Beginning of life (uses of embryos) Flashcards
Different views about when life begins
- when the heart starts beating
-at birth
-when the soul is given - at conception
IVF (in vitro fertilisation)
Fertilisation which happens out of the body and in a lab. Allows individuals who cannot naturally conceive to still have the opportunity to have children. Could be for same sex couples or infertile couples.
Timeline of embryo development
-sperm and ovum fuse making a zygote
- cells start to drive and a blastocyst is implanted by day 5-6
- day 14-15 the primitive streak appears (will develop into spinal cord and brain)
-day 21 heart starts to beat
-4 weeks arms legs, eyes, ears and nose start to develop
- 45 days electrical brain wave patterns can be recorded
- 8 weeks now called a fetus by scientists, all organs functioning, growth and maturity are all that occur now
-9 weeks the fetus can make a fist will grasp on to objects
-week 13 hair appears on the head, fetus sleeps and wakes, practices breathing.
-week 16 fetus is about half birth length
-week 24 baby can survive by itself is born and giving special care
-week 28 eyes open, fetus can hear and respond to mothers voice
-week 38 full term (40 week) pregnancy.
Screening and selecting
One or more cell is taken from the embryo and the DNA is tested for chromosomal abnormalities. This helps ensure more viable embryos are implanted.
What happens after 14 days of development
Embryo is
-implanted into uterus
Moral issues of IVF
- is it morally acceptable to interfere with the natural reproduction process
- is it playing the role of God
- selecting and screening could cause parents to use IVF for ‘designer babies’
Research uses
- pure research is research to further human understanding but there is no specific aim
- research with a specific aim has a particular question that is being addressed