Beginning of life Flashcards
Questions in who should be parents?
- Rights and responsibilities
- The fertility paradox: regulation, access and equity
- Autonomy versus non-maleficence
- Social interference, social justice, social engineering
- Welfare of the child
What assisted reproduction techniques are possible?
- Artificial insemination
- In vitro fertilisation
- Gamete donation
- Embryo donation
- Use of artificial gametes
- Reproductive cloning
What uses are there of assisted reproduction (opportunities)?
- Infertility
- Single and same sex parents
- Prevention of inherited conditions
- Fertility preservation
- Sex selection
- Designer babies
- The reproduction industry
What “immoral” uses of assisted reproduction are there?
- Sex selection
- Designer babies
- The reproduction industry
Questions around infertility?
- What is infertility
- Who are infertile, a person versus couple
- Absolute versus impediment
- Who should be offered treatment
- What treatment should be offered
- How should fertility treatment be funded
How can infertility treatment be used to create a disability free baby (or designer baby)?
- Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
- Pre-implantation genetic testing for anomalies
- Some people may even choose to seek disability (Deafness and achondroplasia)
What can designer babies be used for?
- Sex selection
- Saviour siblings
- Seeking disability
- Seeking certain characteristics
What arguments are there in sex selection?
- Undermine the status of women
- Gender ratio imbalance
- Against nature
- Parental love
- Virtue of acceptance
What can social egg freezing be used for?
- Impact/lengthen the age of fertility in women
- Reproductive control
- Allows fertility after certain medical treatments/illnesses
What issues surround egg freezing?
- Financial implications
- Pregnancies beyond menopausal age
Pros and cons of the reproduction industry?
- Opportunity for parenthood
- Problems with access
- Potential for exploitation
What questions surround the status of an embryo?
- When does life begin and the primitive streak?
- Use of embryonic stem cells
- Pain and neurological development?
Pros and cons of abortion
- Acknowledges sexual and reproductive rights of women
- Reduces risk of harm physically and mentally of an unwanted pregnancy
- Safe abortions save lives globally
- Wanted children thrive
- Denial of rights of an embryo/fetus
- Eliminating the potential of life
- Contraception should be used as an alternative
Which questions surround pre-natal screening?
- Justified?
- Whose decision?
- Which conditions should be screened?
- Should screening be used as a determining factor in terminating a pregnancy?
Which questions surround neonatal care?
- The right to be resuscitated?
- Criteria for resuscitation ?
- Living a disability free life, who decides?
What are the ethical issues surrounding the beginning of life?
- Who has a voice? Mother, father, child?
- Autonomy, for whom?
- Beneficence, for whom?
- Non-Maleficence, for whom?
- Utilitarianism: Individual verse collective good
- Can the end justify the means?