Beginnings of Life I Flashcards
AG Ref No 3 (1994)
The Attorney General clarified the law in 1994 and confirmed that a fetus and embryo has no personhood until they are born.
R v Gibson (1990)
Dead embryos were made into earrings, and the criminal courts found that that was an affront to public decency. So, it couldn’t be an assault and it could not be a battery because the embryos were not people, but the law was able to adapt and protect the specialness or uniqueness of those embryos.
Re MB (1997)
On cesarean sections where a mother needed a cesarean section to save her child. The courts have said that even though it might be morally repugnant, the decision lies with the mother. So even if the outcome is bad for the embryo, their special status cannot trump the autonomy of the adult, the person carrying them.
VO v France (2004)
What the court said they are in relation to this issue – what is the status of a fetus/embryo? – because there was so much complexity and doubt over this, this was an area best left to each states’ margin of appreciation
The licensing requirements are in Section 3 and in Section 4.
Anything involving the creation of an embryo (Section 3(1)), or the storage of gametes (Section 4) – the sperm or the egg – requires a license.
Anything involving the creation of an embryo (Section 3(1)) requires a license
Anything involving the storage of gametes requires a license.
Introduced in 2008. This is effectively all about cloning and the ability to genetically modify embryos. So in regards to what is allowed it puts a limit. Any non-permitted embryos cannot be placed into a woman’s body.
Genetic modifications are not currently permissible. Section 3(2).
Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority - Code of Practice
You have to treat on license premises
You have to get consent (Sch. 3) from the parties involved; this is clearly an important one and we will look at the consent requirement in a bit more detail in a few minutes.
There are some onerous recording obligations as well.
So, you have to record where all the gametes come from, the consent arrangements, the information that is being given.
Recording obligations on clinics are quite onerous.
There are also obligations vis-à-vis providing information to patients, to donors, and to also, in most cases, to give the opportunity for counselling. This is a controversial process and so people involved should be able to avail themselves of counselling.
To do anything which requires a license without one is a serious criminal defence – Section 41.
Conscientious objection provision.
Allows the authority to do is to vet the family and to whom this baby will be born.
Under Section 13(5) the access questions have to ask and consider the welfare of the child to be born but also other children, existing children, of the family.
Section 13(5) includes the need for supportive parenting. That part of the provision is interpreted in the Code of Practice.
Then there are two lists: “it can either be harmed or neglect due to past or current experiences”; so the list includes previous convictions related to harming children, child protection measures taken as regards existing children, and violence were discord in the family environment – so if it is a family that argues a lot, then that could be taken into account.
It then goes on to say: “in addition to those issues indicating harm or neglect, it is also relevant to look at any inability to care for the child”– and the things listed are mental or physical conditions.
So, you can be excluded on the grounds of a physical problem.
Drug or alcohol abuse; medical history, particularly if there is an indication that the child born could suffer from that.
Or, any other circumstances which might be considered harmful to the child.
R v Ethical Committee of St Mary’s Hospital [1998]
The claimant patient had a series of convictions in her past for prostitution and she was turned down for IVF treatment. So, she had convictions for prostitution. The challenge was on the grounds that this decision was not a reasonable. Remember, with judicial review it is “Wednesbury Unreasonableness”. So the challenge was on the reasonableness of the decision, but she lost. On the facts of the court was satisfied that any reasonable clinic would have made the same decision. So her challenge was through judicial review and Wednesbury Unreasonable, and she lost.
R v SoS (ex p Mellor) [2001]
This was also a judicial review, but this one argued human rights. Mellor was serving a life sentence for murder. He had asked for artificial insemination in relation to his wife. So he wanted to try and have a baby through artificial insemination with his wife. The application was refused under Section 13(5). He argued that in this case that to refuse artificial insemination breached his and his wife’s Article 8 right to procreate. So, the argument squarely was on Article 8. Refusing artificial insemination meant that the Article 8 rights were offended; but the court found that one legitimate purpose of punishment was the fundamental interference with human rights. Here the ages of the two people involved were considered in the decision to deny artificial insemination, because the decision merely meant that their right to procreate was delayed. The woman was young enough that when Mellor is released from prison they could try to conceive naturally. That was relevant, because the decision merely delayed the right or chance to procreate.
Dickson v UK [2007]
Very very similar facts to Mellor. The only difference was that the lady in question would have been 51 on the date of her husband’s release from prison. Initially, in the domestic case the decision went against the couple. They were again refused artificial insemination. But when the case went on appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, the court found that here the decision not to provide treatments ended their right to procreate because of their age. Effectively, they would have no further chances. So, on that factual difference the Dickson’s Article 8 rights were breached.