Behavioral Question Flashcards


Tell Me About Yourself Question:


Certainly! My name is Oluwadamilola (Dammy) Ebenezer Owolabi, and I’m an analytical data professional with a strong background in data science and engineering. I currently possess a Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University while currently taking a prttime online Masters of Science in Data Science program. Over the years, I’ve developed expertise in data analysis, predictive modeling, and process automation using tools like Python, SQL, Power BI, and Tableau.

During my internships at Arm and Rice University, I worked on various projects involving data automation, chip design simulations, and statistical analysis. One of my key achievements at Arm was automating the process of running chip design simulations, which increased efficiency by 40%. I also took on a leadership role within my team, ensuring we met tight deadlines and collaborated effectively.

I thrive in environments that challenge me to solve complex problems and continuously improve. At Daikin, I see an opportunity to leverage my skills to optimize data processes and contribute to the company’s long-term goals. I’m passionate about using data to drive innovation and improve business performance, which aligns well with Daikin’s focus on efficiency, customer value, and continuous improvement.

Outside of work, I’m always looking for new ways to expand my knowledge, whether through online courses or attending industry-related talks and seminars. I believe in continuous learning and applying new insights to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving field.”

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Do you have any questions?


Yes, I do. I’m really excited about the opportunity to work at Daikin and contribute to your digital transformation efforts.
- How does Daikin approach the continuous professional development of its employees, particularly in data science and analytics roles?
- What are the main challenges the data team is currently facing, and how can this role help address them?
- Can you describe the company’s vision for the next few years in terms of data strategy and how this role fits into that vision?

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Tell me about a time when you worked on a team to solve a challenging problem. How did you contribute, and what was the outcome?


During the final weeks of my internship at Arm, my manager assigned me and two other interns to work on automating the process of running chip design simulations, extracting relevant data from a Linux environment, and presenting the results as data tables and visualizations in Excel. The deadline was tight, as it was set for the week the program ended.

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What do data analysts do?


Data analysts collect, process, and perform statistical analyses on large datasets to derive actionable insights that support decision-making. They work closely with different departments to understand business challenges and use data-driven approaches to solve them. Analysts clean, organize, and analyze data, build reports, and visualize trends that help improve processes, optimize performance, and identify opportunities for growth. At Daikin, this would mean focusing on data-driven strategies that align with customer experience improvements and long-term business value.

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What was your most successful/most challenging data analysis project?


Situation:** During my internship at Arm, I was assigned to a team tasked with automating the process of running chip design simulations and extracting valuable data insights.
Task: The goal was to build a Python script that would automate the entire process and visualize the results in Excel. We faced tight deadlines, and the project required collaboration with multiple team members.
Action: I took the lead in organizing the project. First, I coordinated with my teammates by setting up meetings and delegating tasks based on our strengths. I then wrote a Python script to automate the simulations and used Linux commands to extract data efficiently. I also created data visualizations using Excel for easy interpretation.
Result: The project was completed ahead of schedule, and the automation we developed improved team efficiency by 40%. The process was later adopted by the team for future work, and I received positive feedback from both my manager and supervisor.

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What’s the largest data set you’ve worked with?


The largest dataset I’ve worked with contained over 1 million records for a video game recommendation engine I developed. The project involved cleaning and organizing the data, running analyses using Python and MySQL, and building a recommendation model to improve recommendation accuracy by 35%. Managing such a large dataset helped me develop strong organizational and analytical skills, essential for handling Daikin’s large data sets across its various operations.

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Tell me about a time when you got unexpected results.


During my medical expenses prediction project at Southern Methodist University, I was working on a predictive model using KNN and ensemble methods to estimate healthcare costs.
Task: My goal was to develop an accurate model to predict the medical expenses of both smokers and non-smokers. However, the initial model yielded unexpected and inaccurate predictions.
Action: I decided to thoroughly investigate the dataset and found that the classes were imbalanced, which was skewing the predictions. I used oversampling techniques to balance the dataset and ran the model again after fine-tuning the hyperparameters.
Result: The model’s performance improved by 30%, and I was able to provide accurate predictions. This experience taught me the importance of handling class imbalance in datasets and iterating on models to achieve the best results.

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How would you go about measuring the performance of our company?


*Situation:** At Arm, I was tasked with measuring the performance of different chip designs to identify which ones optimized power performance and efficiency.
Task: I had to develop metrics to assess the performance of the simulations and create insights for the design team to improve the overall architecture of the chip.
Action: I identified key performance indicators (KPIs) such as power usage, performance efficiency, and system reliability. I then created visual dashboards using Python and Excel to track these KPIs and provided the design team with data-driven insights.
Result: This approach allowed the design team to identify areas for improvement, which led to a 25% increase in simulation accuracy. A similar approach could be applied at Daikin to measure business performance, focusing on KPIs such as customer satisfaction, sales growth, and operational efficiency.

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Tell me about a time when you worked on a team to solve a challenging problem. How did you contribute, and what was the outcome?*


Situation:** During the final weeks of my internship at Arm, my manager assigned me and two other interns to work on automating the process of running chip design simulations, extracting relevant data from a Linux environment, and presenting the results as data tables and visualizations in Excel. The deadline was tight, as it was set for the week the program ended.

Task: While my teammates were wrapping up other projects, I realized the importance of the task and the fast-approaching deadline. I took the initiative to ensure we stayed on track.

Action: I stepped up to lead the team, first by creating a Teams group chat to facilitate communication and ensuring everyone was on the same page. I organized a meeting with our manager to clarify expectations and answer any questions we had about the project. From there, I delegated tasks among the team based on each person’s strengths, ensuring we used our time efficiently. I also set up weekly meetings to review our progress and discuss any challenges. Additionally, we held another meeting to update the manager on our progress.

Result: We successfully completed the automation script ahead of the deadline, created detailed documentation for future reference, and our work was adopted by the team for continued use, increasing project efficiency by 40%. The experience not only improved the workflow but also demonstrated the power of collaboration and taking ownership when necessary—values I see align closely with Daikin’s emphasis on teamwork and continuous improvement.”

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Tell me about a time when you had to learn something new quickly to complete a project. How did you approach it?*


Situation: In the first few weeks of my internship at Rice University, I was tasked with fabricating samples for research and uploading the results into an Excel sheet.

Task: I had no prior experience in fabricating samples, so I needed to learn the process quickly to meet the project’s deadlines.

Action: My approach was to start by observing and shadowing my senior colleagues. I took detailed notes on each step of the fabrication process and asked relevant questions to better understand the task. After gaining some familiarity, I requested to perform the task myself under supervision, allowing my colleague to point out any mistakes in real-time. I made it a point to ask for feedback at the end of each day so I could improve and refine my technique.

Result: Within a few weeks, I was able to complete the sample fabrication independently, significantly reducing the time required by my team to handle this task—saving around 80% of the time. This allowed my team to focus on other critical aspects of the research. I was also commended by the professor for my proactive approach and dedication to learning quickly, which improved the overall efficiency of our work.”

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Describe a time when you had to adapt to a significant change at work or in a project. How did you handle it, and what was the result?*


Situation:** During the second month of my internship at Arm, my supervisor from the verification team left the company for another opportunity. As a result, I was transferred to the implementation team, which focused on using data analysis and computer engineering to extract insights from chip architecture designs.

Task: This was a significant change for me, as I had no prior knowledge of the specific work the implementation team handled. My task was to quickly adapt, learn their methodologies, and

contribute to their ongoing projects.

Action: To manage the transition, I took a proactive approach in learning about the team’s tasks and projects. I participated actively in team meetings, asking questions to clarify unfamiliar terms and processes. I also attended company lectures on topics relevant to the team’s work to enhance my understanding. Additionally, I set up weekly meetings with my new supervisor, using those sessions to ask detailed questions and receive feedback on my progress.

Result: This approach significantly improved my understanding of the team’s processes. Not only was I able to contribute to the project, but I also presented my work to my fellow interns, receiving positive feedback from my supervisor. My manager was particularly impressed that I was able to quickly adapt to the new team and exceed expectations, despite joining late. This experience demonstrated my ability to be flexible and my commitment to continuous learning, values that closely align with Daikin’s culture.”

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Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult colleague. How did you handle the situation, and what was the outcome?*


Situation:** During my internship at Arm, I worked on a project with two other interns to automate the process of running chip design simulations and collecting performance data. One of my colleagues was often unresponsive and disengaged, which was causing delays and miscommunication within the team.

Task: I knew that for the project to succeed, it was crucial that all team members contributed effectively. My goal was to foster better collaboration and ensure we met the project deadlines.

Action: I decided to approach the situation with transparency and integrity. I started by having a one-on-one conversation with the colleague to understand if there were any challenges they were facing. During this discussion, I learned that they were overwhelmed with other responsibilities, which was affecting their ability to contribute. To address this, I proposed a reallocation of tasks within the team, ensuring each member focused on areas where they could be most effective. I also set up regular check-ins and used a shared project management tool to improve communication and ensure everyone stayed accountable.

Result: This open dialogue and adjustment in workload helped my colleague become more engaged and productive. As a result, we were able to complete the project on time, and our automation script increased the team’s efficiency by 40%. My manager appreciated the collaborative approach I took to resolve the issue, which ultimately led to a more cohesive and productive team.”

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What are your strengths?


One of my key strengths is my passion for continuous learning and development. I’m always eager to take on new challenges and stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. Whether it’s through formal training, certifications, or self-study, I actively seek opportunities to expand my knowledge, which allows me to bring fresh ideas and innovations to the team.

I also thrive in collaborative, multidisciplinary environments. I believe that working with diverse teams provides valuable opportunities to learn from others and share my own expertise. This collaborative mindset has enabled me to contribute meaningfully to projects by leveraging different perspectives and driving better results. Lastly, my ability to quickly adapt to new tools and technologies ensures that I can help drive efficiency and innovation, qualities that I see aligning closely with Daikin’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.

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what are my weaknesses


I tend to get deeply focused on tasks, sometimes to the point where I lose track of time, which has led me to stay late at work in the past. While this reflects my commitment to delivering high-quality work, I recognize that maintaining a balance and taking breaks is important for sustained productivity and fresh perspectives.

To address this, I’ve made a conscious effort to structure my day better. I now set reminders to take short breaks and use productivity techniques like the Pomodoro method, which helps me stay refreshed and focused. I’ve also learned to recognize when stepping away for a moment can actually lead to more efficient problem-solving. I’m continually working on finding the right balance between dedication and efficiency, aligning with Daikin’s commitment to delivering results while promoting a healthy work-life balance.

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