Behavioral Neuroscience Ch.3 Flashcards
Active Zones
The areas of the presynaptic axon terminal where synaptic vesicles bind to the axon terminal’s membrane
Drug abuse that is characterized by the presence of tolerance and withdrawal symptoms
Afferent Pathway
A pathway through which trains of action potentials course through sensory neurons in the direction of the spinal cord.
Drugs that bind to receptors to mimic the effects of the neurotransmitter that normally binds to it.
Allosteric Modulation
When different chemicals can regulate the activity of a channel by each having their own receptor site on that same channel.
The inability to feel pleasure.
Drugs that block the actions of a neurotransmitter by binding to its receptors.
Axoaxonic Synapse
A synapse between two axons.
Axodendritic synapse
A synapse between an axon and a dendrite.
Axosomatic synapse
A synapse between an axon and a cell body.
Behavioral Tolerance
When a person has learned to compensate for the drug’s effects.
Brain reward areas
Brain areas that provide a sense of pleasure when stimulated.
cell-adaptation theory
The idea that functional tolerance occurs when neurons become progressively adjusted to the effects of a drug.
circuit of addiction
A circuit of brain areas associated with the stages of the cycle of addiction.
clostridium botulinum
A bacterium found in improperly conserved foods. It is better known as botulinum toxin.
Proteins that allow the passage of ions from one neuron to the other at electrical synapses.
cycle of addiction
A theory that views addiction as progressing through three stages.
dendrodendritic synapse
A synapse between two dendrites.
Drugs that slow activity in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
dispositional tolerance
When the body becomes progressively better at breaking down and eliminating the drug.
The process by which synaptic vesicles align to the area from which they will release the neurotransmitters they contain.
A chemical or mixture of chemicals that alters physiological function.
drug abuse
Using drugs in a way that causes physical and/or psychological harm to self or to others.
efferent pathway
A pathway through which trains of action potentials course through motor neurons in the direction of the periphery.
The process by which molecules are taken up into a cell
Endogenous opioids
Opioids that are naturally present in the nervous system.
An enhanced sense of pleasure, excitement, and well-being.
excitatory neurotransmitter
A neurotransmitter that binds to receptors that trigger the opening of Na+ channels, which results in the depolarization of the neuronal membrane.
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
A postsynaptic potential that causes the voltage of the membrane to move toward the activation threshold.
The process by which molecules are exported out of a cell.
Functional Tolerance
When neurons progressively become adjusted to the effects of a drug.
Gap Junctions
The points of connection between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons at electrical synapses.
A protein that, when activated, travels on the inside of the neuron, where it can influence its function.