Behavioral science Flashcards
What is the skew when mean>median>mode?
Positive skew
Where is the tail in a positive skew?
Tail is to the right in a positive skew
What is the type of error when you reject the null hypothesis but there really is no effect or difference?
Type 1 alpha error
If the confidence interval between two groups do NOT overlap is there a significant difference?
What are the percentages included in 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations?
1 - 68%
2- 95%
3 - 99.7%
What are the Z values used in confidence interval calculations for 95% and for 99%?
95% - 1.96
99% - 2.58
Which federal program is used for the elderly?
MedicarE is for the Elderly (greater than or equal to 65), those that are less than 65 with certain disabilities and those with end-stage renal disease
Who uses Medicaid?
Medicaid is for the Destitute.
this is joint federal and state health assistance for those with low income
In what situations is parental consent NOT required (list 5)?
- Emergency
- prescribing contraceptives
- treating STDs
- medical care of pregnancy/abortion
- treatment of drug addiction
What 10-point scale is used at 1 minute and at 5 minutes to assess a newborn?
Apgar score
What does the Apgar score assess?
APGAR Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration
What sleep pattern changes do you see in the elderly?
decreased REM and slow wave sleep (N3); increased latency and awakenings
What are the Kubler-Ross grief stages?
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression (grieving) Acceptance
What are the stages of sleep?
Remember the stages by using “at night BATS Drink Blood”
Awake (eyes open) - Beta Awake (eyes closed) - Alpha Stage N1 - Theta Stage N2 - Sleep spindles and K complexes Stage N3 - Delta REM - Beta
In what stage of sleep does teeth-grinding (Bruxism) occur?
Stage N2