and form of thought, perception, and behavior.
Long-term potentiation
The strengthening of neural connections due to rehearsal or relearning; thought to be the neurophysiological basis of long-term memory.
Zone of proximal development
Those skills which a child has not yet mastered but can accomplish with the help of a more knowledgeable other.
An altered state of consciousness in which a person appears to be awake but is, in fact, in a highly suggestible state in which another person or event may trigger actions by the person.
Defense mechanism
A technique used by the ego that denies, falsifies, or distorts reality in order to resolve anxiety caused by undesirable urges of the id and superego.
The process of demonstrating that information has been retained in memory; includes recall, recognition, and relearning.
Arousal theory
A theory of motivation that states that there is particular level of arousal required in order to perform actions optimally; summarized by the Yerkes-Dodson law.
Instinctive drift
The tendency of animals to resist learning when a conditioned behavior conflicts with the animal’s instinctive behaviors.
Crystallized intelligence
Cognitive capacity to understand relationships or solve problems using information acquired during schooling and other experiences.
Back stage
In the dramaturgical approach, the setting where players are free from the role requirements and not in front of the audience; back stage behaviors may not be deemed appropriate or acceptable and thus kept invisible from the audience.
The changing the beliefs or behaviors in order to fit into a group or society.
Mental set
A tendency to repeat solutions that have yielded positive results at some time in the past.
Gestalt principles
Ways for the brain to infer missing parts of an image when an image is incomplete.
A portion of the forebrain that serves as a relay and sorting station for sensory information, and then transmits the information to the cerebral cortex.
A defense mechanism by which the ego forces undesired thoughts and urges into the unconscious mind.
Pineal Gland
Brain structure located near the thalamus that secretes melatonin.
A portion of the hindbrain that maintains posture and balance and coordinates body movements.
A sleep disorder characterized by a lack of voluntary control over the onset of sleep; also involves cataplexy and hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations.
Implicit memory
Memory that does not require conscious recall; consists of skills and conditioned behaviors.
Inductive reasoning
A form of cognition that utilizes generalizations to develop theory.
An organized pattern of thought and behavior; one of the central concepts of Paiget’s stages of cognitive development.
Conversion of physical, electromagnetic, auditory, and other stimuli to electrical signals in the nervous system.
Fundamental attribution error
The general bias toward making dispositional attributions rather than situational attributions when analyzing another person’s behavior.
Decreased response to a drug after physiological adaptation.
Intelligence quotient
Numerical measurement of intelligence, usually accomplished by some form of standardized testing.
In classical conditioning, the process by which two similar but distinct conditioned stimuli produce different responses; in sociology, when individuals of a particular group are treated differently from others based on their group.
In Freudian psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious mind that mediates the urges of that id and superego; operates under the reality principle.
A defense mechanism by which unacceptable urges are transformed into socially acceptable behaviors.
Concept seen in quantitative analysis performed by a child; develops when a child is able to identify the difference between quantity by number and actual amount, especially when faced with identical quantities separated into varying pieces.
Societal rules that define the boundaries of acceptable behavior.
The act of searching for and exploiting food resources.
A part of an individual’s self-concept based on the groups to which that person belongs and his or her relationships to others.
A society in which advancement up the social ladder is based on intellectual talent and achievement.
In impression management strategy where one creates obstacles to avoid self-blame when he or she does not meet expectations.
Temporal lobe
A portion of the cerebral cortex that controls auditory processing, memory processing, emotional control, and language.
Classical conditioning
A form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus such that the neutral stimulus alone produces the same response as the unconditioned stimulus; the neutral stimulus thus becomes a conditioned stimulus.
Managing appearances
In impression management strategy in which one uses props, appearance, emotional expression, or associations with others to create a positive image.
The ethical tenant that the physician has a responsibility to act in the patient’s best interest.
The form of negative reinforcement in which one eschews the unpleasantness of something that has yet to happen.
Depressive episode
A period of at least two weeks in which there is a prominent and persistent depressed mood or lack of interest and at least four other depressive symptoms.
Appraisal model
A similar theory to the basic model, excepting that there are biological predetermined expressions once an emotion is experienced; accepts that there is a cognitive antecedent to emotional expression.
Attitudes and impressions that are made based on limited and superficial information about a person or group of individuals.
Weber’s law
A theory of perception that states that there is a constant ratio between the change in stimulus intensity needed to produce a just-noticeable difference and the intensity of the original stimulus.
Errors of Growth
Misuse of grammar characterized by universal application of a rule, regardless of exceptions; seen in children during language development.
Spacing effect
The phenomenon of retaining larger amounts of information when the amount of time between sessions of re-learning is increased.
Recency effect
The phenomenon in which the most recent information we have about an individual is most important in forming our impressions.
Cannon-Bard theory
A theory of emotion that states that a stimulus is first received and is then simultaneously processed physiologically and cognitively, allowing for the conscious emotion to be experienced.
Sleep apnea
Sleep disorder in which a person may cease to breathe while sleeping; may be due to obstruction or a central (neurological) cause.
Elaborative rehearsal
The association of information in short-term memory to information already stored in long-term memory; aids in long-term storage.
In operant conditioning, the use of a stimulus designed to increase the frequency of a desired behavior.
Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep
Stages one through four of sleep; contains ever slowing brain waves as one gets deeper into sleep.
Limbic System
A portion of the cerebrum that is associated with emotion and memory; includes the amygdala and hippocampus.
Operant conditioning
A form of associative learning in which the frequency of the behavior is modified using reinforcement or punishment.
The ethical tenet that the physician has a responsibility to avoid interventions in which the potential for harm outweighs the potential for benefit.
The ethical tenet that the physician has a responsibility to respect patients’ choices about their own healthcare.
Representativeness heuristic
A short cut in decision-making that relies on categorizing items on the basis of whether they fit the prototypical, stereotypical, a representative image of the category.
Confirmation bias
A cognitive bias in which one focuses on information that supports a given solution, belief, or hypothesis, and ignores the evidence against it.
Parallel processing
The ability to simultaneously analyze and combine information regarding multiple aspects of stimulus, such as color, shape, and motion.
In Freudian psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious mind focused on idealism, perfectionism, and societal norms.
The violation of norms, rules, or expectations within society.