throws a ball
stacks three blocks
climbs stairs one foot at a time
scribbles paper
1.5 years old
kicks a ball
balances one foot on 1 s
stacks six blocks
feeds self with a spoon
2 years old
rides a trycicle
undressess and partially dresses w/o help
cclimbs stair
stacks blocks
copies a cricle
3 years old
catches a ball w arms
dresses independently using buttons & zippers
grooms self
hops on one foot
draws a person
copies a cross
4 years old child
catches a ball with two hands
draws a person in detail
skips using alternate feet
copies a square
five year old child
ties shoe laces
rides a two-wheeled bicycle
prints letters
copies a triangle
6 year old child
can say 900 words, speaks in complete sentences
three year old child
age of child where he/she begins to understand that death is final and irreversible
6 year old child
a child understands that he or she can die
9 years old